RFID Smart Logistics Design Solutions

logistics industry demand

Logistics is the physical movement process of transporting materials from suppliers to demanders, involving the unified integration of multiple basic activities such as transportation, storage, packaging, loading and unloading, circulation processing, distribution and information. Driven by economic globalization and e-commerce, express logistics and pharmaceutical logistics have become two important industries in modern logistics. With the development trend of intelligent logistics, Internet of Things technology has become the core, and the emphasis on resource integration and optimization of the entire logistics process has become the core feature of modern logistics. The Logistics industry as a systematic whole is greatly changing the business model and production model, highlighting its important role and strategic position in economic development.


With RFID technology as the core, by installing RFID electronic tags on products and packaging containers as the only technical identification, the whole process of logistics can be traced back, and RFID reading and writing equipment can be used to realize automatic identification of logistics points and improve the overall logistics efficiency. At the same time, by closely combining RFID real-time information collection with the information system, the changes in logistics Assets can be timely understood, and the timeliness of logistics asset information can be improved.

Application link

1. Express logistics

Industry characteristics: The express logistics industry has the characteristics of large turnover, high logistics costs and high management difficulty.

Customer pain points: low operating efficiency of packaging materials, large investment in consumables for packaging containers, and high personnel management costs.

Solution: By installing RFID electronic tags on packaging containers and establishing RFID Readers and writers at transfer sites, automatic reading of materials such as packaging materials and turnover containers entering and leaving the warehouse can be achieved. By timely obtaining the inventory data of containers at each transfer site, accurate container allocation can be achieved to improve container utilization efficiency and overall logistics efficiency.

Value benefits: Realize refined management of various circulating containers used in the logistics link; establish a container allocation system with data foundation to promote the rapid circulation of circulating containers; activate idle containers, reduce the overall investment in containers, and reduce the cost investment in production containers.

2. Pharmaceutical logistics

Industry characteristics: In the pharmaceutical logistics industry, there are many pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises with small scale, lack of unified coding for pharmaceutical wholesale, low degree of automation, and mainly rely on manual operation.

Customer pain points: It is difficult to ensure the quality of drugs during storage and transportation; logistics information lags, affecting drug supervision; manual operation data is inaccurate.

Solution: By using RFID technology to manage the production and circulation of pharmaceutical products, the specific operation method is to use a unique product code between manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers to identify the identity of pharmaceutical products. During the production process, RFID electronic tags are attached to each pharmaceutical product and the unique product code number is recorded. Through the RFID reader, the legality of the product can be verified in real time, production efficiency can be improved, labor costs can be reduced, product quality inspection time can be shortened, and all situations of the product manufacturing process can be monitored in real time, so as to quickly respond to market demand and reduce the loss of expired products.

Value benefits: Improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, shorten product quality inspection time, monitor product manufacturing process in real time, quickly respond to market demand, and reduce the loss of expired products.

Typical case

Project background

Logistics efficiency is an important indicator of the competitiveness of the logistics industry. A well-known company hopes to improve the identification speed of logistics transfer points, reduce logistics storage time, and realize the rapid transfer in and out of logistics items through RFID technology, so as to improve the overall logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs.

Solution Introduction

This project uses "RFID reader" as the core technology to realize the rapid identification of turnover packaging containers and transmit the data entering and leaving the transfer station to the warehouse management system. The specific plan is as follows:

1. Install an RFID UHF tag on each turnover packaging container as a unique identifier.

2. Install multiple RFID readers at the entry and exit locations of each transfer station to realize rapid and automatic identification of turnover packaging.

3. Upload the entry and exit information to the material management system in real time.

Project Application

This project uses multiple sets of self-developed RFID readers, covering 6 transfer stations, with a total of more than 20,000 RFID tags.

Value Benefits

By realizing the rapid identification of material turnover, logistics efficiency has increased by 40% and labor management costs have been reduced by 20%.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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