Warehouse Management

RFID Warehouse Management Solution

WMS intelligent warehouse management system (wms warehouse management system)

Comprehensive functions to meet all the needs of enterprises; comprehensive RFID electronic label automation, efficiency increased by 200%

 · Custom setting function.

 · Customize transaction types, system interface, and various reports.

 · No development cost and no development cycle, and can be used permanently after purchase.

· Accurate inventory, improved efficiency, simple work, and traceable items.

· Possess the functions required by various industries such as clothing, warehousing, retail, and industrial manufacturing.

· RFID long-distance + group scanning technology has been accumulated for decades, and it can handle every link and work content of warehousing.

· The traditional barcode + paper has become a thing of the past, now Industry 4.0, pure automation + paperless office, Lingtian helps you grow rapidly, update and keep pace with the times.

Unlimited users, unlimited computer use, all employees of the company can use it, share business information, and administrators can effectively control corporate business secrets.

· There is no additional fee for adding users.

  · The number of users is not limited, and the scope of authority can be set. Only administrators can add, delete, and modify users.

· Set all permissions/no permissions according to role, accurate to add, delete and modify buttons, information security is assured

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