RFID application in animal traceability solutions

1. Business needs

Animal diseases are one of the main problems affecting the safety and hygiene of animal food. The spread of animal diseases will not only endanger the safety of livestock, poultry and human beings, but also have a very bad impact on the overall image of a region. When animals suffer from diseases, it will not only reduce the quality of animal products, but also transmit diseases to humans through meat, milk, eggs and their products, causing food poisoning, zoonotic infectious diseases or parasitic diseases, affecting the health of consumers. health and life safety, and even endanger national security and social stability. In order to effectively control the occurrence, spread and spread of the disease, it is necessary to find the source of the disease from the source, so as to fundamentally cut off the transmission route of the disease.

There are many types and huge quantities of animal husbandry information. With the original artificial model, it is bound to be stretched and unsustainable. Therefore, the establishment of an animal traceability system is a basic task to solve the problem of animal food safety. It is very necessary and imperative, and it is also the work that governments of all countries are actively working on. In 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Forestry Administration jointly issued the "National Animal Epidemic Prevention System Construction Plan (2004-2008)" to strengthen animal identification and disease traceability management. In February 2009, the central government issued the "No. 1 Document" in 2009, clearly stipulating that "accelerate the construction of an animal identification and disease traceability system", requiring the formulation and improvement of supporting rules and regulations for the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law, and the implementation of strict food quality and safety traceability system, recall system, market access and exit system.

In order to solve the data collection, identification and tracking in harsh environments such as animal breeding, slaughtering, processing, warehousing, logistics and transportation, it is necessary to establish an animal traceability information management system, and comprehensively use barcode identification, radio frequency identification (RFID) and other Internet of Things industry technologies , connect the collected data with each other through the communication network, carry out information exchange and communication, implement intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management, and realize the traceability of the production, processing, transportation, circulation and retail of animal food Information for identification, registration, monitoring and preventive analysis.

2. Architecture of animal traceability information management system

The animal traceability information management system independently developed by Dingshi uses barcode labels and RFID electronic tags and other Internet of Things identification technologies to realize the identification, identification, tracking and query of various links from agricultural breeding, acquisition, processing, transportation, and sales. , through the use of Dingzhi "MSR series mobile intelligent reader" products to realize the interaction with the background communication network, to complete the collection and management of key information in the whole process of food production, to ensure food safety traceability and accurate recall of problematic products, and to achieve Traceable management of the whole process "from farm to table".

3. Application process

The animal traceability information management system is composed of a central database and a provincial database, with animal identification as the main line, using network communication, two-dimensional barcode, RFID, embedded devices, smart cards, databases and other technologies to integrate collection immunization, origin quarantine, and road supervision The whole process of recording and tracking the main business data of animals and animal products realizes the whole process of supervision and traceability management from the production and distribution of ear tags, to animal breeding and distribution, to animal slaughter and sales of animal products.

4. Functions of animal traceability information management system

The animal traceability information management system is based on the key technology application of the Internet of Things, uses barcode technology and RFID technology to identify the products produced by each processing point in the food supply chain, and collects the existing identification information on the food raw materials used. Apply all its identification information on the product for the next producer or consumer to establish a complete traceability system. The system supports mobile office, provides an interface for the external information of the system for government, enterprise and public information interconnection services, and provides a comprehensive system overall solution for business applications with multi-channel access, multiple application terminals, and multiple supervision methods.

1. Animal identification management

2. Animal epidemic information management

3. Epidemic management

4. Epidemic early warning

5. Analysis and decision-making information assistance

6. Certificate management

7. Owner management

8. Query Statistics

5. System Features

1. Identification diversification: In the future, the individual needs of users will be strong, and a single identification technology cannot meet the needs of future development and supervision. The use of Dingzhi's "MSR series mobile smart readers" can meet the requirements for identifying one-dimensional barcodes, two-dimensional codes, RFID, etc. Comprehensive application of various labels.

2. Networking of the system: each product is endowed with an identity through an electronic tag, and the combination with the Internet and e-commerce will be an inevitable trend.

3. Unification of standards: Unified technical specifications, functional specifications, and badge formats will enable better system compatibility and stronger product substitution.

4. Diversification of interfaces: Integration with other industries such as 3C and 3-network will form a larger industrial cluster and be more widely used to achieve cross-regional and cross-industry applications.

5. Information sharing: animal identification and disease traceability information, meat and dairy product quality and safety traceability information are shared with the government, enterprises and the public, realizing horizontal information exchange.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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