RFID Application articles

UHF RFID technology used on airport luggage

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has passed a resolution supporting the global deployment of RFID to track checked airline baggage. The resolution is to use UHF RFID tags on passenger luggage. The IATA organization voted at its 75th Annual General Meeting in Seoul, South Korea in early June. The latest step in the use of UHF RFID technology on airport luggage!

The transition to RFID has been a broad collaboration between all stakeholders across the luggage industry, including airports, airlines, baggage handlers and technology suppliers. In the next three years, RFID technology will be applied to 80% of airline baggage. This means that more and more airports are deploying RFID Reader infrastructure.

RFID offers a faster and more accurate method of automation than barcode scanning. By reading the RFID tags applied to the luggage before and after each flight, the airport can identify and track the luggage without human intervention. Passive Class 1 Gen 2 UHF RFID is the frequency used by the aviation industry. Passive tags do not interfere with flight systems as luggage moves through the airport or in the luggage compartment of an aircraft. By reading RFID tags, airports will be able to collect and manage analytical data for operational planning.

The current increase in the number of bags and passengers traveling by air will add pressure to existing baggage handling systems, so improving baggage handling operations is critical to ensuring the industry is ready to handle the expected growth. Airlines will be working on transitioning from barcoded luggage tags to tags with RFID Inlays. Use RFID data to identify mishandled bags and work with airport and ground personnel to develop processes to prevent mishandling. The RFID reader infrastructure will make it easier for passengers to use readers to read tags applied to luggage when checking luggage at the airport.

The industry has begun to develop, and some airlines are already planning to deploy RFID technology. Airlines can assess gaps in the collection and exchange of baggage tracking data. Some airports are already developing RFID business cases, conducting pilots or rolling out deployments. The RFID deployment campaign is driven by four main pillars: general RFID awareness and education tailored to the airline baggage business, engagement and coordination of all key stakeholders, development of Tools and materials to support global rollout, and long-term monitoring of deployment. Utilize RFID technology to improve baggage handling accuracy. Believe in the investment in RFID technology and the ability to obtain continuous improvement. Continue to appreciate the fruits of RFID luggage tags and reliable scanning technology.

With the rapid development of the airport and the increasing number of passengers, how to manage the mountain of luggage and effectively improve the processing efficiency will be an important issue that will be faced soon. Someone gave a vivid analogy to the baggage sorting process: "The baggage system of an airport is like the road traffic planning of a city." high. Large-scale airports at home and abroad are also using RFID technology to improve the production, operation and service efficiency of the airport.

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