The development trend of RFID technology in animal husbandry

With the development of RFID technology, the application is becoming more and more extensive. For my country, as a big agricultural country, whether it is now or in the future, it is one of the pillars of my country's agriculture. Animal husbandry products occupy an important position in national life. From the perspective of animal breeding management, the management of animal epidemics is very important. For example, the African swine fever incident that was raging a while ago was undoubtedly a loss for many farms. Economic development and national health are closely related, and the prosperity of the country and the people's safety have been the goal of social stability in our country from ancient times to the present.

The occurrence of major epidemics caused by animals and their related products has caused even greater harm to our country, which has a large population and high mobility of personnel. In the face of these problems, it is the general trend to establish new development concepts and ideas to guide the development of animal husbandry. Seeking profit from technology, scale and management has become a new feature of livestock production.

Performance advantages of RFID system in animal husbandry management

The livestock management system based on RFID technology has the following advantages:

1. The inductive data collection is adopted, that is, the current information can be read out by simply shaking the collector at the attachment of the ear tag at the inspection point, and the operation is simple and convenient.

2. Ear tags do not require wiring, are easy to install, and are simple and convenient to set codes and increase or decrease inspection points.

3. The system label has a unique ID code, which is durable and the information cannot be tampered with or copied.

4. Carry out intelligent tracking management for each livestock, and the source of the disease can be traced to the animal at the first time when the epidemic occurs, so as to achieve timely prevention and control, trace the source, and reduce the loss of livestock to the lowest point.

5. Information management is transparent and timely. Managers at all levels can easily manage through the network and quickly query various breeding information.

RFID Technology Livestock Farm Management—Sharp-cut

As far as animal husbandry is concerned, my country seeks and formulates corresponding policies in animal husbandry and business, and adopts various means to strengthen the management of animals. Strengthening the control, supervision and epidemic prevention of animal diseases not only simplifies the management process of livestock farms, but also strengthens the protection of food safety for consumers.

Modern livestock farm management has appeared in major farms. Livestock have been equipped with RFID ear tags since birth, and the read information is fed back to the RFID system through the RFID ear tag reader. By using RFID technology, the system's impact on animals has been greatly improved. It has unique identification and tracking capabilities, and is suitable for animals in various farms. Whether it is centralized or dispersed, or other breeding occasions, there have been some attempts to provide scientific and automated management for livestock farms.

RFID Technology Livestock Farm Management - Emerging

From traditional livestock farm management to RFID technology management, it reflects a process in which technology changes the state of breeding. Traditional animal husbandry management cannot keep abreast of the animal epidemic situation, resulting in a large number of livestock deaths and huge losses. At the same time, artificial feeding consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. wear and tear. After the introduction of RFID technology into farm management in recent years, these problems have been gradually solved. Knowing the species, epidemic situation and quantity of animals in time has improved management efficiency and enhanced the survival rate of animals, which has gradually attracted the attention of farm people. Rfid technology is also constantly improving, and it may completely replace the traditional management methods of livestock farms.

RFID Animal Ear Tag Reader—Go Forward

Under the RFID technology, RFID animal ear tags and RFID animal ear tag readers are gradually being used by major breeding farms. RFID technology is also being strengthened and has become one of the management methods for farms, and has gradually penetrated into the weighing table and milking table. , Access Control, automatic feeding stations and other automated equipment, and animal tracking management. It has brought a new experience to the livestock farm, and RFID technology has begun to fully empower it.

RFID Animal Tag - a small test

For livestock farms managed by RFID technology, RFID ear tags and their RFID ear tag readers are the most closely automated management of fish and livestock farms, and have become the focus of livestock farm management. They have attracted the attention of livestock managers and gradually covered livestock management. Taking Jianyong RFID animal ear tag and animal ear tag reader as an example, it has been affirmed by people in the industry. At the same time, more animal husbandry management has also applied this product, becoming a leader in animal husbandry management.

RFID technology - ready to go

With the rapid development of RFID technology and its application in the fields of industry, medical care, and Asset MANAGEMENT, it has gradually extended its tentacles to animal husbandry management. In animal management, RFID technology, which has become mature, is hoarding energy and is ready to go.

In animal husbandry management, combined with RFID technology, using RFID tags as the carrier, and using the current computer network technology as the means, through logo coding, logo wearing, identification, information entry and transmission, data analysis and query, livestock can be realized from birth to slaughter. The integrated whole-process monitoring to the consumption link is an organic combination of animal breeding, epidemic prevention, quarantine and supervision, which can not only achieve rapid and accurate traceability of animal epidemics, but also strengthen the whole-process management of livestock and poultry products "from farm to table" , so as to realize the scientificization of animal husbandry, institutionalize and improve the level of animal husbandry management. Therefore, the application of RFID technology in animal husbandry management has great prospects. In the near future, it will fully cover the animal husbandry industry and open a window for animal husbandry.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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