RFID clothing workstation management improves production management efficiency

RFID clothing Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation management is a method to improve the production management efficiency of manufacturing enterprises by using RFID electronic tags. In traditional manufacturing enterprises, the production process is usually based on single pieces. When the production links are complicated and there are many processes, various problems are prone to occur. Especially in labor-intensive industries, such as the clothing manufacturing industry, its business processes and processes are cumbersome, so effective management and control are needed to improve production efficiency and shorten capital turnover time.

RFID electronic tags can realize automatic data collection of each process link of the production line, provide comprehensive production line data support management for the production platform, and realize online monitoring and analysis of production information by automatically collecting production information such as process characteristics, related processes and quality index parameters of each process equipment.

Using RFID electronic tags as a carrier of employee and clothing information, a complete information management system is established. The system can record the links such as personnel cards, workstations and clothing material cards on the entire production line, and realize automatic data collection and real-time tracking management of enterprise production products. By real-time tracking of logistics and information flow, the system can improve the work efficiency and service level of enterprise production management.

Electronic work tickets are used to replace traditional paper work tickets. RFID electronic tags are used for each single workpiece on the production line, and RFID data collection electronic tag readers are installed at each workstation. When a worker completes a job, the system automatically sends the workpiece information to the computer system through the RFID electronic tag reader. The system automatically completes the piece-rate wage calculation and various production statistics, providing the company with a complete set of workstation management and production progress solutions.

It solves the problems of wage calculation and WIP level monitoring for front-line workers in the production workshop. The system timely collects and analyzes comprehensive information such as production progress, employee performance, parking space status and WIP quantity, helping managers to obtain real-time production data from the system platform, analyze production bottlenecks and improve production efficiency. The system tracks the complete process of product production in each link and each process such as sending and receiving to prevent errors. At the same time, RFID electronic tags establish a connection channel for managers, company executives and front-line workers in the workshop, and feed back the production process data of each product to managers at each level in real time and accurately, greatly improving production efficiency, saving manpower, paper and communication time, and improving the production efficiency and management decision-making ability of the enterprise.

The functions of RFID electronic tags to achieve production line management include:

1. The system automatically records which work orders each worker has done in which period and how long it takes.

2. Each process on the production line uses an RFID workstation reader to automatically obtain the number of subsequent processes.

3. Employees can check their production records for the whole day through the self-service card terminal.

4. During the quality inspection process, RFID combined with the display screen can quickly identify the quality standards of clothing and improve quality inspection efficiency.

5. The system counts and calculates the production progress of each group, each workstation and each process in real time, providing managers with the best production data, improving work efficiency and reducing human resource waste.

Automatic tracking management can improve production efficiency. The system monitors the production situation of each workshop, the whereabouts of the fabric and the completion of the workers during the production process. It can understand the completion status of the order in real time, promote the work of the workers, and improve production efficiency. Intelligent data collection reduces errors caused by human factors. The system uses RFID technology to automatically collect data in the entire production process such as production plan issuance, ingredients, cutting, and sewing.

RFID technology can efficiently monitor production quality. It can track the source of unqualified products, achieve correct responsibility tracking, encourage workers to correct their work attitude, and improve production quality. In addition, RFID tags are readable, writable, and reusable, which can greatly save management costs.

RFID technology can track the entire production process, from cutting tables to parking spaces, embroidery to buttoning, outsourcing processing to washing processes, and quality inspection, etc., collect comprehensive and accurate production line information in real time, and through the analysis of these real-time data, grasp the work progress and efficiency of the entire production line. Through RFID technology, enterprises can realize the automation, informatization and intelligence of the production process, improve production efficiency and quality, and reduce costs and risks.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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