RFID Technical articles

RFID Basics

1. What is RFID


RFID is the abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification, that is, radio frequency identification. Often called inductive electronic chip or proximity card, proximity card, contactless card, electronic label, electronic barcode, etc.

A complete RFID system consists of two parts: Reader and Transponder. The operating principle is that Reader transmits infinite radio energy of a specific frequency to Transponder, which is used to drive Transponder circuit to send out the internal ID Code. At this time, Reader will receive this ID. Code. The special feature of Transponder is that it is battery-free, contact-free, and card-free, so it is not afraid of contamination, and the chip password is the only one in the world that cannot be copied, with high security and long life.

The application of RFID is very extensive. At present, typical applications include animal chips, car chip anti-theft devices, Access Control, parking lot control, production line automation, and material management. There are two types of RFID tags: active tags and passive tags.

The following is the internal structure of the electronic tag: the schematic diagram of the chip + antenna and RFID system



 2. What is an electronic label


Electronic tags are RFID and some are called radio frequency tags and radio frequency identification. It is a non-contact automatic identification technology that identifies target objects and obtains relevant data through radio frequency signals. The identification work does not require manual intervention. As a wireless version of barcodes, RFID technology has waterproof, anti-magnetic, high temperature resistance, It has the advantages of long service life, large reading distance, encrypted data on the label, larger storage data capacity, and free change of Stored information.


 2. What is RFID technology?


RFID radio frequency identification is a non-contact automatic identification technology. It automatically identifies target objects and obtains relevant data through radio frequency signals. The identification work does not require manual intervention and can work in various harsh environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and identify multiple tags at the same time, which is fast and convenient to operate.

Short-range RF products are not afraid of harsh environments such as oil stains and dust pollution, and can replace barcodes in such environments, such as tracking objects on the factory assembly line. Long-distance radio frequency products are mostly used in traffic, and the identification distance can reach tens of meters, such as automatic toll collection or identification of vehicle identity.


 4. What is an RFID solution


RFID solutions are RFID application solutions formulated by RFID technology suppliers according to the characteristics of industry development, which can be "tailor-made" according to the actual requirements of different enterprises.

RFID solutions can be classified by industry, logistics, anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft, identification, Asset MANAGEMENT, animal management, fast payment, etc. To view the solutions, please click here.


 5. What is RFID middleware


RFID is one of the top ten strategic technologies suggested that companies can consider introducing in 2005, and middleware can be called the center of RFID operation, because it can accelerate the advent of key applications.

The potential of the RFID industry is endless, with applications ranging from manufacturing, logistics, medical, transportation, retail, defense, and more. Gartner Group believes that RFID is one of the top ten strategic technologies that companies can consider introducing in 2005. However, the key to its success is the price of tags, antenna design, band standardization, and equipment certification. The most important The key is to have key application software (Killer Application), in order to promote quickly. And middleware (Middleware) can be called the center of RFID operation, because it can accelerate the advent of key applications.


 6. What are the basic components of an RFID system?


The most basic RFID system consists of three parts:

Tag (Tag): composed of coupling elements and chips, each tag has a unique electronic code, which is attached to the object to identify the target object; Reader (Reader): A device that reads (and sometimes writes) tag information, which can Designed to be hand-held or stationary;

Antenna: transmits radio frequency signals between the tag and the reader.


 7. What makes retailers so fancy about RFID?


Retail analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein estimate that Walmart could save $8.35 billion annually by adopting RFID, much of which is in labor savings from not having to manually look at incoming barcodes. While some other analysts think the $8 billion figure is too optimistic, there's no question that RFID can help solve two of retail's biggest pain points: out-of-stock items and attrition (product lost to theft and disrupted supply chains). , and now Walmart loses almost $2 billion a year from theft alone, and if a legitimate business can do that, it can rank 694th on the list of the 1,000 largest companies in the United States . The research firm estimates that this RFID technology could help reduce theft and inventory levels by 25 percent.

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