RFID tags improve agricultural and livestock crop management efficiency

With the advancement of science and technology, many dreams have gradually become reality. In 1931, the New York Times invited many future experts to predict what human life would be like in 2011. At that time, some experts told such a dream: "In the future, automated factories will replace human labor, and magical remote controls will become common." ..." These lives that seemed out of reach a few decades ago have become commonplace for people today.

So, what will the information-based life be like in the future? Liu Yishi, who is studying in fifth grade, said: "I hope that in the future, my mother will know if there is anything wrong with the milk she buys just by taking a picture of it with a computer. I hope she can sit at home." You can see a doctor right away, so you don’t have to wait in long queues.” In fact, with the gradual deepening of Guangdong’s informatization construction, the prototype of “Smart Guangdong” represented by the Internet of Things and cloud computing has begun to emerge. Liu Yishi’s dream is to Realization is not out of reach.

With many years of experience in assisting Guangdong's informatization construction and its outstanding vision of actively deploying cutting-edge information communication technology and Internet application technology, China Telecom Guangdong Company (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Telecom") has become the backbone of Guangdong's informatization construction. In the future It must also be an important driver for the dream of “Smart Guangdong” to come true.

The government attaches great importance to the unlimited potential of smart cities

On May 28, 2010, the "Smart Guangdong" plan based on the Internet of Things was officially launched. Its development vision is to create a digital Guangdong, a smart city, and a ubiquitous network society with a knowledge economy to achieve economic and social operations and management services. of intelligence and networking. To this end, the Guangdong Provincial Government has decided to allocate 2 billion yuan in special fiscal funds from the provincial finance every year for five consecutive years starting from 2010 to support strategic emerging industries including the Internet of Things. Not only that, in the subsequently released "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" of Guangdong Province, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government further proposed to "accelerate transformation and upgrading and build a happy Guangdong" as the core task, and vigorously build an open and integrated information network system and information service network. , the requirement to increase efforts to build “Smart Guangdong”.

The core purpose of developing "Smart Guangdong" is to use a new generation of information technology in a smarter way to change the way governments, enterprises, organizations and individuals interact, and to improve the clarity, flexibility, efficiency and response speed of interactions. Among them, the supporting role of information technology is very critical, which also brings unprecedented innovation space to basic telecom operators represented by Guangdong Telecom. It is precisely because of seeing such huge potential and the determination of the Guangdong Provincial Government to build "Smart Guangdong" that on March 18, 2011, China Telecom Group and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government signed the "Accelerating Transformation and Upgrading to Build a Happy Guangdong" "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Information Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

According to the agreement, the two parties agreed to cooperate in eight major areas, including efficient networks, industrial promotion, low-carbon development, popularization of informatization, government convenience, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and information benefits for the people. After the signing of the agreement, Guangdong Telecom, as the largest and most powerful provincial branch of China Telecom, quickly started implementation work and signed the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" information cooperation agreement with 21 prefectural and municipal governments across the province. The Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission signed the 2011 annual implementation plan to quickly promote the implementation of the eight major actions of the framework agreement. In the past two years, Guangdong Telecom has invested a total of more than 25 billion yuan to build "Broadband Guangdong·optical Network City" and carried out information technology strategic cooperation with 56 industry leading enterprises, 46 government departments and 8 national high-tech economic parks to provide Guangdong’s economic and social informatization construction has provided comprehensive assistance.

Focus on people's livelihood applications to make Guangdong people happier

However, the value of developing Smart Guangdong does not end there. According to the predictions of the World Bank, the completion of a smart city with a population of more than one million and the implementation of all-round information management will increase the city’s development dividend by 2.5 to 3 times while maintaining the same investment. This means that a smart city can Promote the realization of approximately 4 times the sustainable development goals and lead the direction of future urban development in the world. However, the construction of any smart city needs to meet three conditions, namely, more thorough perception, wider interconnection, and deeper intelligence. To achieve such conditions, information service providers not only need to have superior network foundation and excellent service capabilities, but also need to have a high degree of application innovation capabilities.

As the largest comprehensive information service provider in China, China Telecom has exactly this kind of confidence. In the Guangdong region, Guangdong Telecom is the operator with the most balanced business development among the three major operators, and it occupies a dominant position in broadband business and data center business. Not only that, because it has caught up from behind in the development of 3G networks and has long been deployed in cutting-edge fields such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing, Guangdong Telecom also has unique comprehensive network advantages and application innovation space. Taking the Internet of Things, which is extremely important in "Smart Guangdong", as an example, Guangdong Telecom has taken the lead in establishing the Guangdong Province Internet of Things application incubation and support base. With the help of this base, Guangdong Telecom will build an open cooperation innovation platform and join forces with upstream and downstream enterprises in the IoT industry chain to form a joint force. It is expected to be the first to achieve breakthroughs in key IoT technology breakthroughs and innovative incubation of application technologies, and promote the productization of IoT applications. , marketization.

"In just a few years, all agricultural and livestock crops in our province will be able to wear RFID tags, and automatically record growth environment, harvest time, logistics conditions and other data through the Internet of Things; people's mobile phones can also be easily clicked. When taking the subway, watching movies, going to scenic spots, eating fast food, or on business trips, you can also monitor the safety of your home via video; seeing a doctor will also be achieved through remote video or remote digital monitoring equipment, and everyone will have their own "private doctor."" The relevant person in charge of Guangdong Telecom described the development prospects of Smart Guangdong. According to the person in charge, unlike the early stage of Guangdong’s informatization development, which mainly focused on industry applications and government informatization, the future construction of Smart Guangdong will focus more on the innovation of people’s livelihood applications, with the help of ubiquitous information networks and ubiquitous sensing of the Internet of Things. Characteristics, people's lifestyles will once again undergo earth-shaking changes due to the continuous emergence of application innovations in the fields of mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other fields.

In fact, in recent years, Guangdong Telecom has made many achievements in the informatization of people's livelihood. In response to the needs of urban residents in travel, payment, culture and entertainment, Guangdong Telecom has successively launched many mobile Internet application services such as bus card, cinema link, Tianyi Great Wall card, Tianyi train card, Tianyi Passenger Pass and so on. "However, this is only the beginning. With the arrival of the climax of the construction of Smart Guangdong, Guangdong Telecom's people's livelihood informatization applications will be more abundant, and the happiness index of Guangdong people's lives will continue to improve." The relevant person in charge of Guangdong Telecom said.



Contact: Adam

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E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

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