RFID Application articles

Application of electronic tags in laundry industry management

At present, hotels, amusement parks, large-scale factories and Hospitals have a large number of clothes and clothes that need to be processed every day. Since the work clothes must be changed regularly, the management of clothes washing is particularly important. The application of RFID technology and the identification and management of individual clothing, based on UHF RFID technology, realizes an efficient work platform for rapid collection, sorting, automatic inventory, and clothing retrieval in the laundry industry, greatly improving work efficiency and reducing error rates.

Through waterproof RFID, the management system can complete unified recycling, logistics and acceptance in real time and accurately. It greatly improves unified management efficiency. With machine-washable RFID tag tracking management system, workers can check the location of the uniform and the number of times it has been washed. The RFID laundry system can be pre-set to handle evenly after multiple washes.

The state of the uniform:

1. Initialization state.

2. When adding a new uniform to the system, you can specify the uniform status. In general, uniform targeting should be specified as "borrowed".

3. After borrowing, the status should be "borrowed".

4. When the employee returns the uniform, the status changes to "to be cleaned".

5. Uniforms are used for laundry, and the status is changed to "washing".

6. Laundry service returns uniforms, then changes to "borrowed" again.

7. If any part is found to be evenly lost, the system will display "lost".

8. If damage is found, the system will change the unified status to "waste".

To improve productivity, the hotel has introduced washable RFID Laundry Tags to manage uniforms. The hotel tags each uniform and automatically uploads the information to a server via a chip. When checking a group of uniforms through the reader, the system can read the model, size and color information of all the clothes at once without scanning barcodes one by one. Thanks to the use of washable RFID tags for clothing management, the hotel has also introduced a clothing Library-self-service-borrowing-and-returning-machine-source-manufacturer-UHF-touch-screen-borrowing-and-returning-machine.html target='_blank'>self-service system to improve efficiency. When employees pick up their clothes, they can simply walk up to the front of the device, swipe their employee card, and place a few uniforms in front of the RFID Reader for a quick confirmation.

The system will alert if there is any size mismatch compared to the employee card. From a technical point of view, RFID laundry tags are designed to be soft and compact, heat-resistant and washable. UHF RFID tags are widely used in clothing management, hotel unified management, unified rental management, clothing rental management, etc. Since the interface of the UHF RFID tag used for laundry adopts the EPC global C1G2 specification, it has been widely used as a global standard. Therefore, most RFID readers can read it. Readers can instantly read hundreds of tags at a time through packaging, greatly improving work efficiency. Transitions that used to take hours are now minutes. You can check the washing times of each uniform and arrange a reasonable time for recycling waste products. Do effective management of inventory and unified life cycle. You can view unified department and employee information. This is great for anti-theft and increases employee awareness of maintaining their personal uniforms. Faster, more accurate and safer. Increase efficiency and reduce errors.

Many hotels, hospitals and amusement parks have adopted this RFID tag for laundry management, which not only effectively improves the efficiency of unified management, but also greatly reduces labor costs. By installing an RFID electronic tag on each piece of laundry to be washed, the staff will write customer information and clothing information into the RFID electronic tag, and automatically identify and collect the information for background processing.

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