3C manufacturing RFID production line intelligent upgrade and transformation design solution

3C industry demand

In recent years, with the support of policies, the advancement of related technologies and the promotion of market demand, the 3C industry has developed rapidly. my country's 3C market has entered a stable development stage. As a large market second only to the automobile industry, the 3C industry is driven by intelligent manufacturing. More and more Internet of Things technologies are widely used in 3C manufacturing. The construction of smart factories has become an inevitable trend for the development of 3C enterprises. As the core of smart factory construction, smart logistics, smart production lines and smart equipment have become the key directions of 3C enterprise transformation.


With RFID automatic identification technology as the core solution, the logistics, production lines and equipment of 3C industry manufacturing factories are realized.

Application link

1. Logistics intelligence

Industry characteristics: The 3C industry has a large logistics turnover, many circulation locations in the field, and logistics data mainly relies on manual records.

Customer pain points: Manual operation is cumbersome and error-prone, and inefficient; high investment in logistics equipment, low utilization rate of logistics resources, and high management costs.

Solution: By installing RFID tags on logistics turnover equipment and installing RFID Readers at various logistics nodes in the factory, real-time tracking and data collection of turnover equipment and materials in the factory logistics location can be achieved. At the same time, it is connected with the internal ERP and WMS systems of the enterprise to achieve real-time interaction and information sharing of logistics data.

Value benefits: Optimize Logistics Management and improve the turnover efficiency of materials and logistics equipment; realize the transparency of logistics information, reduce the cost of logistics resource investment, and improve the overall management level.

2. Intelligent production line

Industry characteristics: The automation level of 3C industry production lines is high and the beat is fast, which requires real-time data collection and strict quality traceability.

Customer pain points: Data collection mainly relies on manual labor, and the real-time performance is poor; data collection information of each process is difficult to integrate and prone to errors; quality traceability is difficult, production efficiency cannot meet the beat requirements, and there is a risk of line stoppage.

Solution: RFID collection technology is used to realize unmanned, automatic, and real-time identification of single-item products on the production line. Through real-time collected product information, mixed-flow production material error prevention, real-time push of process guidance, automatic diversion of defective products, automatic generation of quality reports, product traceability management, mixed-flow line change alarm, and automation equipment docking functions are realized.

Value benefits: Improve the accuracy of each process, realize error-free material production and assembly, improve product quality and production efficiency, and reduce the risk of production stoppage.

3. Intelligent equipment

Industry characteristics: The robot coverage rate of the 3C industry is relatively high, mainly manual parameter adjustment, and manual recording of processing information.

Customer pain points: Manual parameter adjustment is prone to errors, robot processing information and product information cannot interact in real time, and product quality cannot be guaranteed.

Solution: Through RFID collection technology, RFID readers are installed near the robot to realize the intelligent loading and unloading of the robot. By automatically identifying the tray information and obtaining the processing parameters, the problems of easy errors and low efficiency of traditional manual parameter adjustment are solved.

Value benefits: Realize the transparency of product information traceability, the flexibility of modifying processing information, improve product quality, and improve production efficiency.

Typical Cases

Project Background

A company is a domestic precision mold and structural parts processing manufacturer in the field of consumer electronics. In order to improve production efficiency and quality, the company chose the intelligent sensing transformation of the production line with RFID technology. The focus of the project is to track and identify products throughout the entire processing process, including thread loading, CNC loading, material change, cleaning, unloading and other links. By determining the position and fixed-point identification of the product carrier (i.e., tray) at the processing station, the production process is automated and unmanned.

Solution Introduction

1. Install RFID electronic tags on each tray as a unique identifier and bind them to the processed products when they are put online.

2. Install RFID readers at each station and diversion point of the automated production line to realize automatic identification of tray labels, so as to realize automatic identification of processed products and automatic selection of processing paths.

3. Real-time collection and display of production data, and real-time transmission of processing information to the MES system.

Project Application

The project uses more than 200 high-frequency readers and writers and more than 1,500 tray labels, as well as a mature production data collection system.

Value Benefits

By realizing the intelligentization of chaotic production of multi-variety logistics, the project has increased production efficiency by 20% and reduced product defect rate by 90%.

Core Advantages

RFID technology is suitable for various complex industrial environments. The tags have a large storage capacity and can be repeatedly rewritten and recycled. The reader has high-precision recognition capabilities and can work continuously for 24 hours.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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