Bank fixed assets inspection management and inventory solution

With the expansion of financial business, banks' demand for fixed Assets such as office equipment and electronic equipment continues to increase. Therefore, fixed asset investment and asset life cycle management have become increasingly important. Due to the incomplete coordination and synchronization of management systems and institutions, banks face many problems in fixed asset investment and management.

1. Problem Analysis

1. Imperfect ASSET MANAGEMENT: After the asset is purchased, there is a lack of tracking and management of the entire life cycle, and it is impossible to provide effective reference data for the purchase of assets.

2. Decentralized asset management: There are many branches under the bank, and the assets are decentralized and difficult to allocate uniformly, resulting in waste of resources.

3. False asset value: The procurement of assets, contract payments and other links have not achieved unified management of informatization, resulting in waste of resources and asset loss.

4. Inefficient manual inventory: The manual recording method is used for asset inventory, resulting in a long inventory cycle, low efficiency and high error rate.

II. Solution

In view of the situation of banks and other financial institutions, a set of electronic tag RFID fixed asset management system specially applied to banks has been developed. The system uses automatic identification technology and modern information technology, closely combines the core needs of "value management" and "physical management" of assets, and provides an effective solution.

Through this system, banks can realize the process-based and dynamic management of assets throughout their life cycle, comprehensively, accurately and dynamically grasp the total amount, composition, distribution, changes and other information of each unit's assets, solve the problems existing in asset management, and improve service level and market competitiveness.

The main hardware equipment of the system includes fixed asset RFID tags, fixed asset inspection equipment (RFID handheld terminal), fixed asset RFID application system, etc.

III. System architecture

(1) Asset tag (RFID tag)

RFID tags are attached to fixed assets that need to be managed. Detailed asset information is recorded in the tags, including asset name, physical characteristics, configuration, purchase date, asset value, manufacturer, manufacturer contact information, person in charge, function, maintenance record, usage, etc. The location information of the tag (such as corresponding to a certain room) is used to determine whether the asset has been moved or loaned out.

Attachment method: Each fixed asset that needs to be managed needs to be attached with an asset tag, and each area also needs to be attached with an area tag (such as each room).

(2) Fixed asset inspection equipment (RFID handheld terminal)

Use RFID handheld terminal to inspect all tagged fixed assets. The handheld terminal has a large reading distance (about 8 meters) and reading speed (about 120 per second), which can quickly count the asset tags in an area and determine whether they are displaced, loaned out or lost.

Inspection method: The inspection equipment first reads the area tag to determine the area to be counted, and then automatically reads the equipment tag information in the area.

(3) Fixed asset RFID application system

This system is used to maintain and manage all asset information and provide various statistical and reporting functions.

IV. Working principle

1. Select the appropriate RFID tag according to the type and material of the asset, and fix it on the corresponding fixed asset.

2. According to the basic information of the asset provided by the customer, bind it to the RFID tag to realize the association between the tag and the asset information.

3. Use RFID handheld terminal for rapid asset inventory. Install asset management software on the terminal, read tag information through the handheld terminal, and realize asset query, inventory and export report functions.

4. Install RFID reading and writing software on the user terminal computer to interact with RFID tags and realize the binding and management of tags and asset information.

V. Introduction to software and hardware

(1) RFID tags and area tags

RFID tags: In order to meet the needs of fixed asset management, special anti-metal tags are used.

Area tags: used to identify different areas, such as each room.

(2) RFID handheld terminal (handheld device)

RFID handheld terminal: used for inspection and inventory of fixed assets. It has a large reading distance (about 8 meters) and reading speed (about 120 per second). It can quickly count the asset tags in an area and determine whether they are displaced, loaned out or lost.

(3) Fixed asset RFID application system

Fixed asset management system: including asset addition, change, scrapping, damage, depreciation, loan, return, allocation of use department, change of use department, setting of management personnel, asset transfer between departments, various report printing, combined query and other functions. It can record the detailed information of each fixed asset, including purchase, entry, commissioning, use department, depreciation, etc. It provides dynamic query function and automatic report preparation and printing, which is convenient for management personnel to quickly obtain information and generate reports.

Tag binding software: software installed on the user terminal computer, used to bind asset information with RFID tags. According to the tag content set by the user, the asset name, purchase date, custody department and other information can be written into the tag.

Asset management software: software installed on the RFID handheld terminal, used for asset query, inventory, export report and other operations. The handheld terminal reads the tag information to realize the interaction with the fixed asset information.

VI. Benefit analysis

1. Simplify asset management: use automatic identification technology to achieve consistency between physical objects and financial accounts and simplify the fixed asset management process.

2. Improve work efficiency: Through the stable performance of the data collection terminal, realize the convenience brought by mobile application technology, standardize the work of internal personnel, and facilitate evaluation and improvement of work.

3. Hierarchical management: The system divides the permissions and levels of users to realize the divided permissions of managers at different levels to view and manage assets.

4. Full management of asset life cycle: The system tracks the purchase approval, loan, return, transfer, scrapping and other full management of assets.

5. Provide daily management functions: The system provides rich daily management functions, including various report generation and multi-angle data query functions, which can easily complete fixed asset management.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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