Production reporting system based on RFID technology

RFID production reporting system is a solution that binds RFID electronic tags with production work orders to issue cards and realize order association. In this system, industrial RFID Readers are installed on corresponding Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstations. During the production process, when the RFID tag reaches the Tooling position, the modbus-connected-PLC-UHF-RFID-915M-all-in-one-production-line-management.html target='_blank'>rfid industrial reader will identify the tag and obtain the corresponding order information according to the tag ID, and then automatically report the work. In addition, the system can also collect, summarize, analyze and display data from each production stage in a timely and accurate manner through the production line kanban management system to grasp the production progress in real time.

System advantages

1. Automatic identification and reporting of processes: By integrating with the MES system, the problem that the MES system cannot collect on-site processes is solved, and automatic identification and reporting of processes are realized.

2. Timely preparation and delivery of materials: According to the on-site production progress, the system can prepare and deliver materials in time to ensure the supply of the production line and avoid the accumulation of work-in-progress.

3. Finished product quality traceability: The system can trace the quality of finished products off the line, quickly lock in problem links, and improve production management.

4. Real-time data collection and analysis: The system can collect, summarize, analyze and display dynamic data of production in real time and accurately, reduce production costs through lean management, and improve production efficiency and product quality.

5. Powerful reader performance: The system uses industrial-grade RFID readers, which have strong anti-interference ability, accurate and efficient reading and writing operations on tags.

6. Diversified tag selection: The system supports a variety of RFID tags, including hanging, strong magnetic adsorption, embedded installation, etc., which can meet different installation and environmental requirements.

System principle

1. Install RFID readers at the stations that need to be controlled on the production line, and bind the readers to the corresponding processes. Install RFID tags on the tooling board or pallet carrying the work-in-progress.

2. Before starting production, bind the tag ID with the production plan order number through the RFID reader to complete the information entry of the RFID tag.

3. When the work-in-progress arrives at the workstation where the RFID reader is installed, the RFID reader will automatically identify the RFID tag on the tooling board and transmit the production data to the MES system in the management background through the network or serial port, which is used to handle the start-up and reporting time of the order.

4. When the work-in-progress is piled up, the system background will automatically warn through analysis, and the manager can prepare materials and feed them in time, and adjust the production plan of each workstation to ensure the timely delivery of the production order.

5. When the product is completed and tested, the production reporting system can unbind the RFID tag from the production barcode, and identify the production barcode as a unique identification code and Store it in the database to provide a basis for future product traceability. At the same time, the data in the RFID tag is cleared for recycling.

System Function

(1) Basic Information Management

Production Line Management: Provides the functions of adding, deleting, modifying and checking the basic information of the production line, including the production line name, production line model, workstation and creation time.

Workstation management: Provides the functions of adding, deleting, modifying and checking basic information of workstations, including factory, workstation name and workstation number.

RFID reader management: Provides the functions of adding, deleting, modifying and checking basic information of RFID readers, including reader IP, workstation and equipment number.

(2) Work report management

Getting orders: By calling the MES system interface, upload information such as factory number, production line number and planned date to the MES system, obtain information such as order number, vehicle number, material code, material name, batch number and planned online time, and display them in the list.

Card issuance management: Select the order information to be bound in the list, place the RFID tag on the card issuer, and the card issuing terminal recognizes and returns the electronic tag information to realize the binding function, and upload the binding information to the background system.

Card cancellation management: Select the order information to be unbound in the list, click the card cancellation button to realize the unbinding function, and upload the unbinding information to the background system.

(3) Statistical analysis management

Order query: query order information based on query conditions such as factory name, planned date, order status and card issuance time.

Work report log query: query work report log information based on query conditions such as factory name, order serial number, machine serial number and work report time.

System architecture

Flexibly select RFID readers and tags according to on-site installation requirements and read-write distance requirements to achieve automatic work report operation.

System diagram

The system automatically collects, summarizes and analyzes production data of each batch of orders through RFID, and provides real-time feedback on on-site production progress. At the same time, the system automatically warns of the accumulation of work-in-progress at the process point.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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