Smart Grid Patrol Update Direction—RFID Smart Patrol Management System

Industry background

In recent years, with the continuous development of power grid construction, power grid patrol management has become an indispensable part of the power grid operation process. Traditional power patrol management has difficulties such as low efficiency, low accuracy, and cumbersome data recording. It is necessary to introduce new technical means to improve management level and operation and maintenance efficiency. Based on this, RFID (radio frequency identification) technology has gradually been applied to power grid patrol management, providing strong support for the safe and stable operation of the power grid.

Difficulties in traditional power patrol management

In traditional power patrol management, there are some difficulties and problems. First, manual patrol work is inefficient and requires a lot of time and human resources. Patrol personnel need to record patrol time, location, equipment status and other information one by one, which is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also prone to data errors and omissions. Secondly, due to the existence of human factors, the accuracy of patrol results cannot be guaranteed. Manual patrol is easily affected by subjective factors, and may result in missed inspections and false inspections. In addition, a large number of paper records and manual data entry increase the complexity of data management and the possibility of errors.

Traditional power inspection equipment is cumbersome and manual recording is inefficient

Solution design

In order to solve the difficulties of traditional power inspection management, the introduction of RFID intelligent inspection management system has become an effective solution. The solution uses RFID technology to identify the inspection personnel and equipment, and realizes the automatic recording and management of inspection data.

RFID tag installation

RFID tags are installed on the inspection Tools of the inspection personnel, power grid facilities and other places to realize the recording and management of the inspection personnel, inspection time, inspection location and other information. RFID tags can be pasted on the inspection tools or fixed on the power grid facilities. Each RFID tag has a unique identification number to distinguish different inspection personnel and equipment.

RFID Reader deployment

The corresponding RFID reader is installed on the inspection substations, transmission lines and other facilities to read the information in the RFID tag. The reader can communicate with the RFID tag through wireless radio frequency technology and transmit the read information to the background system for processing. The reader can be installed in a fixed position or read using the RFID handheld terminal carried by the inspection personnel.

Data collection and transmission

Through the connection between the RFID reader and the inspection tool, the inspection data can be automatically collected and transmitted to the central database. The inspector only needs to bring the inspection tool close to the RFID reader, and the system can automatically read the information in the RFID tag, including the identity of the inspector, the inspection time, the inspection location, etc. The collected data can be transmitted to the central database through a wireless network or a data cable to achieve real-time data update and sharing.

System integration and analysis

Integrate the RFID intelligent inspection management system with the existing information system of the power company to achieve unified management and analysis of data. The inspection data can be associated with equipment operation data, maintenance records, etc. to form a comprehensive power facility management system. Through data analysis and mining, the potential risks of equipment failure can be discovered, maintenance and repair can be carried out in advance, and the safety and reliability of the power grid can be improved.

Solution composition

RFID tag: RFID tag is one of the core devices in the solution, which is used to install on the inspection tools of the inspectors and power grid facilities. Each RFID tag has a unique identification number to distinguish different inspectors and equipment. The RFID tag uses wireless radio frequency technology to communicate with the RFID reader and transmit the inspection data to the background system.

RFID reader: RFID reader is a device used to read information in RFID tags. In the solution, RFID readers are deployed on substations, transmission lines and other facilities for inspection. The reader communicates with RFID tags through wireless radio frequency technology and transmits the read inspection information to the background system for processing.

PDA (Portable RFID Data Terminal): As a tool for inspection personnel, it is used to interact with RFID tags and collect data.

Central database: The central database is the core device for storing and managing inspection data. The collected inspection data is transmitted to the central database via wireless network or data cable to achieve real-time data update and sharing. The central database is integrated with the RFID intelligent inspection management system to achieve unified management and analysis of data. Inspection data can be associated with other equipment operation data to form a comprehensive power facility management system.

Background system: The background system is a device used to process and analyze inspection data. Through the background system, the inspection data can be monitored and analyzed in real time, abnormal equipment conditions can be found, and corresponding measures can be taken for repair and maintenance. The background system can also be integrated with the existing information system of the power company to achieve unified management and sharing of data.

Benefits of the solution application

Improve inspection management efficiency

Through automated data collection and recording, the time and workload required for manual inspections are reduced, and the efficiency of inspection work is improved. The inspectors only need to bring the inspection tools close to the RFID reader, and the system can automatically identify the identity and inspection information of the inspectors, eliminating the steps of manual recording and reducing the time consumption of inspections.

Improve the accuracy of inspection data

Avoid the influence of human factors on the inspection results, improve the accuracy and reliability of inspection data, RFID technology can realize the accurate identification of inspection personnel and equipment, eliminate the problems of missed inspections and false inspections that may occur in manual inspections, and ensure the accuracy of inspection data.

Optimize data management

Through system integration and unified data management, the data entry and query process is simplified, and the efficiency of data management is improved. Inspection data can be associated with other equipment operation data to form a comprehensive power facility management system, providing more comprehensive data support for the maintenance and operation of the power grid.

Real-time monitoring and analysis

Through RFID technology, real-time monitoring of power grid facilities is realized, including the acquisition and analysis of parameters such as operating status, temperature, and humidity, which provides effective protection for the safe operation of the power grid. Through real-time monitoring and analysis of inspection data, abnormal conditions of equipment can be discovered in a timely manner, and corresponding measures can be taken to repair and maintain them, thereby improving the reliability and safety of the power grid.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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