RFID pallet logistics transportation opens the door to smart logistics

With the rapid development of warehousing and logistics, the number of items managed by warehouses is increasing, and the number of entries and exits from the warehouse is frequent. Warehouse management operations have also become very complex and diversified. Traditional manual warehouse operation modes and data collection methods are no longer able to meet the requirements of modern warehouse management. . Need to make quick and accurate requests. Since the introduction of "transportation with pallets", the popularity of standardized pallets has accelerated. RFID technology carries out intelligent automatic identification and collection of information, and RFID pallet logistics and transportation opens the door to "smart logistics".

With the addition of RFID technology, the door to a new world of "smart logistics" has been opened. The combination of RFID technology and pallets not only facilitates real-time tracking and management of the circulation and use of the pallets themselves, such as leasing, recycling, maintenance, storage, etc. In addition, it also realizes visual monitoring of pallet loads, thereby greatly promoting the automation level of information collection in Logistics Management, ensuring the safety of goods during transportation, improving logistics efficiency and reducing costs.

RFID pallet logistics transportation opens the door to "smart logistics"

What is "carrying with a carrier"?

"Pallet transportation" refers to a mode of transportation in which goods are assembled on a standard pallet according to certain requirements to form a transportation unit and facilitate the use of forklifts or pallet lifts for loading, unloading, consignment, and storage. "Container transport" has become one of the three globally recognized intermodal transport methods, along with container transport and lighterage transport. A survey shows that 80% of the merchandise trade in the United States is carried on pallets, more than 80% of the EU's merchandise trade is carried on pallets, and Japan has reached 77%.

At present, the total number of standardized pallets in my country is 316 million, and the number of rental pallets is 17 million, a year-on-year increase of 16.4%. The growth rate is fast and the room for growth is broad. Guangdong Province is a major logistics province. In 2016, Guangdong's total social logistics volume was 19,732.4695 billion yuan, accounting for 8.6% of the national total. The total social logistics cost was 1,177.395 billion yuan, and the total logistics cost accounted for 14.81% of GDP. Through pallet standardization, leasing and sharing, logistics costs can be effectively reduced.

It can be seen that the road to pallet standardization is irreversible, the development of pallet leasing is also advancing hand in hand, and pallet sharing is more suitable for the requirements of the times. By revitalizing the social stock of logistics vehicles and using the sharing economy as a guide, we connect the resources of pallet manufacturers, pallet lessors, logistics companies, and manufacturers to provide a collaborative cooperation to achieve win-win development opportunities, while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. There is very broad room for development.

RFID technology gives standardized pallets the world's only "ID Card" information, realizing the entrance to the pallet information unit, greatly improving the collaborative efficiency of the supply chain, and is an important technical means to promote innovation in the modern supply chain. In pallet management, pallets can be reused and RFID electronic tags can also be read and written repeatedly, greatly reducing costs. The electronic label on the pallet records the item code of the pallet, and important information related to the product name, quantity, volume, weight, shipping address, and receiving address of the goods carried on the pallet is Stored in the database through the network. During the transportation process from the departure point to the destination, the RFID tag can be read by the UHF RFID Reader and writer, the required information can be retrieved at any time, and the location information of the pallet and the arrival of the goods can be uploaded.

It can be seen from this that through the combination of RFID technology and pallet management, direct cargo tracking can be achieved, ensuring cargo safety and effectively solving pallet tracking. RFID technology enables intelligent pallet positioning, recovery, management, and settlement, reducing operating costs; promoting the development of "Internet +" efficient logistics; and accelerating the formation of a new open, shared, efficient and convenient smart logistics ecosystem. The logistics warehousing management system uses RFID technology to automatically collect item information, upload the collected data to the back-end system, and automatically identify the information in each link in the supply chain. The RFID-based Internet of Things will fundamentally change the management level of flow monitoring in all aspects of item production, transportation, and warehousing within the scope of global logistics and warehousing.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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