The IOT industry discusses the reliability of RFID technology solutions adopted in the first year of national archives management informatization construction

The state clearly requires the construction of archives management informatization

On December 29, 2023, the 22nd Executive Meeting of the State Council passed and issued the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Archives Law of the People's Republic of China", which will come into effect on March 1, 2024.

Article 38 of Chapter 5 of the Regulations states: Agencies, groups, enterprises, institutions and other organizations should strengthen the construction of archives informatization and actively promote the construction of electronic archives management information systems. Government agencies, mass organizations, and state-owned enterprises and institutions should incorporate the construction of archives informatization into the informatization construction plan of their own units, strengthen the construction of archiving functions of office automation systems and business systems, and interconnect with the electronic archives management information system to realize the management of electronic archives. Whole process management.

It can be seen that the country currently attaches great importance to the construction of archives informatization and vigorously promotes archives informatization management in various agencies, mass organizations, and state-owned enterprises and institutions.

A brief analysis of the actual situation and future prospects of archives management in my country

According to data released by the State Archives Administration of the People's Republic of China, as of the end of 2022, there were 3,239 archives authorities at all levels across the country, a total of 4,154 archives of various types at all levels, and comprehensive archives at all levels holding 1,171.487 million volumes and pieces. Comprehensive archives have 43.167 million paper collections, 209.766 million volumes are open to comprehensive archives at all levels, and there are 2,285 government information public access places in comprehensive archives at all levels. In 2022, comprehensive archives at all levels will receive 6.459 million users.

It is not difficult to see from the above data that my country currently has a large number of archives, many categories, many archives management institutions, and a large number of users of archives, making archives management work complex and difficult.

In the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Archives Development Plan issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, it is clearly pointed out that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the construction of archives informatization will reach a new level. The guarantee mechanism for the development of archives informatization has been further improved, the construction of archives informatization has been further integrated into the construction of Digital China, the new generation of information technology has been more widely used in archives work, informatization has been deeply integrated with various aspects of the archives undertaking, and archives management has become digital and intelligent. The level has been improved, and archival work has basically achieved digital transformation. By 2035, the quality of archives resource construction, archives utilization service level, archives management efficiency and management modernization will be among the best in the world.

Current status of archives management

At present, most File management is still in the manual management stage, and there is generally a lack of automatic identification means, which is not conducive to inventory work. Archives generally lack data support for the inventory and location of physical files, cannot accurately understand whether files are in the Library, etc., and lack a security management mechanism. The specific problems are as follows:

1. Lack of unified management: There is a lack of standard management procedures for archives, and there is a lack of unified standards and norms among regions and departments, resulting in poor circulation of archives management in all aspects.

2. Complex management process: Due to the lack of unified management standards and information management methods, the current file management process is complex, making it difficult to find, retrieve, and borrow files, and requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

3. Difficulty in taking inventory and discrepancies between the accounting and actual records: The large number of files and the current lack of effective information management means make it difficult to carry out file inventory. Inconsistencies between the files and the actual accounting often occur, which increases the difficulty of file management.

4. Lack of security management: Archives management lacks an effective security management mechanism, resulting in poor confidentiality of archives and prone to security issues such as archive loss, leakage, damage, etc.

All in all, the current level of digital management of archives in our country is low, and the construction of archives informatization still needs to be vigorously developed.

How to carry out modern information construction of archives management

In the information age, when archives management departments are faced with a large number and variety of archives, their working models must be more flexible and intelligent. Therefore, the construction of smart archives is particularly important. The core concept of smart archives is smart service, which means to realize the automation of archives business processing by collecting and monitoring every link of each archives circulation, improving the overall business management capabilities of archives management, reducing error rates, and realizing data sharing. , Improve the efficiency of file management.

RFID technology is another new automatic identification technology after barcode technology. Compared with traditional barcode technology, RFID technology has good penetrability, multi-tag long-distance identification capabilities, large capacity for identifying item information, can be read and written repeatedly, and unique identification information, making it very suitable for use in archives management.

Under normal circumstances, archives use RFID technology to build RFID smart archives to manage the same number of files. The working hours of staff will be greatly reduced, and the quality and safety of file management will be greatly improved.

