RFID electronic locks help railway inspection and lock control intelligent management

Current situation of railway inspection

At present, railway inspection lock control mainly relies on traditional mechanical locks and keys, and inspectors need to carry a large number of keys for unlocking operations. The records of lock opening and closing rely on manual records, which are prone to incomplete or erroneous records. The lock shearing alarm mechanism lacks timeliness and cannot effectively prevent theft and vandalism. The unlocking operation is cumbersome, which seriously affects the efficiency and accuracy of railway inspection.

Difficulties of railway inspection

High-frequency inspection tasks: Railway inspection tasks usually need to be completed in a short period of time. The task volume is large and the time is tight, which brings great pressure to the inspectors.

Cumbersome unlocking operation: Traditional inspection lock control methods rely on mechanical locks and keys. Inspectors need to carry a large number of keys for unlocking operations, which are cumbersome and prone to errors.

Incomplete lock opening and closing records: Traditional inspection lock control systems rely on manual records of lock opening and closing information. Incomplete or erroneous records are common, resulting in a lack of accuracy and reliability of inspection data.

Untimely lock shearing alarm: Traditional patrol lock control methods lack a timely lock shearing alarm mechanism. Once someone cuts or destroys the lock, the patrol personnel cannot immediately know, resulting in the inability to take timely action to prevent theft and vandalism.

Difficulty in patrol data management: The switch lock records and patrol data in the traditional patrol lock control system are usually Stored in paper form, which is inconvenient to manage and easy to lose, which brings difficulties to data analysis and decision support, and it is impossible to obtain accurate patrol data in time for analysis and optimization.

Traditional railway lock control is difficult to supervise in real time, and data statistics are difficult


Application of RFID electronic locks: Each RFID electronic lock is equipped with a unique RFID tag to identify the identity and attribute information of the lock. In this way, the patrol personnel can wirelessly connect to the lock through the RFID handheld terminal to realize remote unlocking operation.

Lock opening and closing recording function: RFID electronic locks will record the time, location and operator information of each lock opening and closing. These records will be stored in the system database for subsequent query and analysis. Through the lock opening and closing recording function, the problem of incomplete lock opening and closing records in the traditional patrol lock control system can be solved.

Lock shearing alarm mechanism: RFID electronic locks have built-in lock shearing alarm devices. Once someone cuts or destroys the lock, the system will immediately send out an alarm signal, which can timely detect and prevent theft and vandalism, and enhance the security of patrol lock control.

Data analysis and decision support: The system will analyze and count the patrol data in real time, provide patrol reports and analysis results, and through in-depth analysis of patrol data, it can find potential problems and abnormal situations, and take corresponding measures in time, which can provide decision support to help managers optimize patrol plans and resource allocation, and further improve patrol efficiency and safety.

Solution composition

RFID electronic locks: RFID electronic locks are the core equipment of patrol lock control systems. Each lock is equipped with a unique RFID tag to identify the identity and attribute information of the lock. RFID electronic locks have the function of lock opening and closing recording and lock shearing alarm mechanism, which can realize remote unlocking operation and timely alarm.

RFID handheld terminal: RFID handheld terminal is a device used by patrol personnel to connect to RFID electronic locks wirelessly. Through the RFID handheld terminal, patrol personnel can perform remote unlocking operations and obtain information such as lock opening and closing records. RFID handheld terminals usually have screen displays and operation buttons to facilitate inspection personnel to operate.

Lock shear alarm device: RFID electronic locks have built-in lock shear alarm devices to detect the safety status of the lock. Once someone cuts or destroys the lock, the lock shear alarm device will send an alarm signal to remind the management personnel to deal with it. The lock shear alarm device can be a sound alarm, a flashing alarm or other types of alarm devices.

Other auxiliary equipment: According to actual needs, other auxiliary equipment can also be used to improve inspection efficiency and safety, such as security cameras for monitoring inspection areas, wireless communication equipment for real-time communication with the inspection management system, and other sensor equipment for detecting environmental parameters (such as temperature, humidity, etc.).

Solution application benefits

Improve inspection efficiency: The remote connection unlocking function of the RFID handheld terminal realizes the remote unlocking operation of the inspectors, saving a lot of time and labor costs, and improving inspection efficiency.

Enhanced security: The lock shear alarm mechanism and the lock switch recording function enhance the security of inspection lock control, and can detect abnormal behavior in time and take corresponding measures.

Reduce operating costs: Reduce the workload of key management, reduce the waste of human and material resources, and reduce operating costs.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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