Successful cases of Chengdu pig traceability system using RFID electronic tag technology

The source of the meat and vegetables bought from the market is unreliable, and what steps have it gone through in the sales process? As long as you check the traceability code on the sales receipt, the detailed information from production, wholesale to retail and other links will be immediately clear. This kind of meat and vegetable traceability system allows consumers to buy and eat with confidence. It is understood that the vegetable circulation traceability system has fully covered 4 large agricultural product wholesale markets, 92 vegetable product production and processing enterprises, 50 standardized vegetable markets in the central urban area, 86 large chain supermarkets and 555 catering units in our city, and has reached the stage of Sexual results.

You can find out the "life story" of meat and vegetables with just one lookup

Early in the morning of June 18, garlic farmer Sun Longzhong, as usual, drove a cart of garlic to the Chengdu Agricultural Products Central Wholesale Market to start the day's business.

"Here are 5 kilograms of garlic." The buyer came to the door. Sun Longzhong neatly moved the garlic to the integrated scale in front of the door and entered the unit price. The buyer and Sun Longzhong each took out an IC card and swiped it on the all-in-one machine to complete the transaction. Immediately, the electronic scale "spit out" a receipt. In addition to the garlic variety, price, buyer and seller information, the receipt also had a string of 20 digits. These 20 digits are the traceability code of these 5 kilograms of garlic.

"This string of numbers will follow the 5 kilograms of garlic to the wet market, supermarket or shopping mall. Consumers who buy these 5 kilograms of garlic can use this string of numbers to find out where the vegetables they bought were grown? Where was it wholesaled? How did it get to them?" Sun Longzhong told the author, pointing to the traceability code on the receipt.

Today, in Chengdu's 4 large-scale agricultural product wholesale markets, 92 vegetable product production and processing companies, 50 standardized vegetable markets in the central city, 86 large chain supermarkets and 555 catering units, citizens can get a stamp with a stamp when buying meat and vegetables. Receipt of traceability code. With this traceability code, the "original history" of the purchased dishes can be known at a glance.

"If there is a problem with the quality of meat and vegetables, consumers can use the traceability code to find the source of the problematic meat and vegetables; the management department can also conduct real-time monitoring of the processing, production and market operations of the source of meat and vegetables." Municipal Commerce Zeng Hongyang, deputy director of the bureau, said, “With this traceability system, once there is a problem with the product, the relevant units involved can easily be targeted.”

According to reports, the meat and vegetable circulation traceability system is based on the development of modern circulation methods, using information technology to realize the electronicization of certificates and invoices for the circulation of meat and vegetable commodities, and the purchase and sale ledger, forming a traceable source, verifiable destination, and accountability Accountable quality and safety traceability chain.

The pig traceability system uses RFID technology to establish full-process information management covering key links such as pig entry, slaughtering, quarantine, inspection and meat delivery. The RFID electronic tag on the pig leg serves as the basis for the flow direction, realizing the docking of source information and flow direction information; when the pork enters the market, the market regulator scans the RFID electronic tag on the pig leg with a handheld device to check the source information of the purchase; in the sales process, it passes The traceability electronic scale prints a traceability receipt with a traceability code to the consumer.

The vegetable traceability system uses IC card technology to establish full-process information management covering key links such as vegetable entry registration, pesticide residue testing and trading in the wholesale link. The vegetable origin certificate or testing certificate is used as the basis for the source of vegetables. Vegetable transaction vouchers, The meat and vegetable circulation service card is the basis for the flow of vegetables, ensuring that the source information is related to the flow information. When the vegetables enter the market, the market supervisor checks the stall owner's circulation service card through a handheld device, checks the source information of the purchase, and traces the source information through electronic traceability during the sales process. The scale prints a traceability receipt with a traceability code to the consumer.

Through this process, meat and vegetables have an “identity card”. On the Chengdu food quality and safety traceability supervision public service platform, consumers only need to enter the traceability code in the corresponding column, and the "life experience" of the meat and vegetables can be clearly shown where it was produced, what the quality inspection results were, and when it was delivered Market, retail hours, operator name...

Meat and dish traceability is the "safety guard" for people's dining tables

food safety is no small matter. In particular, it is difficult to track the flow of major non-staple foods such as meat and vegetables, and to investigate responsibilities. The root of the problem is that it cannot be traced. The meat and vegetable traceability system, simply put, means that once there is a problem with the "vegetable basket", whether it is in the production, wholesale, transportation, or retail links, the source can be "traced" immediately. This undoubtedly adds a "safety" to the people's dining tables. Guardian".

It is understood that in the "clenbuterol" incident, the traceability system showed its talents. After the incident, the functional departments used the traceability system to effectively prevent the pigs from the source of "clenbuterol". It is understood that an important purpose of building a meat and vegetable traceability system is to start from the circulation field, verify the "authenticity" of meat and vegetables, establish a market pressure mechanism, strengthen the sense of responsibility and ability of operating enterprises, and encourage them to produce in accordance with food safety standards. , improve the level of food safety and security.

