School Management

RFID Exhibition Personnel Management Solution

A successful exhibition must allow exhibitors to be able to accurately understand the behavior of a specific audience at the exhibition site, especially in front of their booth or even a certain exhibit, and based on this, they can reasonably speculate on the psychology of the audience at that time and how they can stay in the audience after the exhibition. The exhibition experience in mind, so that enterprises can judge the effect of this exhibition and further marketing activities for specific exhibitors, what should be strengthened and what should be avoided in the next exhibition, so as to reduce unnecessary on-site activities, save exhibition costs, and increase But activities that can have a positive impact on the behavior of the audience, so as to promote positive behaviors that are beneficial to the company. At the same time, through the research on the behavior of visitors to the exhibition, it is beneficial for the exhibitors to identify which audiences have a positive impact on exhibitors, and which audiences have a negative impact on exhibitors' participation behavior. Organizational work is very important. To accomplish these things, accurate RFID automatic identification technology is required.

Main functions of RFID exhibition personnel management solution:

1. Personnel information monitoring in specific areas of the exhibition venue;

2. Personnel information monitoring for specific booths and exhibits;

3. Sign-in and sign-out management of exhibitors;

4. Crowd density monitoring;

5. Exhibit safety management;

6. Booth video display control.

RFID exhibition personnel management solution

RFID exhibition personnel management solution 2

RFID exhibition personnel management solution 3

RFID exhibition personnel management solution 4

RFID exhibition personnel management solution 5

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