RFID intelligent fully automatic pig farm feeding system

For a long time, the American model of positioning pen feeding system has been recognized by most pig farms because it can achieve timed and quantitative feeding, takes up little space, and is easy to manage, thus occupying the dominant position in my country's pig raising model. However, in the process of its widespread application, disadvantages have gradually emerged. First of all, the positioning pen lactation and feeding system greatly limits the movement of sows, resulting in a greatly reduced motor function of sows in a long-term inactive state, resulting in physical weakness, difficulty in getting on the farrowing bed, and a high proportion of dystocia. The decline in physical fitness of sows has led to an increase in the proportion of sows suffering from limb and foot diseases. The piglets born have weak vitality and a high proportion of stillbirths. The culling rate of sows has increased. The average number of parities used per sow in fixed pens is higher than that in large pens. Reducing more than one parity has a considerable impact on sows that only have five to six parities. According to statistics, the culling rate of sows in pig farms in my country and the United States is both 35-40%. The narrow space also prevents heat dissipation in the left, right and lower areas of the sow's body, which is very harmful to sows within one month after breeding and sows in labor. In addition, the positioning bars are all long troughs. After the pigs drink water, the leaked water flows in the trough. Various shortcomings show that the American-style positioning pen feeding system is not suitable for raising sows. We urgently need a new feeding method to change this situation.

The birth of domestic fully automatic pig farm feeding system

In May 2010, through the digestion and absorption of European products and a year-long research and development, the "Fully Automatic Pig Farm Feeding System" was born, which has superior functions and is more considerate to use than similar foreign products.

1. Principle of fully automatic pig farm feeding system

The fully automatic pig farm feeding system mainly consists of seven parts: RFID sow feeding station, RFID fat pig feeder, RFID piglet feeder, RFID estrus identification system, RFID automatic separation system, RFID remote management system, pig farm ERP management software.

(1) Sow feeding station: The fully automatic sow feeding system provides a unique electronic ear tag for each sow, just like a person's ID Card, allowing the system to conduct unified management. Each single feeding station can ensure the feeding of 50 sows. When the sow enters the feeding station, the station door is automatically locked and pigs from outside will not be able to enter. The detector identifies each pig through an electronic ear tag, and the next The feeder delivers accurate and appropriate amounts of feed to each sow based on the different feeding information of each sow in the computer. In addition, the amount of feed each sow can eat per day is limited. When the sow has eaten the amount of feed for the day, even if it enters the feeding station again, the feeder will not feed any more. An "anti-lying pole" is designed in each feeding station to prevent sows from lying down in the station after eating. After the sows in the station finish eating and leave the feeding station, the door lock automatically opens, and the next pig can enter to feed.

(2) Fatty pig feeder: It adopts multi-station design and allows free feeding to reduce personnel management, save feed, promote the growth of fattening pigs, and shorten the time for slaughter.

(3) Piglet feeder: Based on the digestive function and growth characteristics of piglets, the feeding mode of small meals and frequent meals is designed to ensure accurate feeding of the feeder, more professional feeding, and healthier growth.

(4) Estrus identification system: This system can automatically detect whether the sows in the pig house have entered the estrus period, and feedback the data to the computer in time. When the sows that are judged to have entered the estrus period have finished eating and entered the channel, The automatic separator will separate the sow into a small pen and wait for breeding.

(5) Automatic separation system: This system can separate pigs that are sick, in heat, pregnant, in labor or need vaccination, or have missing ear tags based on recognized reports such as body temperature, feeding, and estrus, so that corresponding treatment can be taken in a timely manner.

(6) Remote management system: Remote video observation, diagnosis and analysis of pigs can be achieved through system software modules, sensors and the Internet.

(7) Pig farm ERP management software: This software not only automatically records the daily feeding, epidemic prevention, estrus, fattening, sales and other information of each pig, but also provides the financial management of the entire pig farm and the "import, sale, and storage" of materials. Management, so that the management of the pig farm can be done in one step.

2. Advantages of fully automatic pig farm feeding system

The advantages of fully automatic pig farm feeding systems in pig farms mainly include the following points:

(1) It not only breaks the limitations of positioning pen feeding, but also achieves precise feeding of individual sows in group breeding. Each sow can eat flexibly according to its own situation, and avoids fights between individuals, achieving A new concept of group feeding and single feeding.

(2) The system replaces manual estrus determination, automatic separation, and epidemic prevention reminders, making pig farm management both timely and labor-saving.

(3) The free-range breeding method ensures that sows have moderate exercise and are healthier. The birth weight and survival rate of piglets produced are significantly improved. The culling rate of sows is reduced, and the economic benefits are more considerable.

(4) The system provides remote management, allowing managers to view various information and current activity status of the pig herd at any time and anywhere.

(5) The system's unique pig farm ERP management software comprehensively monitors the breeding process, automatically analyzes the breeding results, and provides cost accounting and financial interfaces to make the entire breeding process traceable and make supervision more intelligent.

(6) With the thoughtful design of 80W operating power, the battery can drive the entire system, which consumes less power and is safe. It not only solves the problem of power outages but also avoids the risk of electric shock to the pigs.

(7) Domestic independent research and development breaks the bottleneck of high prices for similar foreign products and greatly improves the applicability in domestic pig farms.

Future development trends of pig farming

According to statistics, as of the end of 2009, there were about 2,000 large-scale pig farms in my country with an annual slaughter capacity of more than 10,000 pigs, and their slaughter volume accounted for about 7-8% of the country's total annual slaughter (660 million pigs). It is expected that in the next five years, the share of pigs sold by large-scale pig farms will increase at a rate of 2-3 percentage points. By 2015, this proportion will reach about 20%. Large-scale pig farming replaces individual households, and intelligent management replaces manual operations. This is the general trend, and this trend will be faster in the next five years. In addition, the European New Food Code promulgated as early as 2008 stipulates that comprehensive management and responsible traceability of the food supply chain (that is, from farm to table) are required, and problematic foods will be recalled. This regulation means that agricultural products exported to the EU must not only comply with EU food safety standards, but also expand the food safety management chain. The specially added "treat animals well" welfare clause clearly prohibits the use of positioning pens to raise sows, which puts forward higher requirements for pig breeding enterprises, thus establishing the position of intelligent feeding that cannot be ignored in the future development trend of pig farming. .



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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