RFID smart filing cabinets help major banks realize RFID smart file management

In the past, banks often needed to perform tedious manual operations in the process of File management, including classification, sorting, stapling, and handwriting file box information. Files are Stored in disorder, difficult to find, and file management is inefficient.

Problem Analysis

File workflow is cumbersome and inefficient

The bank's file sorting process is cumbersome, time-consuming, and inefficient. Manual operations include classification, sorting, stapling, handwriting file box information, etc., which leads to lengthy sorting time.

Weak security assurance

Traditional file management methods cannot effectively guarantee the security of files. Files are stored in disorder and are easily stolen, lost, or damaged.

The order of file storage is easily disrupted

The traditional file storage method easily leads to the order of files being disrupted, making it difficult to find the required files quickly and accurately.

It takes a long time to check and consult files

The traditional file checking and consulting process is time-consuming and inefficient. It is necessary to manually flip through a large number of files to find specific information.


Use RFID electronic tags for intelligent management

Use RFID electronic tags as information storage media and stick the tags on the file bags. The basic information of the archives and the records of the use and return of the archives are stored in the RFID electronic tag. By cooperating with the background database management system, the RFID reading and writing equipment is used to realize the information management of the storage, borrowing, returning, searching and inventory of archives.

System function

The archive cabinet is equipped with a touch screen to visualize the location information

Through the touch screen, users can intuitively view the location information of the archive cabinet and locate the archives conveniently and quickly.

Support Library-self-service-borrowing-and-returning-machine-source-manufacturer-UHF-touch-screen-borrowing-and-returning-machine.html target='_blank'>self-service query function, convenient and fast to use

Users can quickly query according to the name or number of the archive, and the system will provide the corresponding query results to facilitate users to find the required archives.

The background has functions such as inventory and lock control management

The background management system supports inventory and lock control management of archives to ensure the security and integrity of archives.

Simple and safe operation

The system is easy to operate, and users can operate it through the touch screen. At the same time, the system has security guarantees. Only authorized personnel can open the cabinet door and borrow archives.

File borrowing application and inventory analysis

Users can add a borrowing list to the system to complete the borrowing application. When the manager conducts file inventory, he can conduct manual inventory or automatic inventory. The system automatically uploads the inventory results and conducts background data analysis. According to the analysis results, it automatically classifies and understands the status of the file in real time.

RFID smart file cabinet application effect

Simplify the file sorting process and improve work efficiency

The traditional file sorting process is cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring manual operations such as classification, sorting, stapling, and handwriting of file box information. However, these cumbersome steps can be replaced by intelligent file management solutions. Using RFID electronic tags as information storage media, the basic information of the file and the use and return records can be stored in the tag. With the cooperation of RFID reading and writing equipment and the background database management system, the storage, borrowing, return, search and inventory of files can be managed in an informationized manner. In this way, the time cost of file sorting is greatly reduced and work efficiency is improved.

Improve the security and accuracy of file management

The intelligent file management solution greatly improves the security and accuracy of file management by using RFID technology to manage files. The traditional way of storing archives easily leads to the disorder of the order of archives, making it difficult to find the required archives quickly and accurately. The RFID technology equipped in the intelligent archive cabinet can realize the automatic classification of archives and record the status of archives. The touch screen on the archive cabinet can intuitively display the location information of the archive cabinet, so that users can quickly locate the required archives, greatly reducing the search time. At the same time, through the application of RFID technology, the borrowing and returning process of archives is simplified, and the disconnection between borrowing management and security and omission prevention process is improved. The RFID electronic tag information in the system records the historical records of each archive in and out of the library, matches it with the historical records of borrowing and returning, and realizes automatic tracking and early warning of materials. In this way, the security of archive management is improved.

Improve the efficiency of archive borrowing and inventory

The traditional archive borrowing and inventory process is time-consuming and inefficient. It is necessary to manually flip through a large number of archives to find specific information. Through the intelligent archive management solution, the efficiency of archive borrowing and inventory has been improved. Users can conduct self-service inquiries through the system, and quickly query the required archives according to the name or number of the archive. The system will provide corresponding query results for users to find conveniently. During the file inventory process, manual or automatic inventory can be performed. The system will automatically upload the inventory results and conduct background data analysis, automatically classify according to the analysis results, and understand the file status in real time. In this way, the efficiency of file borrowing and inventory has been greatly improved.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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