Several European countries have approved the use of RFID in the 915-921MHz frequency band

In the past, UHF RFID systems faced global challenges because different countries used different frequency bands for RFID, and products designed for one bandwidth might not be approved for operation in another country. In some cases, this inhibited the development of global RFID technologies and solutions.

In recent years, Europe has made significant progress in UHF RFID technology, and recently 11 more European countries have approved RFID to use the 915-921 MHz frequency band. The latest countries to join are Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Malta, Montenegro, as well as Poland, Romania, Sweden, Serbia and Turkey, bringing the total number of participating European countries to 35.

Significant improvement in global compatibility

The approval of the use of the 915-921 MHz frequency band by many European countries not only makes RFID applications more unified within Europe, but also paves the way for standardization in the global RFID market. This decision helps reduce the complexity and cost of manufacturers in designing globally universal RFID Readers and systems, improves the global compatibility of products, makes tag, reader and system design simpler, and helps shorten the time to market for new solutions.

Significant improvement in technical performance

Compared to the traditional 865 to 868 MHz band, the 915-921 MHz band provides higher bandwidth and brings significant technical performance improvement. It is reported that after adopting the new frequency band, the reading range of RFID technology can be increased by 40%, the communication speed is increased by two times, and the power consumption requirement is lower.

For example, the transmission power of the reader is increased from 2 watts in the lower ETSI band to 4 watts.

In addition, the reader channel spacing is doubled from 600 kHz to 1200 kHz, and the transmission channel width is widened from 200 kHz to 400 kHz.

The tag backscatter power tolerance is increased tenfold, from 10 W in the low frequency band to 100 W in the high frequency band

These performance improvements will further promote the application of RFID technology in various industries, such as logistics management, inventory management, Asset MANAGEMENT, etc., and improve overall operational efficiency.

Promote the expansion and development of the RFID market

This decision in Europe will promote the expansion and development of the RFID market. On the one hand, more countries and enterprises will adopt RFID technology to meet the needs of digitalization and intelligence; on the other hand, the widespread application of RFID technology will drive the development of related industrial chains, including the continuous growth of tags, readers, system integration and other links. In addition, this will help promote the continuous maturity of RFID technology and reduce costs, so that its application scope will be further expanded to cover more industries and fields.

At present, there are only a few countries in Europe, such as Germany, Greece and the Netherlands, which can only use lower frequency bands due to military frequency band restrictions. But there may be opportunities to join the use of higher frequency bands in the future.

With the approval of RFID to use the 915-921 MHz frequency band in many European countries and the continuous development and popularization of RFID technology worldwide, we have reason to believe that the future of RFID technology will be broader. In the next few years, RFID technology will further penetrate into various industries and fields and become an important driver of digital and intelligent transformation. At the same time, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous reduction of costs, the popularity of RFID technology will further increase, injecting new impetus into global economic development.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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