Library Management

The RFID book management system uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to paste electronic tags on books, combined with RFID reading and writing equipment such as: librarian Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstations, collection inventory vehicles, self-service borrowing and returning terminals, anti-theft channels, etc. for book/File retrieval, Inventory, positioning, borrowing and returning, anti-theft management and other links are optimized. The system simplifies the management process and borrowing and returning procedures, greatly improves the efficiency of warehouse-smart-inventory-rfid-bookshelf.html target='_blank'>book inventory and stacking, reduces the labor intensity of managers, realizes the rapid and accurate positioning of books, and improves the level of humanized service and security. . The rapid group reading capability of RFID can also greatly improve the management efficiency of book circulation in and out of the warehouse.

RFID intelligent library system structure

The RFID book file management system mainly includes five parts:

1. Data center: It is composed of a central data server and a management terminal, which centrally Stores and processes the management information of books and archives.

2. Housekeeping management system: It consists of a management terminal and a label issuing and printing terminal, which can complete the unified production of RFID labels for book archive information and the creation of new book archives.

3. Circulation management system: Help the administrator write relevant information in the label when the book file is borrowed, check the book file and verify the information in the RFID tag when returning it.

4. Inquiry system: It is convenient to inquire about the location of each book file through the management terminal and the handheld.

5. System management: system function and permission setting, account management, etc.

Introduction to RFID Smart Cloud Library

The intelligent cloud library Management solution combines the latest Internet of Things, cloud computing technology and RFID radio frequency identification technology to combine book information, library operation information and user information to promote information fusion, completely change the traditional library management mode, and realize resource management. The full use of information sharing and data visualization. To help the library realize automatic borrowing by readers, 24-hour self-service return of books by readers, quick list of collection materials, tracking and protection of all materials in the library, realizing unmanned borrowing and returning of books, intelligent shelf ordering, search, and collection inventory, the purpose It greatly improves the efficiency of library data processing.

RFID intelligent cloud library function description:

1. Library planning management subsystem: document type planning, collection location planning, shelf planning, shelf arrangement rule design (according to the call number range), shelf navigation map configuration, user circulation rule management, user management, etc.;

2. Book cataloging and library building subsystem: batch import (Excel or Marc files, etc.), manual cataloging, automatic cataloging (automatically obtain marc and book cover pictures, etc.), RFID online synchronous data processing, individual registration account and general ledger report output, etc. ;

3. Book collection management subsystem: automatic guessing of new bookshelves, rapid query of RFID book shelves, rapid inventory and removal of old books, etc.;

4. Book circulation management subsystem: RFID-style book quick loan, RFID-style book quick return, book renewal, circulation record query, unreturned record query, etc.;

5. Book retrieval and navigation subsystem: Search according to title, author, publisher and other keywords or various rankings, and the retrieved documents provide basic information, content abstract, cover book and location information. The location information of the book is intuitively displayed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphics;

6. Statistical analysis management subsystem: provide various statistical reports and graphic data, and provide automatic statistical functions.

RFID library solution RFID cloud library solution

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