Application of RFID Technology in Warehousing Logistics Supply Chain Management

The transparency and inventory turnover rate of warehousing logistics supply chain management have become the focus of management and control. In order to improve the efficiency of warehousing logistics and reduce inventory losses, RFID technology has been widely used in various links such as warehousing, distribution, and retail management, bringing great changes and improvements to supply chain management.

First, the use of RFID technology for intelligent management of warehouse logistics can improve the speed and accuracy of data collection. By attaching RFID electronic tags to each product, the RFID Reader in the warehouse can identify the information of the tag, thereby judging the process of goods entering, leaving, transferring, transferring, and inventory counting. Through the automatic data collection of RFID readers, warehouse managers can grasp the real data of inventory in a timely and accurate manner, realize efficient goods search and real-time inventory counting, thereby improving the work efficiency of warehouse management.

Secondly, the application of RFID technology can also realize the direct completion of on-site operations through RFID handheld terminals. Staff can perform management operations such as entering, leaving, and counting by operating RFID handheld terminals, reducing the efficiency and error rate of manual operations. At the same time, data interaction through wireless networks can realize real-time data update and error correction processing, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of data processing.

The application of RFID technology can be divided into the following aspects

Warehouse management: When the goods enter the warehouse, the RFID reader will automatically identify the RFID electronic tag on the goods and compare the goods information with the order to ensure the accurate entry of the goods. At the same time, it can also realize the automatic data collection and recording of the goods, and improve the speed and accuracy of the warehouse entry operation.

Outbound management: When the goods need to be shipped out, the RFID reader will read the RFID electronic tag information on the goods and compare it with the outbound plan to ensure the accurate outbound of the goods. Through RFID technology, it can reduce the errors and time costs of manual operations and improve the outbound efficiency.

Inventory management: By installing RFID readers and RFID Antennas, you can monitor and manage inventory in real time. When the goods pass through the RFID reader, the RFID reader will automatically read the RFID electronic tag information on the goods and upload the data to the system to realize real-time monitoring and management of inventory, which can accurately grasp the inventory level, avoid inventory backlogs and out-of-stock phenomena, and improve inventory turnover.

Logistics and transportation management: By installing RFID readers and RFID antennas on transportation vehicles, real-time tracking and management of goods can be achieved. When the goods pass through the RFID reader, the RFID reader reads the RFID electronic tag information on the goods and uploads the data to the system, realizing real-time monitoring and management of the location and status of the goods, which can improve the visual management and safety of goods in logistics transportation.

In addition to the above applications, RFID technology can also achieve different levels of authority management and data analysis through software and system applications. Warehouse managers can query and perform related business operations based on inventory information of different dimensions. At the same time, simple data analysis through RFID handheld terminals can provide accurate inventory information in real time, improve the accuracy of cargo queries, reduce inventory levels, improve the efficiency of logistics systems, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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