It is understood that in order to implement the "Food Safety Law", "Agricultural Products Quality Safety Law", "Pig Slaughter Management Regulations" and other laws and regulations, solve the problems of difficult traceability of meat and vegetable circulation sources and difficulty in verifying their whereabouts, and improve the circulation of meat and vegetables, Organization and informatization levels, and enhanced quality and safety assurance capabilities. In September 2010, the Ministry of Commerce decided to focus on "one meat and one vegetable" for meat and vegetables, and build traceable sources and verifiable destinations in cities across the country where conditions permit. An accountable meat and vegetable circulation traceability system.

In October 2010, the Ministry of Commerce held a pilot working meeting on the construction of a national meat and vegetable circulation traceability system in Shanghai, and identified Chengdu as one of the first 10 pilot cities. Pilot cities will build traceability systems in all large wholesale markets, large and medium-sized chain supermarkets and mechanized designated slaughterhouses, as well as in no less than 50% of standardized vegetable markets and some group purchasing units.

Our city’s meat and vegetable traceability system takes the lead in achieving full coverage of the pilot target

In accordance with the requirements of the pilot work, our city immediately launched the construction of a meat and vegetable circulation traceability system. First, all designated pig slaughtering plants (fields) in the city, 4 large agricultural product wholesale markets, 50 standardized vegetable markets in the central city, and 86 shopping malls (supermarkets) ) and large catering enterprises and canteens to carry out pilot projects.

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach great importance to the pilot work, and have incorporated the construction of the meat and vegetable circulation traceability system into the target management and assessment of people's livelihood projects. They have established a pilot work leading group and a work promotion group respectively. The leaders in charge of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government are effectively strengthening organizational leadership and overall planning. On the basis of coordinating the joint management of various departments, we will conduct in-depth on-site inspections of the progress of facility renovation, equipment configuration, system operation, etc. of pilot enterprises, and conduct daily supervision and reporting on problems discovered during the inspection.

At the same time, in order to meet the needs of traceability management, a series of special traceability equipment have been developed, including card readers and integrated transaction machines for slaughtering, integrated transaction electronic scales for large agricultural product wholesale markets, traceability electronic scales for vegetable markets, and handheld handheld scales for supermarkets. Transaction terminals and traceability ticket printers, circulation service cards, RFID electronic tags, inspection handheld machines dedicated to supervisors, supervisory service cards, etc. Pig slaughtering enterprises, pork and vegetable wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets, processing enterprises and catering enterprises use electronic tags and circulation service cards as carriers, such as transaction machines, traceability electronic scales and other equipment, and transmit them to cloud computing via mobile messaging or the Internet. middle

After hard work, our city’s pilot work strictly followed the technical specifications and content of the Ministry of Commerce and basically met the progress requirements. The coverage of the pig product traceability system has exceeded the pilot target range. According to statistics from the city’s traceability management platform, the city’s meat and vegetable circulation traceability system has reached 10,791 coverage points, of which the pig traceability system has reached 9,997 coverage points, covering 67 designated slaughtering companies and 2 pork wholesale transactions in the city. markets, 155 supermarkets, 268 pork brand Stores, 8 non-local pig slaughtering companies, 70 pork product production and processing companies, 312 farmers' markets, 734 market stores, and 8,381 catering units, realizing the transformation of pig products from Information-based supervision that covers the entire process from the slaughterhouse to the table, and comprehensive coverage of pork sources inside and outside the city; the vegetable circulation traceability system has reached 794 coverage points, covering 4 large agricultural product wholesale markets in the city and 7 secondary wholesale of agricultural products that operate both wholesale and retail operations. Market, 92 vegetable product production and processing enterprises, 50% (50) of the standardized vegetable markets in the central city, 86 large chain supermarkets and 555 catering units.

Within 3-5 years

Our city strives to basically cover the “people’s dining table” with its traceability system

It is understood that this year our city will continue to include the pilot work in people's livelihood target management. On the basis of the comprehensive implementation of retrospective management by existing pilot units, 113 new wet markets, 361 large catering companies and school canteens will be added to the central city this year. Traceability management, the meat and vegetable circulation traceability system in the central urban area will achieve full coverage. At the same time, further strengthen the sense of responsibility of meat and vegetable circulation producers and operators to implement traceability management, and guide consumers to

"Starting from this year, we will also establish and improve a rapid detection system for pesticide residues at the county, township and village levels, starting from vegetables with high consumer attention, convenient detection methods, relatively mature detection technology, and low detection costs, to implement vegetable quality and safety Base access system, establish a city, county and township agricultural product quality and safety traceability information platform, and build a quality and safety traceability system for vegetable planting." Zeng Hongyang said that our city will further establish and improve the food standard system, and gradually Extend the meat and vegetable quality and safety traceability system to other livestock, poultry, edible oil and other foods, and strive to basically cover varieties closely related to people's lives through 3-5 years of efforts, and push the city's overall food safety level to a new level .



Contact: Adam

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E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

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