RFID electronic tag application solutions for the clothing industry

RFID is a radio frequency data collection technology and is the best means of cargo tracking. It is superior to barcode identification technology in that RFID can dynamically identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple electronic tags at the same time. The identification distance is large and it can adapt to Harsh environment. At the same time, because electronic tags can uniquely identify goods, they can track goods throughout the supply chain and know in real time where the goods are in the supply chain.

Implementing the electronic label system solution can achieve the following goals and obtain expected economic benefits:

1. Shorten the work process

2. Improve the quality of inventory work

3. Increase the throughput of the distribution center

4. Reduce operating costs

5. logistics tracking on the supply chain

6. Increase the transparency of supply chain management

7. Capture data on the process

8. Information transmission is more rapid, accurate and secure.

  Electronic label information management solutions for the textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industries

High-end brand clothing in the textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industries is currently the most suitable industry leader for applying RFID technology in the supply chain due to its characteristics.

Garment industry organizational structure model

First, let’s look at how high-end brand clothing uses RFID technology to increase value and gain benefits:

1. In the production process of clothing, electronic tag readers are used to record some important attributes of a single piece of clothing such as: name, grade, item number, model, fabric, lining, washing method, execution standard, product number, inspector number Write the corresponding electronic tag and attach the electronic tag to the clothing.

2. The attachment method of electronic tags can be adopted as needed: implanted into clothing, made into nameplates or hangtags, or recyclable anti-theft hard tags, etc.

3. In this way, each piece of clothing is given a unique electronic label that is difficult to forge, which can effectively avoid counterfeit clothing and solve the anti-counterfeiting problem of brand clothing.

4. In the warehousing management of factories, logistics distribution centers and retail Stores, due to the non-visual reading and multi-tag simultaneous reading characteristics of RFID technology, dozens of items with electronic tags attached A full box of clothing products can accurately read all its logistics data at one time through an RFID Reader, which greatly improves logistics efficiency.

5. If store sales are also implemented using RFID technology, the optimal management of the entire supply chain process of "store replenishment needs---distribution center---manufacturer" can be achieved.

6. In retail stores, EAS is currently commonly used to reduce losses from product theft. However, EAS technology will without exception be subject to interference and produce false alarms. EAS using RFID technology completely avoids false alarms from the system; more importantly, if a thief steals multiple items at the same time, the system will clearly identify Find out how many and what kinds of clothing the thieves stole. EAS using RFID technology can better solve the problem of merchandise theft and theft in stores.

7. In addition, the use of RFID technology in retail stores also plays a very important role in enabling non-contact quick search of goods, delivering the goods needed to customers in a timely manner, and avoiding losses due to artificial "out of stock" sales opportunities, thereby increasing sales revenue.

8. Using RFID technology in retail stores can also realize many functions such as POS quick settlement, VIP membership management, and multimedia clothing demonstrations.

Through supply chain collaboration, companies in the textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industries can reduce the scale of inventory, shorten the return cycle of investment, improve the quality of products and services, and speed up the company's response to the market.

Enterprises in the textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industries use RFID to achieve high efficiency and improve accuracy in warehouse management.

Faced with the repetitive work of receiving and warehousing goods every day, how can we quickly complete the verification and collection of large quantities of goods? How to quickly find specified goods in the warehouse? Nowadays, most warehouses still distinguish goods locations by pasting handwritten cards on the shelves, which is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task for these warehouses. Moreover, mistakes often occur in picking up the wrong goods and picking up goods repeatedly.

Does the inventory have to be closed before the inventory can be carried out? The losses caused by shutting down large warehouses for inventory are obvious, and companies are absolutely unwilling to bear them. However, it is impossible to truly grasp the situation of the warehouse without conducting an inventory, which is also something that corporate managers are unwilling to face. Is there any way to conduct warehouse inventory without affecting the normal work of the company? Textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industry companies use RFID to achieve accurate warehouse management processes

(1) Packaging and labeling system

Before the goods are put into storage, set up a packaging area (this step can also be completed on the product production line in the upper part of the supply chain). According to the actual warehouse management application requirements, the corresponding single products are packed into independent packages according to the specified quantity, the operation information is written into the label, and the label is hung or pasted on the packaging box or pallet.

(2) Inbound and outbound inspection system

1. System composition:

Inbound and outbound RFID Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation: fixed reader/writer, antenna, sensor system, process controller, indicator light, alarm, indicator panel (indicating receipt and delivery information, loading information, etc.)

Label selection and installation: pallet labels, box labels (adhesive type)

Proven benefits of RFID for warehouse management

(1) Managers can grasp the purchase, sale and storage status of inventory materials in real time to achieve information-transparent Asset MANAGEMENT.

