School Management

RFID Intelligent test management system

By adopting advanced RFID automatic identification technology and computer software technology, the RFID electronic tag is used as the information storage medium and pasted on the test paper, the detailed information of the test paper is Stored in the RFID chip, and the RFID reading and writing equipment is used to match the background database management system. In cooperation, in the circulation process of test papers, the whole process of information tracking from the printing factory to test paper packaging, distribution, transfer station management, test center distribution, collection, and finally to the marking center is established to ensure the confidentiality and security of the test papers to the greatest extent.

RFID test paper management system

● Physical layer:

Each physical space layer mainly covers each node of the whole process of the test paper, including the printing factory, the transfer center, the secondary warehouse, the test room, the marking center and the final storage center. At each node, RFID collects test paper information.

● Collection and interaction layer:

Contains a variety of field data collection and user interaction equipment, including RFID handheld terminals, RFID fixed readers, etc., RFID channel scanning equipment, and RFID tags used to identify test paper information. Provide on-site data collection, data entry, data upload, etc. Provide real-time on-site data collection for the system.

● Data service layer:

Manage the equipment in the system, collect, cache, filter the collected data, collect and distribute control instructions and related data, etc. The data service layer runs on the system server in the form of system software service, and provides data services for the data and related control instructions of the user application layer and the data acquisition and interaction layer.

● Management Center:

Provide scheduling management, remote management center computer software user management interactive interface for each physical site, and provide report and data query services. The plan formulation, management control and data monitoring of test paper management are all provided by the management center.

3.2 System functions

3.2.1 RFID data initialization

Labels are the basis of the entire RFID system. Each electronic label needs to be coded at the front end, and then bound with the test paper to complete the identification of the test paper information by the electronic label.

The information items stored on the test paper label include: identification category, test paper name, test paper number, test paper security level, time limit, preservation method, test paper subjects and other specific content.

The label is initialized and printed by the RFID printer, and the barcode information can also be printed on the label.

3.2.2 Handheld Management

The handheld has the characteristics of easy operation and flexible use. At the same time, the handheld with the ThingMagic module as the core has the advantages of large-scale, dense and multi-label accurate inventory, which can be used for some transit sites, examination rooms, etc. The number of single readings is not particularly large. the occasion. Using the RFID handheld device, it is convenient and quick to carry out the work of counting, checking, and distributing test papers. At the same time, the RFID handheld has a friendly interface and easy operation.

3.2.3 Scanning channel identification

The scanning channel has the characteristics of accurate and automatic identification in a single large batch, relatively stronger reading ability, faster reading speed and higher efficiency. Therefore, the RFID scanning identification channel is suitable for deployment in the general warehouse or central warehouse and other sites with huge daily inflows, which can efficiently and simply complete the inventory and verification of test paper information.

3.3 System flow

The main feature of the test paper management tracking system is to establish a unified database and unified management. The entire system needs to build a unified database for unit information and personnel information, and manage it in a unified manner, that is, the idea of central management. At the same time, hierarchical management is carried out according to business functions, each level is responsible for the work of this level, and the plans and arrangements are set by the upper level.

RFID test paper management process


During the whole examination process, the circulation of examination papers includes printing plants, district and county examination areas, examination centers, examination rooms, and examination institutes. From the printing of the test papers in the printing factory to the issuance of the test papers to the examinees in the examination room, and the collection of the test papers to the examination house at the end of the test, these links require real-time tracking and management of the test papers of the test takers. Accordingly, the RFID-based test paper tracking management system can be subdivided into multiple functional modules.

RFID test paper tracking management system


● The system management module provides user login management and system setting management. According to the user's needs and the use of the actual software, after the functional analysis of the user's login interface, the system's login function realizes the legality verification of the user's identity to ensure the security of the system. The system settings are mainly configured for the semester used in the system and the related parameters of the server, including the IP, port number, baud rate and other parameters of the reader and the corresponding settings for the server IP and port number and other parameters.

● The printing factory management module makes full use of the advantages of RFID technology. It no longer requires a lot of manual participation in the processes of receiving test questions, printing test papers, sorting and packaging test papers, warehousing management, and distributing test papers to various test centers. RFID batches are accurately read. The characteristics of the system greatly reduce the cost of manpower and test papers, improve the management efficiency and reduce the error rate.

● The functions of the test area management module are mainly three links, test paper distribution, test paper hand-in and test paper inventory. The application of RFID technology can also greatly improve the efficiency of these tasks.

● The test center management module is mainly used to check the number of test papers and information by the invigilator on the spot after each test is over. After the information is correct, it will be packaged and handed over.

● The management module of the examination house is mainly to give printing tasks, to count the test papers, to verify the test papers and to scan the test papers.

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