Mold production application traceability RFID intelligent management system

With the development of manufacturing industry and the continuous expansion of production scale, mold management and traceability have become increasingly important. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of mold management, RFID electronic tag technology has been introduced into the mold traceability intelligent management system. The system realizes the traceability and positioning functions of molds by assigning a unique identity ID to each mold and storing the relevant information of the mold in the database.

Mold traceability function

Mold traceability is one of the core functions of the RFID mold traceability intelligent management system. By installing RFID electronic tags for each mold, and associating the mold name, specification, model, service life, depreciation rate, use department, use person in charge, use time, location and other information with ID and storing them in the database, the staff can query or enter the mold's RFID electronic tag ID number through the system platform to obtain detailed information about the mold.

During the use of the mold, the staff can query the mold's RFID electronic tag ID number through the system platform to obtain detailed information about the mold. For example, the staff can query the name, specification, model, service life, depreciation rate, use department, use person in charge, use time, location, etc. of a mold. The query of this information can help the staff understand the use and status of the mold so as to carry out corresponding management and maintenance.

Mold positioning function

Mold positioning is another important function of the RFID mold traceability intelligent management system. In order to improve the positioning accuracy and management efficiency of the mold, the system adopts a variety of methods to achieve mold positioning management.

One method is to install RFID anti-metal tags on each mold and install multiple RFID UHF readers around the factory warehouse. These RFID Readers can read the RFID electronic tags of all molds in the factory warehouse at regular intervals to understand the specific location of the mold. In this way, the staff can quickly and accurately find the required mold, which improves the efficiency of mold positioning management.

Another way is to upload the mold's location information and the changed location information to the system in a timely manner through the mold's unique identity ID. When the location of a specific mold needs to be queried, the staff only needs to query the corresponding product name or ID number and other information on the RFID handheld terminal to find the location of the mold. This method can help the staff quickly and accurately locate the mold, reducing the time and effort of finding the mold.

In order to realize the mold positioning function, it is necessary to equip the corresponding RFID reader. Before each mold is shipped out of the warehouse, the RFID electronic tag needs to be placed in the mold, and the relevant information of the mold needs to be entered into the database for backup. During the circulation and use of the mold, the staff can use the RFID UHF reader to read the RFID tag on the mold to obtain the mold's location information and the location information after the change. This information can be uploaded to the background software system in time so that the staff can query the location and status of the mold.

Benefits of the solution

In addition to improving the efficiency and accuracy of mold management, the RFID mold traceability intelligent management system also has some other advantages. The system can help enterprises realize the full life cycle management of molds, including the procurement, warehousing, circulation, use and scrapping of molds, which can help enterprises better grasp the use and status of molds and improve resource utilization efficiency; secondly, the system can provide data analysis and reporting functions to help enterprises make decisions and optimize mold management. Through the analysis of mold usage and maintenance records, enterprises can timely discover problems and improvement measures to improve production efficiency and product quality.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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