(2) There is no need to perform traditional inventory work, thereby reducing the backlog of materials, accelerating capital turnover, and facilitating production guidance

(3) It solves the traditional management model where manual statistics are prone to human errors and information exchange is not timely.

(4) Reduce the workload of manual statistics and improve work efficiency

(5) Use technical means to curb the occurrence of inappropriate behavior

If the enterprise's warehouses, branches and warehouses in the upper part of the supply chain install long-range radio frequency identification equipment, and realize network connections and timely data transmission within the system, so that it can have automatic identification of passages, real-time records of entry and exit, authorized passage, and illegal entry and exit Alarm, information query, data analysis and other functions. It will play a positive role in grasping the flow of materials in real time, accurately and completely and improving the efficiency of scientific management.

Utilizing RFID electronic tag technology to automate production process management

The production and manufacturing processes of enterprises in the textile, printing and dyeing, and clothing industries are generally completed in various forms. For example: production to order, planned production based on market forecasts, contract subcontracting, commissioned processing and production, etc. The key to the production process is to control costs and control quality.

(1) The purpose of using electronic labels to manage product data during the production process

1. Material cost control: All production materials used are given unique numbers and attached with electronic labels, and strict material picking control is established. Through the material list of each type of product, the product production plan is decomposed into a material usage plan, the material cutting allowance is reasonably calculated, and the material usage and deviation from the standard cost of each batch of products are controlled.

2. Operating time control: Through the attendance clock (reader/writer) set at each operating point, the working time of each operator is recorded. After statistical analysis, the operating time of each batch of products and the deviation from the standard operating time can be calculated. .

3. Order quotation: Providing a quotation to customers for each received order has always been a headache. With the cost data of a single product (operating time and material usage), the profit margin can be easily calculated.

4. Quality process control: Using unit tracking technology (electronic tags in each product), the quality of each operating link in the manufacturing process of the product can be controlled, and the responsibilities of the operators can be held accountable.

5. Production statistics: Through electronic label identification, product output statistics, waste statistics, material usage statistics, etc. can be automatically completed.

6. Job task decomposition: In the manufacturing process, multiple varieties are often mixed and manufactured, and tasks need to be reasonably arranged to meet the production tasks of multiple orders at the same time. Break down a batch into multiple small task orders and assign them to individual workers. Through the electronic tags on the job orders, the sorting of the job orders can be completed and the completion status of the job orders can be controlled.

7. Piece-rate statistics: Many companies use piece-rate wages, and piece-rate statistics are a very tedious task. Through unit tracking technology, electronic tag identification and production work orders on each product, the output completed by each worker can be easily counted, and the responsible personnel can be held accountable for defective products.

  Automating supply process data management using electronic labeling technology

Clothing products are fashionable products with many varieties and rapid changes. The goal of supply management of clothing enterprises is to increase the supply speed. The characteristics of procurement are also multi-variety and small-batch supply. Timely and accurate supply must be ensured to meet the needs of production and production. Sales needs.

Problems solved by electronic labels in supply process management

1. Procurement control: Establishing material supply information and variety Files can effectively control the quality and price of materials. Purchased materials are affixed with electronic labels as unique identifiers to facilitate inventory management.

2. Order matching: Purchase orders often arrive multiple times, and orders are frequent. In order to ensure that orders and arriving goods do not cause confusion, they must be matched one by one, and the arrival status of each order can be checked at any time. The ordered materials are identified with electronic tags to facilitate inventory and investigation of supplier product quality issues.

3. Supply cycle control: In order to ensure the needs of production and sales, and at the same time reduce the inventory backlog of materials, the supply time must be controlled. Through the supplier's unique number and service quality certification, the supply time of each material can be accurately calculated, and orders can be ordered as needed to ensure immediate production.

4. Quality tracking: By matching the electronic tags of purchased products with the quality inspection form, the quality responsibility of the supplier can be effectively held accountable.

5. Entrusted processing control: Many manufacturers only operate brands themselves, and generally entrust OEM manufacturers to carry out manufacturing and production. Pre-made electronic labels are assigned to each OEM manufacturer to affix on the product. It is easy to count during acceptance. Any quality problems found during the sales process can be directly traced to the original manufacturer. The remaining materials after commissioned processing can also be quickly calculated.

6. Tracking of goods in transit: Clothing products are a commodity with a fast turnover rate. They are often put on the market quickly once production is completed and distributed to counters in various places. During the transportation process, goods account for a large proportion (including goods between various places). transfer). Using electronic tags as unique identifiers can accurately track goods in transit and strictly guarantee the arrival time and quantity.

