RFID power asset full-cycle intelligent management application solution

Demands of the power industry

State Grid has proposed a plan to build a "ubiquitous power Internet of Things", aiming to use modern information technology and advanced communication technology to realize the interconnection of all things in all aspects of the power system, and build a smart service system with comprehensive perception, efficient processing and convenient and flexible characteristics. Among them, one of the key directions is to promote physical objects around the entire life cycle of power Assets, realize the information connection of design, procurement, construction, operation and decommissioning, and realize the interconnection of all things in the whole process of material supply and demand and the full online business, so as to improve equipment quality and material operation capabilities.


In order to meet the above needs, a set of system solutions based on intelligent perception technology is proposed, covering multiple links such as product manufacturing, warehousing management, equipment inspection, asset positioning and online monitoring. Through the close integration of real-time information collection and information systems, asset changes can be understood in a timely manner and the timeliness of asset information can be improved. By abolishing paper asset records, the physical assets and information systems can be associated and synchronized to ensure the accuracy of asset information. Every change of assets, including planning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning, can be recorded through tags to achieve the integrity of asset information and achieve the synchronous management of "people, places, time and things".

Application link

1. Intelligent manufacturing

Industry characteristics: The structure of power equipment is complex and the demand is unstable. It is often necessary to customize production according to the specific needs of users, requiring the production line to be more transparent, controllable and efficient.

Customer pain points: It is difficult to trace the quality data and problems of the manufacturing process, the production sorting is time-consuming and cumbersome, and a large number of paper forms cause resource waste.

Solution: By writing product specifications and parameters into the label and installing readers and writers at each station, the label specifications and parameters can be read, thereby realizing the automatic control and collection of manufacturing process data.

Value benefits: Optimize production quality management and facilitate quality traceability; realize intelligent production sorting and paperless management to improve production efficiency; provide support for product innovation, fault diagnosis and prediction, after-sales service and supply chain optimization.

2. Intelligent warehousing

Industry characteristics: Power warehousing management includes receiving, shelving, replenishment, picking, packaging and delivery. In a highly competitive environment, enterprises must continuously improve to adapt to the needs of supply chain competition, strengthen intensive management of materials, improve material distribution efficiency, reasonably control inventory, and reduce logistics costs.

Customer pain points: a large number of workers, low logistics efficiency, difficulty in finding goods, inaccurate warehouse information, and high requirements for employee responsibility.

Solution: Intelligent handling and unloading can be achieved through automatic unloading, unmanned operation of path planning, intelligent transformation of forklifts and automatic identification of goods; high-speed batch entry and exit identification can be achieved at the entrance and exit by installing RFID Readers or RFID intelligent channel doors; transparent and efficient inventory of warehouses can be achieved through intelligent vertical warehouse systems or intelligent transformation of warehouse locations and equipment.

Value benefits: realize labor-saving and efficiency-enhancing, batch-free, real-time transparency and intelligent handling of power asset warehousing and Logistics Management.

3. Intelligent inspection

Industry characteristics: In order to ensure safe production, power equipment needs to be inspected regularly and repaired in time. However, the current inspection work is usually recorded manually, and the use of one-dimensional barcode records is easily damaged and difficult to read. It is time-consuming and error-prone to organize and summarize inspection data.

Customer pain points: Due to the lack of effective supervision measures, the seriousness of inspection work often depends on the consciousness of employees. Manually recording inspection items is very inconvenient and not conducive to storage and processing.

Solution: A special RFID tag for power is proposed. The RFID electronic tag has consistent excellent performance under any medium. During the inspection process, the inspection results and geographic location information are written into the tag to achieve information traceability.

Value benefits: Realize real-time data transmission and improve inspection efficiency; realize automatic early warning of inspection through "one object, one code", and realize quantitative and standardized management of inspection tasks.

4. Asset visualization

Industry characteristics: The number of power assets is huge, widely distributed, with various specifications and models, frequent changes, fast technology updates, and huge amounts involved. This easily leads to idle equipment, loss or repeated purchases, reducing asset utilization and increasing operating costs.

Customer pain points: The physical information and the information of the management information system cannot be synchronized in real time, and the current location and status of the asset (idle, normal use, maintenance, scrapped) cannot be understood in real time.

Solution: By binding each asset with an RFID tag, the location information of the asset can be viewed in real time. When the asset moves, the movement time and trajectory of the asset are recorded, and the asset information is obtained from the data reported by the RFID tag.

Value benefits: Realize real-time dynamic management of power assets, support one-click repair of equipment asset failures, reduce asset losses, and improve work efficiency.

5. Online monitoring

Industry characteristics: It is difficult to collect the main attributes and status information of power transmission and transformation equipment in a timely and accurate manner, and the life cycle of the equipment is long. Enterprises lack scientific, accurate and effective information basis when making planning decisions.

Customer pain points: The monitoring of power transmission and transformation equipment mainly relies on offline manual operations, resulting in low efficiency in obtaining status information such as main attributes and inspections.

Solution: Provide a smart grid equipment monitoring system based on IoT data fusion technology, realize the perception and collection of online monitoring information of power transmission and transformation equipment through smart sensors, and realize accurate collection of equipment main attributes and inspection status information.

Value benefits: Realize fast and efficient real-time data collection of power transmission and transformation equipment, and provide scientific, accurate and effective information basis for enterprise planning and decision-making.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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