RFID helps production line intelligent management application solution

Project Background

In the process of traditional production line information collection, manual collection and manual input have problems of insufficient accuracy and high error rate, resulting in the inability to update production data in real time and serious information lag, which affects the smooth progress of the production process and restricts the improvement of production capacity. In order to improve the visualization and controllability of the production line and increase the production efficiency of the enterprise, a production line intelligent management solution based on IoT RFID, wireless sensor technology and network technology is proposed.

Traditional production line management material tracking is difficult and easy to make mistakes

Production line management pain points

1. Manual collection and manual input lead to insufficient accuracy and high error rate. In traditional production line management, workers need to manually record and input production data, which is prone to human errors and inaccurate data.

2. Production data cannot be updated in real time and information lags seriously. Due to reliance on manual recording and input, the update speed of production data is slow, resulting in the lag of production information and the inability to reflect the actual situation in time.

3. Lack of real-time dynamic tracking of the location and status information of work-in-progress. In traditional production line management, it is difficult to understand the location and status information of work-in-progress in real time, and it is impossible to discover and solve problems in production in time.

4. Incomplete information coupling during production interval conversion. In the production process, due to information lag and inaccuracy, the information coupling during production interval conversion is often incomplete, affecting production efficiency and product quality.

5. Lack of data support for production line operation guidance and logistics. In traditional production line management, the lack of data support for production line operation guidance and logistics often requires manual experience and judgment, which is inefficient and prone to errors.

6. Lack of tracking and management of product historical processing/source information is not conducive to quality traceability. In traditional production line management, it is difficult to track and manage the historical processing and source information of products. Once quality problems occur, it is difficult to find the root cause of the problem.


1. Data acquisition/execution layer: Introduce RFID electronic tags and RFID data acquisition equipment to realize real-time dynamic tracking and data acquisition of work-in-progress. The acquisition equipment includes RFID handheld devices, RFID fixed readers, and pneumatic radio frequency doors, which can realize the display and management of on-site information.

2. Data communication layer: Establish a communication network and communication server to realize data transmission and communication. Through wireless sensing technology, the collected data is transmitted to the central server for processing and storage.

3. Management and monitoring layer: including middleware, database server, management server and user software, responsible for data storage and management, providing management and monitoring functions. The middleware is responsible for receiving data from the data acquisition layer and transmitting it to the management server. The database server is used to Store and manage production data. The management server is responsible for managing and monitoring production data. The user software is used for users to query, display and enter production data.

Solution composition

1. RFID electronic tags: anti-metal tags are pasted on the pallets of the production line to identify work-in-progress and materials. Each tag has a unique identification code that can be read by RFID equipment.

2. RFID data acquisition equipment: including RFID handheld devices, RFID fixed readers and pneumatic radio frequency doors, etc., for real-time tracking and collection of data in the production process. RFID handheld devices can be used by workers to obtain relevant information by scanning RFID tags; RFID fixed readers can be installed on the production line to read the information of RFID tags in real time; pneumatic radio frequency doors can automatically read RFID tags during material transportation.

3. Communication network and communication server: Establish a stable communication network to realize data transmission and communication. The communication server is responsible for receiving and processing data transmitted from the data acquisition equipment to ensure the security and accuracy of the data.

4. Middleware: Responsible for receiving data from the data acquisition layer and transmitting it to the management server to realize data storage and management. The middleware can process and convert data to ensure data consistency and integrity.

5. Database server: used to store and manage production data, and support data query and analysis. The database server can be expanded as needed to meet the management needs of production lines of different scales and complexities.

6. Management server: Responsible for managing and monitoring production data, responding to command requests, and sending scheduling instructions. The management server can schedule and optimize the production line according to production plans and needs to improve production efficiency and product quality.

6. User software: used for users to query, display and enter production data to realize paperless operation in the workshop. User software can provide different functions and interfaces according to the user's role and authority to facilitate user operation and management.

Solution application benefits

1. Real-time dynamic tracking of the location and status information of work-in-progress to improve the accuracy and real-time nature of production data. Through RFID technology, the location and status information of work-in-progress can be obtained in real time, avoiding errors and lags in manual recording and input.

2. Realize seamless coupling of information during production interval conversion to avoid information lag and production delays. Through RFID technology, information about production intervals can be obtained in real time to ensure seamless coupling and timely update of information.

3. Provide data support to provide support for production line operation guidance and logistics and other businesses. Through RFID technology, data from the production line can be obtained in real time to provide data support for operation guidance and logistics and other businesses to improve work efficiency and accuracy.

4. Real-time monitoring of the production process, quickly find production bottlenecks, and improve production efficiency. Through RFID technology, the production process can be monitored in real time, production bottlenecks and problems can be discovered in a timely manner, and corresponding measures can be taken to improve production efficiency.

5. Support the tracking and management of product historical processing/source information to facilitate quality traceability. Through RFID technology, the historical processing and source information of products can be tracked and managed to facilitate quality traceability and problem tracing.

6. Improve the visualization and controllability of the production line and increase the production efficiency of the enterprise. Through RFID technology, the visualization and controllability of the production line can be achieved, production efficiency and product quality can be improved, and the development of the enterprise can be promoted.

By applying RFID technology to the production management system, we can achieve material cost control, production statistics and piece-rate statistics, as well as monitoring and management of the operation of production line equipment and components. We believe that this solution will help companies improve the management level of production lines, optimize production processes, improve production efficiency, and further promote the development of enterprises.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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