Application of RFID technology in industrial intelligent manufacturing production lines

With the rapid development of automation and informatization, industrial intelligent manufacturing has become an important trend in the manufacturing industry. On the production line of manufacturers, it is crucial to accurately obtain and manage information in various links such as process flow. As the core component of the perception layer of the Internet of Things, RFID technology, with its non-contact and non-perceptual characteristics, realizes intelligent identification and data collection, and realizes the interconnection of equipment through RFID electronic tags. In complex industrial manufacturing environments, combined with RFID electronic tags, RFID Readers, RFID handheld terminals, barcodes and PLC technologies, it realizes the real-time collection of data in multiple links such as materials, work-in-progress, execution equipment and Tooling, providing basic data for production and operation control, and effectively improving production efficiency.

Under the requirements of diversified production technology, industrial intelligent manufacturing production lines use RFID technology for automatic identification and data collection. RFID technology is not just a simple replacement for barcode technology. It also has wireless long-distance reading and writing, strong penetration, the ability to adapt to high-speed mobile states, and a larger storage data capacity. It can be used in harsh environments. Through RFID handheld terminals, RFID readers and RFID electronic tags, combined with production line information technology and optoelectronic technology, production automation is realized. RFID technology has been widely used in production control, and visual management and intelligent control of production lines have been established, providing strong support for production visualization of intelligent manufacturing.

The system process is as follows: When the product with RFID tag passes through RFID reader A and RFID reader B, the RFID reader will read the RFID electronic tag information on the product and upload the data to the system host computer, so as to judge the completion status of the product and the operation status of each Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation.

Application of production line RFID reader in intelligent manufacturing production line

1. Data collection

By attaching RFID tags to production materials or pallets, recording relevant information such as product specifications, quantity, time, person in charge, etc., replacing traditional manual records, production management personnel can obtain product information through readers at any time, and other relevant personnel can also understand the production status in time and adjust production arrangements according to the situation, and master the flow of materials.

RFID production line management system

2. Data transmission

Install reading and writing equipment at each collection point. When the material or pallet with RFID electronic tag passes through the collection point, the RFID reader will automatically obtain the material information and transmit it to the background. The background accurately understands the location of the material, and the management personnel can also use the RFID handheld terminal to scan and count the use of production line materials in real time.

3. Composition of RFID Main Equipment

RFID equipment mainly consists of RFID electronic tags, RFID fixed readers, RFID Antennas, RFID handheld terminals and RFID cables.

Principle of RFID production line process management system

1. Install RFID readers and RFID antennas at the process points that need to be controlled on the production line, and install RFID tags on the tooling board or material box carrying the product.

2. Before starting production, the RFID tag ID fixed on the tooling board or material box is matched with the production batch number through the production management system, that is, the RFID tag ID on the tooling board or material box is read by the RFID reader, and the production barcode is scanned by the barcode gun. The management system binds the RFID tag ID with the production barcode on the product.

Through the above steps, managers can accurately understand which processes the product has gone through from the system, accurately grasp the data, understand the production progress of the product and the work situation of employees.

3. In the production interface of the management software, write the production information (such as name, number, batch, etc.) into the RFID tag through the RFID reader. After writing correctly, the product will be transmitted to each process for production.

4. When the product reaches each controlled process point, the RFID reader will write the content of the process and the process point information into the RFID tag, and transmit the production data to the server through the network, and update the database in real time.

5. When the product reaches the last process point, the RFID reader will read the RFID tag information on the tooling board or material box and transmit it to the production management software. The production management software will count the number of processes of this product. If there are omissions, the missing processes can be traced back and the products can be returned to the missing process points for rework. If the number of processes is correct, it means that the production is completed.

6. For work-in-progress that has been completed, the production management system will automatically unbind the RFID tag from the production barcode, and identify the production barcode as a unique identification code and Store it in the database, providing a basis for future product traceability, and using RFID technology in industrial intelligent manufacturing production.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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