RFID intelligent management helps firefighting equipment safety

The importance of fire safety is becoming increasingly prominent. The normal operation of fire equipment is the primary guarantee to ensure safety. In order to simplify equipment management and avoid inaccuracies and time waste in manual operations and records, RFID technology is applied to fire equipment management. Through RFID technology, various problems in the management model can be effectively solved, and the safe use of fire equipment can be guaranteed, contributing to the construction of the "life safety line".

By using RFID technology, strengthening information management capabilities, strengthening supervision of inspection processes, improving the management level of the entire fire equipment, and eliminating safety hazards, it is urgent. In the management of fire equipment, basic data is established and RFID Readers are deployed to accurately collect and obtain data information at key nodes. RFID wireless radio frequency identification technology has received more and more attention and attention, and has gradually been applied to various industries. It meets the stable performance of information collection and storage devices for various needs, allowing RFID technology to expand rapidly to various fields.

The fire equipment management system based on RFID technology installs RFID electronic tags on fire equipment, binds the corresponding Asset information in the background, installs RFID electronic tags and RFID readers in key nodes and processes, and collects RFID electronic tag information to accurately obtain detailed information on assets.

The specific implementation steps are as follows:

1. Passive RFID electronic tags are pasted on all fire-fighting equipment. The tag memory records the purchase time, expiration time, installation time, person in charge, inspection times and other information of the fire-fighting equipment to achieve the life cycle management of fire-fighting equipment.

2. Establish an electronic File of fire-fighting equipment, Store it uniformly in the central server of the management department, and provide an expiration alarm function. The system will display an alarm prompt on the management page and remind relevant personnel or persons in charge to replace it through SMS.

3. The fire management department formulates inspection plans and sampling plans for each unit, including annual plans, monthly plans, weekly plans and temporary plans. The system will automatically generate SMS content according to the plan and send it to the mobile phones of relevant executors in a timely manner to remind them to inspect the fire-fighting equipment. The plan can also be downloaded to the RFID handheld terminal of the executor.

4. Each patrol inspector and sampling inspector is equipped with an RFID handheld terminal to identify the RFID tag information on the fire-fighting equipment and communicate with the host computer. The patrol inspector scans each fire-fighting equipment in turn according to the plan to form a patrol record. If the equipment is found to be damaged or malfunctioning, the patrol inspector will make corresponding selections on the RFID handheld terminal and save it in the patrol record.

5. Install RFID readers and RFID Antennas in the fire truck to obtain the information of the fire-fighting equipment in the fire truck in real time, compare it with the preset data, and display it on the equipped tablet to quickly identify the equipment information on the fire truck to prevent the omission of fire-fighting equipment.

6. Deploy ultra-high frequency RFID readers and RFID antennas at the door or passage of the fire warehouse to identify the information of fire-fighting equipment entering and leaving the warehouse for warehouse management.

The RFID smart fire protection platform realizes intelligent inspection, standardized inspection methods, digitization of equipment operation status, visualization of operation status of key fire protection parts, timely alarm data of key fire protection units, digitization of real-time status of building fire protection water, and systematization of fire safety knowledge training. By combining human defense and technical defense, it improves the level of safety management and reduces fire hazards. RFID technology provides an efficient and concise solution for the maintenance and daily inspection of fire protection equipment.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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