Construction Management

RFID vehicle weighing management solution background

Usually, vehicles that need to be weighed and measured for transporting ore, coal, garbage, and fuel need to stop, register, weigh, and manually input data into the computer when they arrive at the weighing scale, resulting in large mistakes, collusion, and low efficiency. The use of RFID long-distance radio frequency identification technology for vehicle intelligent weighing can solve these problems. The principle is to use the RFID electronic tag with a unique number in the world, and organically combine the RFID long-distance card reader with the electronic weighing instrument to form an intelligent weighing system. Card information is sent to the control board via RS232 or TCP/IP. The control board obtains the ID number of the UT5867 tag and associates it with the weight information from the weighbridge and sends it to the server, and the output port controls the barrier machine signal and signal light signal. Each car loaded with materials that need to be weighed is fixed with an RFID electronic tag on the windshield, and its ID is used as the vehicle ID number, which is Stored in the central database to prevent theft.

System Features of RFID Vehicle Weighing Management Solution

1. Quickly and automatically identify the weighing vehicle information, improve the identification efficiency, and alleviate the phenomenon of vehicles queuing and weighing;

2. RFID long-distance automatic identification, accurate data, free from manual management loopholes;

3. Less affected by the environment, suitable for various harsh environments such as wind/snow/rain/fog;

4. The RFID Reader adopts outdoor waterproof design to ensure long-term stable work;

5. The RFID long-distance card reader has rich data transmission interfaces, which can realize data linkage with gates, cameras, etc.;

RFID construction site vehicle weighing management solution

RFID construction site vehicle weighing management solution 2

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