RFID Application articles

Application characteristics of rfid UHF PDA in warehouse inventory and object tracking management

Combined with the development trend of online and offline, the feedback rate of supply chain management opinions of convenience Stores is stipulated. If there is inventory in the management method, it is very important. Long-term storage of goods will also lead to slow picking, long-term stocking, delay in logistics details and many other problems, which will affect the user experience. The introduction of rfid technology has completed the digital management of store management and delivery, collection, marketing, logistics, transportation and other operational links, overcoming the problem of low efficiency in store management. Many problems, such as multi-management. The application of UHF PDA handset reduces the waiting time of customers, reduces the labor cost of convenience store management and improves work efficiency.

Practical application of intelligent rfid UHF PDA

1. The inventory of the goods on the shelf can be checked at any time, and the purchase and stocking can be completed in time to ensure the availability of goods.

2. The rfid ultra-high frequency PDA quickly collects data information content, transmits it immediately, and assists the salesperson to check the goods information.

3. It can undertake the daily tasks of store delivery. The UHF PDA will immediately send the order details and plan the route to ensure that the goods are delivered immediately and accurately, reducing the time for logistics details and reducing customer waiting.

4. Complete the quick summary of inventory products, visualize the inventory management, and improve the feedback rate of the supply chain.

5. It is convenient for managers to grasp the store operation situation, statistically analyze product inventory backlog/sales data, and provide basis for management decision-making.

Application characteristics of intelligent rfid UHF PDA

1. Improve efficiency: PDA can improve efficiency, save working time, reduce workload, reduce period costs, and make the inventory structure more scientific.

2. Small degree of difficulty: the system software cooperates with each other, PDA can realize multiple functions, and the degree of difficulty in implementation is small, which is conducive to popularization.

3. Mature technology: UHF PDA professional technology is very mature, easy to use, good stability, which improves the accuracy of data summary. The stability of data communication overcomes the shortcomings of relatively slow and error-prone manual summary.

4. The equipment is easy to install, easy to use, and has a strong scope of application: the explosion-proof PDA handheld terminal does not need to be lifted, and it will not last for a long time. The space is limited, and it is easy to use, which is conducive to real-time completion of warehouse inventory and object tracking management.

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