RFID electronic tags are a powerful tool for reducing operating costs in warehouse management

RFID electronic tags play an important role in warehouse management. They can improve the efficiency of warehouse management and reduce costs. With the increasing demand for warehouse management, more and more new technologies are being applied to all aspects of warehouse production. Warehouse arrival inspection, warehousing, outbound, transfer, transfer and inventory counting all require accurate data collection. The rapid development of RFID electronic tags has brought warehouse management into the era of digitalization and real-time.

The traditional warehouse management method requires warehouse staff to manually enter the data of inbound and outbound storage, which is not only a huge workload, but also prone to errors, which seriously affects work efficiency. Sometimes, due to the inability to update data in a timely manner, it is impossible to accurately understand the distribution status of materials in the warehouse and the storage capacity of the warehouse, resulting in problems such as wrong placement of materials, wrong collection and even loss of materials.

RFID electronic tags have the characteristics of fast, accurate, safe and large-capacity storage. In the process of goods entering the warehouse, RFID electronic tags can be used to realize the association of pallets and pieces of goods arriving piece by piece, and ensure the real-time and consistency of the association with the actual objects; the whole pallet is scanned for the whole pallet to improve the efficiency of the warehouse scanning. At the same time, the logistics tracking of pallet finished products based on the association of pieces and pieces is established to improve the operation efficiency, and it is closely combined with the three-scan work of coding to strip projects to improve the efficiency of sorting, taking and out of the warehouse of commercial enterprises.

In the actual warehouse management link, work is generally carried out from the three dimensions of warehousing, management and outbound, so as to improve the accuracy of warehousing management and upgrade the warehousing management service:

1. Goods entering the warehouse

Through the RFID automatic sensing Access Control device at the entrance of the warehouse, the RFID electronic tag of the item is identified (the RFID electronic tag is bound to each item entering the warehouse), the information of the corresponding item is found in the database and automatically entered into the management system, the system records the warehousing information and verifies it, if qualified, the inventory information is entered, if there is an error, the error message is prompted, the alarm signal is issued, and the warehousing is automatically prohibited.

2. Inventory management link

Traditional warehousing often consumes a huge amount of manual work in the inspection, management and monitoring of goods after they enter the warehouse, and it is difficult to ensure the accuracy of information. Through the identification system, the classified goods are regularly checked, the changes in the inventory of goods are analyzed, and the data is presented in a timely manner on the warehouse platform. When the goods are displaced, the RFID tag of the goods is automatically collected through the RFID identification system, the corresponding information is found in the database, and the information is automatically entered into the warehouse management system, recording the name, quantity, location and other information, and checking whether there are any abnormalities. If there are abnormalities, an immediate alarm is issued to ensure the safety of the warehouse goods.

3. Goods outbound link

In the outbound link of goods, according to the outbound order requirements of the goods, with the help of RFID tag identification, the RFID tags of the goods and the cargo position are scanned to confirm the outbound items and update the inventory at the same time. When the goods arrive at the outbound channel, the identification system will automatically read the RFID tag and call up the corresponding information in the database, and compare it with the order information line. If it is correct, it can be shipped out, and the inventory of the goods will be reduced accordingly; if there is an abnormality, the warehouse management system will display a prompt message to facilitate the staff to conduct immediate safety monitoring and abnormal handling.

RFID warehouse management is to use RFID technology in existing warehouse management, and use RFID technology to automatically collect data from each operation link of the warehouse, so as to ensure that the enterprise can grasp the real data of inventory in a timely and accurate manner, and maintain and control the enterprise inventory in a scientific, information-based and rational manner. RFID warehouse management application improves the efficiency, transparency and authenticity of management, and plays a very important role in reducing the operating costs of warehouse management.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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