How to build an RFID smart archive

After investigation and research, we learned that building an RFID smart archive should realize various management functions of archives, including the receipt, storage, withdrawal, inventory, search, borrowing, retrieval, and security management of archives. It should also have various data statistics and data analysis functions, including recording the names of borrowed files, borrowers, borrowing time and other information, and statistics and analysis of the number, details, and borrowing status of files in the archives.

In general, RFID smart archives, as an advanced archives management method, should achieve the following goals:

1. Intelligent operation: realize automatic entry and exit registration

2. Inventory information transparency: realize dynamic management and real-time tracking of files in warehouses and storage locations

3. Efficiency of inventory: Batch identification of physical objects in archives and warehouses, improve inventory efficiency, and eliminate manual inventory errors

4. Quick search and location: Quickly find and locate the required files

5. Real-time risk warning: Real-time control of items, confirmation of personnel identity, and alarm for violations

In the construction of RFID smart archives, there are roughly two construction plans based on the actual construction situation such as the size of the archives and the number of archives under management. They are basic RFID smart archive solutions for small and medium-sized archives, and upgraded RFID smart archive solutions for large archives. Next, we will introduce the two smart archives in detail.

Basic RFID smart archive

Basic RFID smart archives usually use RFID handheld devices to manage the entry and exit of files, query, borrowing, inventory, etc. The entire process requires the operation of archives staff. The construction of basic RFID smart archives is relatively low, more economical and applicable, and suitable for small and medium-sized archives with relatively small number of archives.

Deployment requirements

A basic RFID smart archive usually consists of RFID handheld devices, RFID printers, RFID tags, office PCs, servers (or cloud services) and other hardware devices. With an intelligent management system, the deployment of a basic RFID smart archive can be completed. .

Business Process

After the deployment of the basic RFID smart archive is completed, you can start the archive management business by following the following operations:

1. Use an RFID printer and RFID tag to issue an RFID tag to each file, record the file's category, name, affiliation and other information, and affix the label to the corresponding file.

2. Use the RFID handheld device to scan the RFID tags of the files according to the existing tasks, perform file entry and exit, query, borrowing, inventory and other operations, and upload them to the server database.

2. Use the office PC to undertake or deliver business, and deliver the business to the staff's RFID handheld device for execution by the staff. The office PC can also query the data in the server and form a data report to facilitate digital file management by the staff.

Taking a new archive storage business as an example, the specific process is: apply for archive storage - confirm the storage application - prepare auxiliary materials - send a car to receive - receive archives - sign for archive storage - send a fee list.

Upgraded RFID Smart Archives

The upgraded RFID smart archive is based on the basic model and adds RFID smart cabinets, RFID smart Access Control and other smart devices, enabling customers to self-service query and borrow files, and the security of file management is higher. The upgraded RFID smart archive solution is relatively more expensive and is more suitable for large-scale, open archives with a large number of files.

Deployment requirements

In addition to the hardware equipment required by the basic RFID smart archives, the upgraded RFID smart archives also require RFID smart cabinets, RFID smart access control, self-service file query machines, video surveillance and other hardware equipment. The matching intelligent management system also needs to be developed and adapted. More terminals and more corresponding functions.

Business Process

Take file borrowing as an example. In the upgraded RFID smart archives, the entire business can be completed by customers themselves. Customers use the archives borrowing card to enter the archives, use the self-service file query machine to query the required files, and find them in the corresponding RFID smart cabinet. The required files can be borrowed. The entire borrowing process does not require staff participation, making it more efficient. All processes are recorded by smart devices and the entire process is traceable.

If customers need to take files out of the archives, they need to obtain security permission from the front desk. Otherwise, the RFID smart access control of the archives will sound an alarm, effectively preventing file loss and ensuring file safety.

The great significance of the information construction of archives management

A perfect archives information management mechanism is of great significance. It can not only greatly improve the efficiency of archives management, comprehensively record the economic and social development process, but also fully realize the value of archives to the country and society. At present, many provincial archives in China have used RFID technology to build RFID smart archives and have begun to use it stably.



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