7. Payment reconciliation: Many manufacturers use multiple orders in batches and end-of-month settlement payment. Reconciliation of accounts payable is a very important task. Through the one-to-one automatic matching method between the unique identification of the order and the unique identification of the payment voucher, reconciliation can be made clear and easy, and the amount payable can be automatically calculated.

  Automating warehouse management using electronic tags

Problems that electronic label warehouse management automation can solve

1. Multi-warehouse collaborative operation: For the needs of circulation, the products of garment industry enterprises are often distributed in different warehouses in various places for transfer, distribution, and replenishment. There are also many types of warehouses, such as finished product warehouses, raw material warehouses, circulation warehouses, turnover warehouses, scattered small warehouses, etc. Inventory levels in each warehouse need to be monitored daily to ensure timely supply. Through warehouse management automation, the inventory status of each warehouse can be checked at any time, so that the logistics process of products can be tracked in a timely manner.

2. Warehouse receipt, delivery, and inventory operations: One of the most important tasks in warehouse management is to ensure that the book quantity is consistent with the physical quantity. The use of electronic tags can easily achieve the accuracy of goods receipt records and delivery and distribution. The automation ensures that there will be no omissions or losses in inventory counting.

3. First in, first out: Each product has its service life. Since there are many types of products, it is difficult to ensure the accurate first in, first out of products through manual records and custodian records in actual warehouse management. Through single tracking technology, a clock can be built into each product, and the intact status of each product can also be recorded, thus ensuring that the goods are shipped out of the warehouse within the specified time limit.

4. Out-of-stock alarm: When there is a shortage of a certain product in any warehouse, not only can the alarm be automatically prompted, but the details of the product composition such as style, color, size, etc. can also be broken down. That is, if certain sizes of a certain style are out of stock, the custodian can be immediately prompted to restock in time.

5. Slow-moving goods statistics: The backlog of products in the clothing industry is a very troublesome thing. Through the slow-moving goods statistics, you can get the residence time of each product (broken down into styles, colors, sizes), and you can quickly discover which products For items that are slow-moving or out of season, price reduction decisions or exchanges can be easily provided to speed up product sales and capital turnover.

  Use electronic tags to automate sales

Clothing products are fashionable products, and many factors such as sales season, sales location, consumer taste, fashion trends, and product price will affect product sales. Therefore, real-time tracking of sales status is a very important management content for garment industry enterprises. Problems that electronic label sales automation can solve

1. Sales statistics: Daily sales statistics are very important for the sales department of the enterprise. It requires accurate results as quickly as possible. Sales statistics include: statistics by style, statistics by color, statistics by location, statistics by size, etc., which can help the sales department timely distribute and replenish goods.

2. Counter sales automation: The use of electronic tags can realize the functions of portable POS machines in specialty counters, and can complete sales automation operations such as sales, returns, counter inventory, inventory, and collection; at the same time, various daily statistical reports can be generated , transmitted to the headquarters or local office for sales analysis.

3. Broken code sales analysis: The best-selling varieties are different in different locations, and the demand for different sizes will not be the same. It is necessary to replenish the goods in time when the codes are broken. Through sales statistical analysis, the possibility of code breakage can be increased to inform timely replenishment.

4. Allocation between counters: The sales situation is different between different locations. Through allocation between different counters, the circulation of varieties can be accelerated and the sales quantity can be expanded to the maximum extent. Some varieties are not easy to sell at certain counters, but in another location (or counter), they will become a good selling variety. This can effectively reduce the number of unsaleable items on the counter.

5. Return control: In the market competition, all manufacturers are improving service quality and allowing customers to return goods. Pass

Through statistical analysis of returns, product quality problems can be accurately identified and the responsible departments, units and persons responsible can be held accountable.

6. Counter inventory and product search: Counter inventory and product search are very tedious and error-prone tasks for each specialty counter. It is very easy to use a handheld reader/writer or data collector to implement counter inventory and find goods, improving work efficiency without any inventory errors (especially after using the single unique encoding method), and the inventory results can be quickly sent to superiors unit.

7. Shopping mall reconciliation: Generally, goods sold in specialty counters are collected uniformly by the shopping mall, so reconciliation and collection with the mall are a headache for corporate accountants every month. Use the sales automation system to automatically map the daily sales records in the data collector to various accounts in the mall, making the reconciliation work clear at a glance.

8. Dynamic statistics of best-selling and favored products: Based on the degree of attention and favorability of all customers for a certain product, and real-time tracking based on sales status, a mathematical model can be established to analyze consumer preferences and conduct better sales.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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