RFID Technical articles

What is an access control controller

The Access Control controller is the core data processing and storage part of the access control system and the soul of the access control system.

Common classification of access controller

According to the communication method between the controller and the management computer, it is divided into: RS485 network access controller TCP/IP network access controller

Remarks: RS485 networked access controller usually also has RS232 serial port communication mode, through RS232 serial port and computer for stand-alone communication. In addition, the communication networking mode of the controller also has the Lan Longwork industrial bus mode. However, these communication modes are rarely used and have advantages and disadvantages. It is inconvenient for users to replace them with other compatible products in the future, so I will not talk about them here.

According to the number of doors controlled by each controller, it can be divided into: single-door controller, double-door controller, four-door controller

Remarks: There are also eight-door controllers, sixteen-door controllers and 32-door controllers on the market. The output is very small. The products designed by manufacturers for cost considerations are actually very inconvenient in construction and wiring. (door) equipment can only be used within the effective communication range, and because there are too many lines entering the host chassis, it is easy to cause interference and instability. Therefore, the author believes that these products are only conceptual products and have not yet entered the practical stage. Some manufacturers produce products because they want to advertise their leading technology. In fact, the number of gates controlled by the controller does not reflect the advanced design of the product. Adding input ports to a four-door controller turns it into eight gates. 16 doors and 32 doors are not very difficult, but it will bring negative stability effects, and the inconvenience of construction will have a greater impact.

The controller is divided into: one-way controller and two-way controller according to the number of card readers that can be connected to each door

If a door, swipe the card to enter the door, and press the button to go out, the controller can only connect one card reader to each door, we call it a one-way controller.

If one door, swipe the card to enter the door, and swipe the card to go out (you can also connect the exit button), each controller can connect two card readers for each door, one is the entrance card reader, and the other is the exit card reader, we call it Two-way controller.

Note: If the two-way controller is used, only the door card reader is connected, and the exit card reader is not connected when going out (the port is idle), and the exit button is connected to the door to open the door. A function equivalent to a one-way controller is also possible.

There is a concept of "double doors" to be distinguished here. Some doors can be pushed open and can be pulled open, and can be opened both inside and outside when called. This has nothing to do with the classification of access control controllers. There is also a concept of "double doors". Some doors, such as the glass door of the company gate, are composed of two doors on the left and right, but each door is equipped with an electric lock, and the two locks are connected in parallel to one on a controller. on the door relay. Instead of using a double-door controller, only a single-door controller can control the double-leaf door.

Some customers have asked whether it is possible to have a card reader wiring port and connect two card readers. Theoretically, it is not possible. The two card readers may affect each other and damage the card reader and the controller. The card reading record cannot distinguish whether it is a door entry record or an exit record. One swipe of the card may generate two records. Although there is no major problem in the test connection on the desktop, we still recommend that you do not do this, so as to avoid the trouble of equipment damage in the future.

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