RFID realizes intelligent material tracking and management solutions in production and manufacturing

Project Background

With the rapid development of informatization and the Internet of Things, the domestic manufacturing industry urgently needs to quickly improve production efficiency and develop from quantity to quality. In the manufacturing process, information sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, global positioning system, infrared sensors, laser scanners and other Internet of Things technologies play an important role. Among them, the application of RFID technology in the production and manufacturing assembly line is particularly important, which can realize real-time tracking and data collection of the production process, improve the controllability and visualization level of the production process, and increase the production efficiency of enterprises. In order to meet the needs of manufacturing enterprises in terms of product tracking, real-time production management and scheduling, the middleware based on RFID technology assists the manufacturing execution system (MES) in tracking and managing work-in-process products, helps enterprises build a "digital workshop", and realizes the digitization, controllability and visualization of production management.

Traditional production material tracking management is difficult and easy to make mistakes

Difficulties in traditional production material management

Use barcode technology to collect information: Traditional production lines use barcode technology to collect information, which requires workers to use barcode scanners to operate, and cannot obtain data in real time, and are prone to manual errors.

Incomplete production tracking: Under traditional production management methods, production tracking efficiency is low, data information is limited, and real-time monitoring and process traceability are impossible, making it difficult to achieve lean management.

Difficulty in tracking Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation and workstep information: Under traditional management methods, the tracking of workstation, workstep and other information cannot be achieved throughout the process, in a timely and automated manner.

Poor product traceability: Under traditional management methods, there is a lack of comprehensive traceability of products, including assembly time, operators, working hours, assembly parts and other information, which affects quality control.


RFID realizes intelligent material tracking management in production and manufacturing. The solution aims to solve the problem of traditional production material management. Through RFID technology, it can automatically collect production site data, and provide real-time feedback and accurate tracking. This solution can help manufacturing companies improve production efficiency and management level, realize the digitization, controllability and visualization of the production process, and thus bring significant economic benefits.

Solution composition

RFID Reader and antenna: RFID reader and antenna are installed at each production station. RFID reader is used to read the information on each RFID electronic tag, while the antenna is used to communicate with the tag. The combination of RFID reader and antenna can realize automatic identification and data collection of materials.

RFID electronic tag: RFID electronic tag is the core component of this solution. Each material is equipped with an RFID electronic tag, which Stores the unique identifier and related information of the material. Through the scanning of RFID reader, the information on the tag can be read and data can be interacted with the MES system.

MES system: MES system is the data management and analysis platform of this solution. The data read by RFID is uploaded to the MES system through TCP/IP to realize centralized management and analysis of data. MES system can monitor production site data in real time, provide production data analysis and report generation functions, and help enterprises realize controllable and visualized production processes.

Employee identification: According to different situations at the workstation, different identification methods can be used. Automatic identification and data collection can be achieved through RFID readers and antennas to reduce manual operations and error rates. RFID electronic tags can be bound to employee ID Cards or work permits as needed to achieve automatic identification and recording of employee identities.

Benefits of solution application

Improve production efficiency: Realize real-time tracking and data collection of materials, reduce manual operation time, reduce labor costs, automatically collect and interact with production site data in real time, and improve production data collection efficiency.

Achieve lean management: Through the application of RFID technology, the production process can be controlled and visualized, the production management system can be improved, and internal quality traceability of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products can be achieved.

Improve the intelligent and real-time support capabilities of the production execution system: The application of RFID technology makes the production and manufacturing process more intelligent and real-time, and can quickly respond to market and user needs.

Enhance product traceability: Through RFID technology, comprehensive traceability of products can be achieved, including assembly time, operators, working hours, assembly parts and other information, and quality control capabilities can be improved.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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