Application design of UHF RFID technology in logistics and warehousing management

1. Background Introduction

With the rapid development of information technology, logistics warehousing supply chain management is moving towards digitalization and intelligence. In this context, the Internet of Things technology based on ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification (RFID) has become a hot topic of concern. Ultra-high frequency RFID technology has been widely used in logistics, ID Cards, electronic ticketing, highways, property management and other fields.

2. Characteristics of RFID technology

UHF RFID technology is a technology that uses radio frequency signals for contactless information transmission. It has the advantages of non-contact identification, high-speed reading and adaptability to harsh environments. Compared with traditional barcode identification, ultra-high frequency RFID technology can identify tags in harsh environments and read faster. The ultra-high frequency RFID system consists of RFID electronic tags, RFID Readers, antennas, middleware, application systems and management platforms.

3. Application of RFID in logistics warehousing management

The Internet of Things technology based on ultra-high frequency RFID has broad application prospects in logistics warehousing management. Through technologies such as wireless data communication, the information of items is connected to the network system to realize information sharing and management of various links in the supply chain. Specific applications include automatic identification, real-time tracking and monitoring of items, and improving logistics efficiency and management level.

In logistics and warehousing management, UHF RFID technology can realize automatic identification and tracking of items. By sticking or embedding RFID tags on items, unique identification of items can be achieved. When the items pass through the RFID reader, the reader will send a radio frequency query signal, activate the tag and read the information in the tag, obtain the location, status and other relevant information of the items in real time, and realize the full tracking and monitoring of the items.

The application of UHF RFID technology can also improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics and warehousing management. By automatically identifying and tracking items, manual operations and human errors can be reduced, and the accuracy and reliability of data can be improved. At the same time, rapid inventory and inventory management of items can be achieved, and the efficiency and utilization of warehousing can be improved.

In addition, UHF RFID technology can also realize real-time sharing and collaborative management of logistics information. Through integration with the logistics information system, data sharing and collaborative operation between various links of logistics can be realized, ensuring that participants in different links can grasp logistics information in real time, make collaborative decisions and optimize scheduling, and improve overall logistics efficiency.

4. Application of IoT technology in logistics and warehousing management

Purchase management

Enterprises can use UHF RFID technology to achieve timely procurement and rapid response to procurement needs. Through UHF RFID technology, management departments can understand the supply status of the entire supply chain in real time, so as to better grasp inventory information, supply and production demand information, formulate and manage procurement plans in time, and generate effective procurement orders. The application of UHF RFID technology can purchase accurate materials at the right time, avoid inventory backlogs and production plan obstructions, and realize the "reasonable procurement" strategy, that is, at the right time, choose the right products, and purchase from the right supplier at the right price and quality.

Production support

The starting point of the traditional enterprise logistics system is inbound or outbound, while in the logistics system based on UHF RFID, all materials should have realized the application of UHF RFID tags during the production process. In general commodity logistics, UHF RFID tags are usually used in the form of self-adhesive labels, which can be applied by simply sticking them on the packaging of items.

The most important part of the material production process is the information entry of the UHF RFID tag, which can be completed in four steps:

(1) Describe the corresponding item information, including the production department, completion time, production processes and responsible persons, expiration date, target department, project number, security level, etc. The comprehensive information entry of the UHF RFID tag will become a strong support for process tracking.

(2) Enter the relevant information of the item into the corresponding UHF RFID tag item in the database.

(3) Edit and organize the item and the corresponding information to obtain the original information and database of the item. This is the first step in the entire logistics system and the first step for UHF RFID to intervene. The accuracy and security of the information and UHF RFID tags in this step must be absolutely guaranteed.

(4) After completing the information entry, use the UHF RFID reader to confirm the information and check whether the information corresponding to the UHF RFID tag is consistent with the item information. At the same time, data entry is performed to display the completion time and person in charge of the UHF RFID tag information entry of each item. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the UHF RFID tag, the information of the same product can be sorted and coded to facilitate the inventory of the same items.

warehouse management

Ultra-high frequency RFID tags of items are identified by RFID readers, and the information of corresponding items is found in the database and automatically input into the inventory management system of ultra-high frequency RFID, so as to realize efficient and accurate warehouse control. The system records the warehouse information and verifies it. If it is qualified, the inventory information is entered. If there is an error, the error information is prompted and an alarm signal is issued, and the warehouse entry is automatically prohibited.

In the RFID inventory management system, through functional expansion, forklifts, stackers and other equipment can be guided to select empty cargo spaces and find the best path to realize automatic cargo storage. After the RFID reader confirms that the cargo is in place, the inventory information is updated immediately. After the materials are put into storage, the warehouse entry list can be printed through the printer of the ultra-high frequency RFID system, and the person in charge will confirm it.

Inventory management link

Regularly check the classified items through RFID readers and analyze the inventory changes. When the items are shifted, the RFID reader automatically collects the UHF RFID tags of the goods, finds the corresponding information in the database and enters it into the inventory management system, records the name, quantity, location and other information of the items, and checks whether there are any abnormalities. Using UHF RFID technology for inventory control can accurately grasp the inventory information in real time, understand the demand pattern of each product, replenish stocks in time, improve inventory management capabilities, and reduce inventory costs.

Outbound management

By scanning the UHF RFID tags of goods and cargo locations, confirm the outbound items and update the inventory information. When the items arrive at the outbound channel, the RFID reader automatically reads the UHF RFID tags and calls up the corresponding information in the database, and compares it with the order information. If it is correct, it can be shipped out, and the inventory of goods will be reduced accordingly. If there is an abnormality, the warehouse management system will prompt information to facilitate staff processing.

Yard management

Using the UHF RFID system to search for items in the yard is more convenient. The RFID reader can regularly check the classified items and analyze the inventory changes. When the items are moved, the RFID reader automatically collects the UHF RFID tags of the goods and finds the corresponding information in the database and enters it into the inventory management system, recording the name, quantity, location and other information of the items to check whether there are any abnormalities.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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