RFID valuable materials intelligent storage management system

With the development of the global economy and the growth of logistics business, warehouse management has received more and more attention. The traditional warehouse material management method can no longer meet the growing business needs. A more efficient, accurate and intelligent management system is needed to improve the warehouse management level.

There are many warehouse materials, various types, and difficult management.

Difficulties in traditional warehouse material management

Easy duplication and contamination of barcode management: Traditional warehouse material management often uses barcodes for identification and tracking, but barcodes are easy to be copied and contaminated. Malicious personnel can copy barcodes and stick them on other materials, resulting in confusion in material tracking and management. In addition, barcodes are also easily contaminated or damaged, resulting in inaccurate reading of information.

The cumbersome and error-prone manual entry: Traditional warehouse material management requires manual entry operations, including the entry, exit and transfer of materials. This manual entry operation is cumbersome and error-prone. Human factors may cause data errors and confusion, which in turn affects the accuracy of warehouse management.

The workload of manual inventory is large and the real-time performance is low: Traditional warehouse material management requires regular inventory work to ensure the accuracy of inventory. However, the workload of manual inventory is usually large, which requires a lot of time and human resources. At the same time, the real-time performance of manual inventory is low, and it cannot reflect the changes of materials in the warehouse in time, thus affecting the accuracy of inventory management.

Difficulty in finding goods and difficulty in ensuring the first-in-first-out principle of materials: In traditional warehouse material management, finding goods is a common problem. Due to unclear material storage locations or inaccurate information, warehouse staff often need to spend a lot of time and energy to find specific materials. In addition, it is difficult to ensure the first-in-first-out principle of materials, which may cause materials to expire or be damaged, thereby affecting the quality and cost control of inventory.


Card issuance system: In the RFID valuable material intelligent warehouse management system, the card issuance system plays a role in building the basic information of the system. By writing location information to basic labels such as storage location labels and buried labels, the basic information of the system operation is completed. When materials are put into the warehouse, the card issuer or RFID printer is selected according to the managed material category to issue electronic tags to the materials.

In and out system: The in and out system is the core component of the RFID valuable materials intelligent warehouse management system. It uses a 4-channel UHF reader to collect the tag information of the in and out warehouse, and combines with the warehouse management system (WMS) to realize the rapid in and out function of warehouse materials. The fast batch reading characteristics of RFID technology can greatly improve the efficiency of in and out.

Finding goods/loading and unloading/transferring system: In order to solve the problem of finding goods in traditional warehouse material management, the RFID valuable materials intelligent warehouse management system introduces the finding goods/loading and unloading/transferring system. RFID Readers are installed on forklifts and AGV carts. Forklifts, handheld terminals or AGV carts are used to complete the operations of finding goods, loading and unloading, transferring warehouses, etc., realizing the automation and intelligence of material operations. Through the precise positioning function of RFID technology, the target materials can be accurately found to improve the operation efficiency.

Inventory system: Inventory is an important part of warehouse management. The RFID valuable materials intelligent warehouse management system realizes the automation and intelligence of inventory through the inventory system. The RFID handheld terminal is used to complete the inventory of materials in the warehouse. According to the inventory method and cycle selected by the user, the inventory plan of the item or the entire warehouse is automatically generated in combination with the inventory history data. After the inventory result is confirmed, the surplus and shortage can be distinguished and written into the historical database for inventory accuracy analysis.

Solution composition

Schematic diagram of RFID intelligent warehouse material management system

RFID reader: It adopts ultra-high frequency reader with multi-channel function, which can read the information of multiple tags at the same time and realize fast batch reading.

RFID tag: RFID electronic tag is used as the unique identification of materials. The tag is embedded with RFID chip, which can Store the relevant information of materials.

Card issuer/RFID printer: It is used to write location information to basic tags such as storage location tags and buried tags to complete the construction of basic information for system operation. When materials are put into storage, the card issuer or RFID printer is selected according to the category of managed materials to issue electronic tags to materials.

RFID handheld terminal: used for inventory counting system, completes inventory counting of materials in the warehouse through RFID handheld terminal, and writes the inventory counting results into the system database.

Benefits of solution application

Improve the efficiency of finding goods and inventory counting, and reduce repeated operations.

Achieve fast batch in and out of the warehouse, and improve the efficiency of in and out of the warehouse.

Achieve the unification of material and account information, and improve the accuracy of warehouse management.

Optimize the utilization rate of warehouse space and improve the turnover rate.

Achieve visualization of warehouse management process and information visualization, and improve the standardization and intelligence level of management.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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