RFID helps smart customs container management application solutions

With the development of global trade and the increase in the flow of goods, containers have become the main carrier of global cargo transportation, especially sea containers. The global production of containers is about 2 million per year, of which China produces more than 50%. However, in the production, transportation, and stacking of containers, there are a series of management difficulties and inefficiencies.

Difficulties in customs container management

It is difficult to monitor the location and status of containers in real time: it is impossible to accurately understand the location and status of containers, and it is impossible to track the transportation of containers in real time.

Long waiting time for consigned vehicles: the cumbersome procedures lead to long queues of consigned vehicles, which seriously affects the efficiency of logistics.

Difficulty in yard container management: it is very difficult to find a designated container in a huge yard, which is time-consuming and error-prone.

Low yard utilization: it is impossible to understand the number of containers and location vacancies on the yard in real time, resulting in low yard utilization.

There are many types of customs containers, and supervision is difficult


In order to solve the above difficulties and improve the efficiency and accuracy of customs container management, a smart customs container management application solution based on ultra-high frequency RFID technology is proposed.

Solution composition

RFID Card issuer: used to write container information into blank electronic tags.

RFID Reader: used to read information from container and vehicle tags.

RFID electronic tags: including container electronic tags and trailer electronic tags, used to record container and vehicle information.

RFID Antenna: used for wireless communication with electronic tags.

In-vehicle reader system: used to read information from container and vehicle tags in real time.

Factory export monitoring subsystem: monitors and records information of outgoing containers and consigned vehicles.

Yard automatic management subsystem: monitors and records information of containers and vehicles entering and leaving the yard, and manages the stacking position of containers.

Central monitoring subsystem: monitors the operation of other subsystems, manages container and consigned vehicle information, data statistics and analysis, freight settlement, etc., and provides container information query services to customers.


1. Container workshop card writing: when the container production line is offline, the container information is written into the electronic tag through the card issuer, and the tag is adsorbed on the container.

2. Container factory reading: When the container leaves the factory, the reader reads the container label information and trailer information, and transmits the data to the factory monitoring subsystem.

3. Yard gate entrance reading: When the container enters the yard gate, the reader reads the container and vehicle label information and saves it to the yard management subsystem.

4. Yard placement/extraction of containers: After the container enters the yard, the stacker system places it according to the stacking position assigned by the central subsystem. The on-board reader reads the container information and interacts with the central database. After verification, the container is placed in the designated position. When extracting the container, the stacker system finds the corresponding container according to the graphic instructions, reads and verifies it.

5. When the container is transported out of the yard: When the container is transported out of the yard, the reader system reads the container and vehicle label information, matches and saves it.

Solution advantages

Real-time tracking of container location and status: Through RFID technology, the location and status of the container can be understood in real time.

Improve logistics efficiency: Through the application of RFID technology, the waiting time of consignment vehicles can be reduced and logistics efficiency can be improved. Consigned vehicles no longer need to wait in long queues for formalities to be processed, but can quickly read container information through readers and writers, reducing the time consumption in the logistics link.

Simplify yard management: RFID technology can realize automatic identification and positioning of containers, making yard management simpler and more efficient. Yard managers can quickly find designated containers through readers and writers, reducing the time and labor costs of finding containers.

Improve yard utilization: By real-time monitoring and recording information about containers entering and leaving the yard, the number and location of containers on the yard can be accurately grasped. Yard managers can optimize stacking based on real-time data, improve yard utilization, and reduce waste of yard resources.

Improve safety: RFID technology can realize real-time monitoring and tracking of containers to prevent containers from being stolen or damaged. Once an abnormal situation is found, timely measures can be taken to improve the safety and security of containers.

Data management: Through RFID technology, container information and vehicle information can be accurately recorded and managed. These data can be centrally Stored and analyzed to provide decision support and data reference to help companies optimize operations and management.

Implementation Benefits

Improve management efficiency: Real-time tracking of the location and status of containers and consigned vehicles reduces manual operations and errors, and improves the management efficiency of the yard.

Save resources: By automatically managing and optimizing the stacking position, the utilization rate of the yard is improved, saving corporate resources.

Speed up transportation: Reduce the cumbersome procedures for entering and exiting the yard, shorten the queuing time for consigned vehicles, and speed up the transportation of containers.

Improve accuracy: By automatically reading electronic tags, manual operations and input errors are reduced, and the accuracy of information collection is improved.

Provide convenient services: The central monitoring subsystem provides customers with container information query services, which facilitates customers to obtain the required information at any time.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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