RFID handheld devices promote innovation in file inventory and search

In today's era of rapid development of informatization, archive management is an indispensable part of organizational operations, and its efficiency and accuracy directly affect the circulation and utilization value of information. Traditional manual archive management methods, such as paper labels, manual inventory and search, are not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also prone to errors, and it is difficult to meet the needs of modern enterprises for efficient and accurate management. With the rise of Internet of Things technology, RFID (radio frequency identification) technology has gradually shown strong application potential in the field of archive management with its unique advantages of non-contact identification, fast reading, and high-capacity storage. Among them, RFID handheld devices, as key technical equipment, have become an important force in promoting the innovation of archive inventory and search work.

1. Overview of RFID Technology

RFID technology is an automatic identification technology that exchanges data through radio waves. It consists of RFID tags (also known as electronic tags), antennas, readers (or RFID handheld devices) and background systems. RFID tags Store relevant information of the identified object. The reader sends radio frequency signals to the tag through the antenna. After receiving the signal, the tag sends the stored information back to the reader, thereby realizing automatic identification and data collection of the object. Compared with barcode, QR code and other identification technologies, RFID has higher reading speed, longer identification distance and stronger environmental adaptability, and is particularly suitable for large-scale, fast and dynamic data collection scenarios.

2. Application of RFID handheld devices in File inventory and search

1. Efficient and automated inventory

Traditional file inventory relies on manual verification of file numbers and locations one by one, which is inefficient and error-prone. After the introduction of RFID handheld devices, only RFID tags need to be installed on file boxes or file racks, and the handheld device can batch read tag information within a few meters to achieve rapid inventory of files. This process greatly shortens the inventory time, improves work efficiency, reduces human errors, and ensures the accuracy of inventory data.

2. Accurate positioning and fast search

In the process of file search, users only need to enter the file number or keyword on the RFID handheld device, and the handheld device can determine the direction of the target file by reading the tag information at a long distance, and quickly find the location of the file according to the built-in algorithm, and guide the user directly to the target according to the sound prompt. This "instant search" search method greatly shortens the search time and improves work efficiency, especially when facing massive archives.

3. Real-time data update

The RFID handheld device is connected to the background management system, and the data read during the inventory process can be uploaded to the system in real time to realize the dynamic update of archive information. This not only facilitates managers to grasp the archive inventory at any time, but also provides reliable data support for subsequent archive retrieval, archiving and other work.

III. Practical application case

Intelligent inventory of a large archive

Case background: A provincial archive has millions of archives. The traditional manual inventory method takes several years and has a high error rate. In order to improve management efficiency, the archive introduced RFID handheld devices for intelligent inventory.

Implementation process:

1. Label deployment: First, attach RFID tags to each archive or archive box. The tags store key information such as the archive number, type, and storage time.

2. Equipment configuration: Equip the inventory team with RFID handheld devices to ensure that each handheld device can stably connect to the background management system.

3. Inventory operation: Inventory personnel walk in the archives holding RFID handheld devices. The handheld devices automatically read the RFID tag information within the range and upload the data to the background system in real time.

4. Data analysis: The background system processes the collected data and generates an inventory report, which displays information such as the number, location, missing or incorrect records of archives.

Results: Through the RFID handheld device, the inventory time of the archives was shortened from several years to several weeks, and the accuracy rate was increased to more than 99.9%, which greatly improved the management efficiency and data accuracy.

As one of the important applications of Internet of Things technology in the field of archive management, RFID handheld devices are leading the innovation of archive inventory and search work with their unique advantages. It not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of archive management, but also brings users a more convenient and intelligent archive service experience. With the continuous maturity of technology and the deepening of application, RFID handheld devices will play a more important role in future archive management, and promote archive management to develop in a more efficient, intelligent and humanized direction.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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