RFID technology provides efficient solutions for urban waste management

Traditional sanitation waste disposal methods mainly rely on manual processing. With the dense population in cities and towns, a lot of domestic waste is generated every day. There are many garbage can sanitation stations distributed on each community street. It is easy to fail to grasp the number and distribution of garbage bins in real time, resulting in untimely or omissions in garbage management, causing air pollution and environmental pollution, which has a bad impact on people's living environment. RFID technology provides an efficient solution for urban garbage management.

Urban sanitation management invests a lot of manpower but has low efficiency. Garbage disposal cannot be effectively supervised in time. At present, the use of RFID technology can quickly collect information from all links, quickly understand the distribution of each sanitation garbage station, and realize intelligent management of urban garbage.

In the process of processing, it involves the collection of garbage information, the resource scheduling of vehicles, the efficiency of garbage collection and processing, and the rational use of relevant information to realize the networking, intelligent and information management of residents' garbage.

RFID urban waste management solution:

Affix RFID electronic tags to each trash can within the area: Automatically identify and record the execution of garbage cleaning through RFID tags

Install RFID Readers and vehicle RFID tags on sanitation vehicles: Read the tags of each trash can and count the working conditions of each vehicle

Install GPS locators on sanitation vehicles: Used to determine the location and route of sanitation vehicles

Scales and RFID readers installed at garbage transfer stations and terminal waste treatment facilities

Each RFID reader can be connected to the background in real time through a wireless module, so as to achieve real-time association of information such as the number, quantity, weight, time, and location of trash cans and garbage trucks, and achieve full supervision and traceability of garbage community sorting, garbage transportation, and garbage post-processing, ensuring the effectiveness and quality of garbage treatment and transportation.

In today's Internet of Things era, RFID tag technology is used to quickly solve garbage cleaning operations, and RFID tags with unique codes are attached to classified trash cans to record what kind of domestic garbage is in the trash can, the community range of the trash can, and the use time of the trash can.

After the identity of the trash can is clearly identified, the corresponding RFID equipment is installed on the sanitation vehicle to read the label information on the trash can and count the working conditions of each vehicle. At the same time, the RFID tag is installed on the sanitation vehicle to confirm the identity information of the vehicle, ensure the reasonable dispatch of the vehicle and check the working path of the vehicle. After the residents have sorted and placed the garbage, the sanitation vehicle arrives at the station to clean up the garbage.

After the garbage classification and recycling uses RFID technology, the information of garbage disposal is recorded in real time, and the whole process of garbage recycling is supervised and traced, which ensures that the transportation and treatment efficiency of garbage has been significantly improved, and the garbage disposal information is recorded each time, which provides a large amount of effective data for the realization of intelligent and information-based garbage management.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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