Application of container RFID technology in logistics and transportation management

Industry background

Containers are the main transportation equipment for international logistics. 90% of the world's goods are transported by containers, and the global container throughput and trade volume are growing. Container transportation has the advantages of ensuring cargo safety, saving packaging costs, improving loading and unloading efficiency, and accelerating capital circulation. However, there are still many problems in the current container transportation management, mainly due to the traditional manual management mode. The staff needs to manually record the location of the container and enter the data into the container management system database, which makes it difficult to bind the container data with the actual storage data. Due to problems such as inaccurate manual identification, data entry errors and information transmission delays, the entire container management has become extremely chaotic and can no longer meet the requirements of modern Logistics Management.

Technical application

RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology of wireless radio frequency identification, which can realize the automatic identification of stationary or moving objects and personnel. RFID technology automatically identifies the target object and obtains relevant data through radio frequency signals without human intervention. It can work in various environments and can identify high-speed moving objects and multiple targets at the same time. RFID technology can be used to locate and identify almost all physical objects. It is one of the important means in the field of information identification.

Solution Design

At present, the information level of container logistics process is one of the bottlenecks restricting the development of container transportation. Since the container itself does not carry information, the flow and identification of the container during transportation are too dependent on manual operation, which seriously affects the efficiency of transportation, loading and unloading and management. For the global container supply chain, it is of great significance to accurately obtain the location and security information of the goods, realize the transparency of the supply chain, optimize management, reduce the uncertainty of inventory and transportation cycle, and improve the efficiency and benefits of the supply chain. It is also an urgent need of modern logistics.

By installing RFID electronic tags on containers and installing RFID Readers in various logistics links, real-time tracking and management of containers can be achieved.

The specific solution design is as follows:

1. Container label design

Installing RFID electronic tags on containers can realize the unique identification and identification of containers. RFID electronic tags can use passive or active tags. According to actual needs, the appropriate tag type is selected to Store relevant information of the container in the tag, such as container number, size, weight, cargo type, etc. The tag should have waterproof, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance and seismic resistance to adapt to various logistics environments.

2. RFID reader installation

RFID readers are installed at key locations in the logistics process to achieve real-time identification and data collection of containers. The main installation locations include docks, warehouses, transport vehicles and logistics centers. RFID readers should have high reading speed, long-distance identification ability and anti-interference ability to ensure accurate identification of containers.

3. Data transmission and processing

Through wireless or wired networks, the data collected by the RFID reader is transmitted to the background centralized processing system. The background system can receive and process the information of the container in real time, and perform data analysis and management. Through data analysis, real-time tracking, location positioning and status monitoring of the container can be achieved. At the same time, data can be shared with other logistics management systems to improve the efficiency and benefits of overall logistics transportation.

Application effect

Real-time tracking: Through RFID tags, the location and status information of the container can be obtained in real time, the tracking ability of the container can be improved, and the risk of cargo loss and damage can be reduced.

Automatic identification: RFID readers can realize automatic identification of containers, reduce the risk of manual operation and input errors, and improve the accuracy and reliability of data.

Improve efficiency: Container RFID technology can speed up the operation of logistics links, improve loading and unloading efficiency and transportation efficiency, and reduce logistics costs and time costs.

Management optimization: Through container RFID technology, full management and monitoring of containers can be achieved, the efficiency and accuracy of logistics management can be improved, and supply chain management can be optimized.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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