UHF RFID mold refined production management solution

In the past two decades, my country's mold industry has experienced a period of rapid development. However, as a traditional, complex and highly competitive industry, the mold industry is often order-oriented. Each order requires the development of new products, from customer demand analysis, structure determination, quotation, design, material preparation, manufacturing, assembly, mold trial to mold repair and other processes, until finally producing qualified products.

Dilemma faced by mold companies

1. Each order is a brand new product. There are many uncontrollable factors in the production process. How to effectively control these factors has become a challenge;

2. In the actual production workshop, large mold companies may process and manufacture nearly 100 molds at the same time. How to effectively manage the processing of hundreds of parts;

3. With the intensification of market competition, customers' requirements for delivery time are becoming more and more urgent, and the requirements for processing accuracy are also becoming higher and higher;

4. How to achieve timely material distribution;

5. How to formulate an efficient production plan.

Therefore, in the production process of mold companies, dynamically monitoring the production status of workpieces and recording their operating status information has become the key to achieving lean production.

RFID mold lean production management system solution

RFID mold production lean management system refers to deploying RFID Readers and RFID tags inside the mold production workshop, establishing a node network for material tracking, defining the process or quality parameters of these production object nodes, collecting parameters by batch or module, analyzing the correlation of these parameters, and supporting the material tracking process of the whole factory.

The system uses RFID automatic collection technology to obtain production data, inventory data, quality inspection data and mobile data of each node on site in real time. By collecting, sorting and analyzing the information of all production parameters, it improves the collection and entry of production units, equipment, warehouses and instrument data involved in the material production process, and provides auxiliary decision-making and support for material movement, processing, inventory, equipment management and workshop cost accounting for various production activities.

Data entry system

Data is the basis of the entire system. Before the material block is machined, the system will assign a unique ID number to the material block according to the unified coding rules. This ID number will be written into the RFID electronic tag and bound to the material block. Through this ID number, the material block can be tracked and managed throughout the processing cycle.

At the same time, the background system imports the processing data, drawings, processing procedures, Tools, electrodes, spark positions and other information of the material block into each processing center, waiting for the material block to be processed.

Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation collection system

Install RFID readers on the processing equipment of each processing center. When the material block flows to the workstation, the RFID reader reads the ID number on the material block and obtains the processing data of the material block at the workstation by accessing the system background database. The processing equipment starts to process the material block until the processing is completed and flows to the next workstation.

After the material block is processed, the system will assign the material block to the measurement center. The measurement workstation is also equipped with a data collection terminal to read the RFID electronic tag on the material block, and obtain the measurement point and accuracy of the material block through the ID number. The measurement of the processed material block is completed, and qualified products enter the warehouse, and unqualified products are recorded in the system and manually processed by quality personnel.

By using the mold production management system of RFID technology, real-time and accurate data collection in the mold production process can be achieved, which promotes the mold workshop production to proceed step by step, with division of labor and in a planned manner according to the process route, and realizes real-time monitoring of the production workshop. At the same time, it provides a scientific decision-making basis for product statistics and production plan arrangements, greatly improves the production efficiency of the enterprise, and brings new competitiveness to the enterprise.

RFID equipment selection

The lean mold production workshop has higher requirements for data collection terminals. The entire workshop is in an industrial environment. Therefore, the RFID reader must be able to adapt to the industrial environment and maintain stable and accurate reading performance in such an environment. At the same time, as a data collection terminal, when used with other automation equipment at the workstation, it should have good compatibility and be easy to integrate.

The RFID mold production workshop can realize the automatic collection of all or part of the production data, real-time monitoring of production conditions, online adjustment and optimization of operating parameters and other production operation management and monitoring functions. This is the premise of high-efficiency production and management, and it is also an important source of data for the enterprise production management system.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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