Hospital Management

RFID Hospital clothing management solution

RFID hospital bedding management is to add RFID electronic tags to the hospital's doctor and nurse uniforms, patient uniforms, bedding, and bed sheets (collectively referred to as bedding in the text), and use RFID countertop, handheld, and fixed readers to automatically identify bedding registration, bedding, etc. The intelligent management mode of various management processes such as counting, bedding collection, bedding recycling, bedding status query, bedding tracking, and bedding automatic sorting can better solve the hospital's worries about bedding management.

Main functional modules of RFID hospital clothing management:

1. Uniform registration: For doctor and nurse uniforms that are associated with specific users according to the model number, it is necessary to install RFID electronic tags on the corresponding uniforms and register with the users in the system;

2. Clothes distribution: For special uniforms, they need to be sent to various departments for doctors and nurses to use. Hospitals with conditions can order hair wardrobes equipped with RFID Readers. Doctors and nurses can get their own special uniforms by swiping their cards. Uniforms: Patient uniforms, quilts, and bed sheets common to each department will be sent to each department by special personnel through identification of the RFID tags of the quilts;

3. Clothes recycling: Each department can use a suitcase equipped with an RFID reader, and uniforms will be automatically identified when they are thrown into the suitcase. When the number of clothes collected reaches a certain level, a special person will be automatically notified to be responsible for recycling the clothes;

4. Washing of quilts: personnel from the washing factory go to each department to recycle the quilts that need to be washed, use RFID readers or hand-held devices to check and complete the handover. For the application of RFID in the washing factory, please refer to the relevant plans;

5. Other functional modules: personnel authorization management, system settings, statistical report query, etc.

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