RFID clothing production line management system solution

1 System Overview

1.1 System Summary

This system uses RFID electronic tags as information carriers, and uses local area networks and the Internet as information channels to establish a complete information management system that can record every aspect of the entire production line management and achieve automatic identification and real-time identification of products in process. Management, thereby realizing real-time tracking of logistics and information flow on the enterprise's production line, and improving the efficiency and service level of the enterprise's production management.

1.2 Project background

With the development trend of economic globalization, traditional intensive processing manufacturing industries, such as clothing, electronics and other industries, the manufacturing costs of single products are getting higher and higher, and processing profits are getting lower and lower. In order to improve the overall profit margin of the enterprise, optimize enterprise management Process, through information transformation to improve production efficiency has become one of the effective means.

In the production process of traditional manufacturing enterprises, most of the production models are based on the single-piece flow production model. The biggest disadvantage of this production line model is that there is usually a backlog of a large number of semi-finished products in certain bottleneck processes. If the process is complicated and With many production links, this phenomenon will become more serious.

At present, the following problems generally exist in the management of traditional processing enterprises:

1) The overall production efficiency is low and on-site management is difficult to start;

2) The amount of data in the production process is large and the production line is severely backlogged, making it impossible to form automated circulation and automated data collection;

3) A large amount of data needs to be entered manually, the accuracy and work efficiency are low, and the reliability cannot be guaranteed;

4) Poor controllability, inaccurate control of processing progress, and insufficient production site status monitoring capabilities;

5) The quality loss is serious, the repair rate is too high, and quality traceability cannot be carried out;

6) The order production schedule, workshop work-in-progress, completion data, etc. are unclear, and costs cannot be accurately calculated;

7) The analysis and statistics of operating data cannot be accurate and timely, and it is difficult to mine valuable information to guide future production plans.

These problems have weakened the management's ability to predict, control and adapt to the production cycle, making it increasingly difficult to cope with the market requirements of large order specifications and short delivery times.

1.3 Comparison between barcode technology and RFID technology

In the process of establishing and continuously improving quality systems, domestic manufacturing enterprises urgently require product production lines to have a set of clear, complete, and easy-to-access and retrieval quality records.

The current barcode-based production management system enables various quality analysis and control to be easily implemented. The traditional barcode system has its advantages, but also has obvious shortcomings, such as easy contamination, breakage, need to stop and wait for scanning one by one, etc. Batch reading efficiency is not high and cannot meet the demand for fast and accurate barcodes.

Compared with traditional barcode identification technology, RFID technology has essential advantages:

1) Fast, long-distance scanning

Only one barcode can be scanned at a time; the RFID Reader can identify and read multiple RFID tags at the same time from a long distance.

2) Reusable

The barcode cannot be changed after it is printed, while the RFID tag can repeatedly add, modify, and delete the data Stored in the RFID tag to facilitate information updates.

3) Penetrating and barrier-free reading

When covered, RFID can penetrate non-metallic or non-transparent materials such as paper, wood and plastic, and can communicate penetratingly. The barcode scanner must be at a close distance and not blocked by objects before it can read the barcode.

4) Anti-pollution ability and durability

The carrier of traditional barcodes is paper, so they are susceptible to contamination, but RFID is highly resistant to substances such as water, oil, and chemicals. At the same time, because the barcode is attached to the plastic bag or outer packaging carton, it is particularly susceptible to damage; the RFID tag stores data in the chip, so it is protected from contamination.

5) Small size and diversified shapes

RFID is not limited by size or shape in reading, and does not need to match the fixed size and printing quality of the paper for reading accuracy. At the same time, RFID tags can be developed into miniaturization and diversified forms.

6) Large data memory capacity

The capacity of one-dimensional barcode is 50Bytes, the maximum capacity of two-dimensional barcode can store 2 to 3000 characters, and the maximum capacity of RFID is several megabytes.

7) Security

Since RFID carries electronic information, its data content can be protected by password, making its content difficult to be forged and altered.

Therefore, RFID technology is not just a simple replacement of barcode technology. Its application in the manufacturing industry will change the production and operation methods of processing and manufacturing enterprises. It will improve the production process management level and production efficiency of many enterprises, making it difficult to quantitatively assess in the past. Management data can be obtained conveniently and quickly, thereby optimizing production process management.

1.4 System Introduction

Currently, manufacturing companies are facing many problems, such as how to provide real-time feedback of data from the workshop production line to ensure the authenticity of the data and the timeliness of problem solving; how to ensure the smooth flow of the assembly line, how to solve the problem of accumulation of in-process products, and how to promptly discover bottleneck processes; Factors such as how to ensure on-time delivery of exported garments have always troubled business managers.

In order to improve the transparency of the production process and the construction of comprehensive enterprise informatization, to achieve the purpose of improving efficiency and reducing costs, the company urgently needs a control management system that is consistent with production line management to solve the problem of insufficient production site status monitoring capabilities and poor coordination between work stations. , lack of effective guidance on on-site operations and ingredients, and lag in quality data entry.

The production line management system based on RFID technology has become one of the effective solutions to solve the above problems. By using RFID technology, the system can automatically collect production data and equipment status data, provide production managers with "real-time data" of all processes in the production line, and can Combined with the process characteristics of each process equipment and related process and quality index parameters, online monitoring and analysis of production information such as process parameters and equipment operating parameters of each important link of production are carried out to help enterprises realize the measurement of semi-finished products and finished products in the production process. , the automation and information integration of warehousing incoming and outgoing management, so as to achieve automatic real-time tracking of production operations, effectively supervise each production position, and supervise the stability of product quality and the execution rate of process parameters.

At the same time, through the integration with the enterprise's existing ERP system, the production status of each order can be queried in a timely manner, so that the enterprise's managers and procurement, logistics and other departments can monitor the production status of any order in real time, and provide information for production scheduling, material procurement, customs Provide scheduling basis for customs declaration, logistics and transportation.

The RFID production line management system uses electronic work tickets to replace traditional paper work tickets, uses an RFID tag for each single product on the production line, and installs an RFID data collection terminal at each Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation. Every time a worker completes a job, the system automatically sends the workpiece information directly to the computer system through the RFID collection device. The system automatically completes piece-rate wage calculations and various production statistics, providing a complete solution for the enterprise.

The RFID production line management system efficiently and accurately solves the problems of salary calculation and work-in-progress level monitoring for front-line workers in the production workshop, and timely data sharing of comprehensive information on production progress, employee performance, parking space status, quantity of work-in-progress, etc., helping Managers obtain real-time production data from the system platform, analyze production bottlenecks and improve production efficiency, and track the complete process of product production in all aspects such as sending and receiving and in each process to prevent errors from occurring. At the same time, electronic tags have established a connection channel for managers, company executives and front-line workers in the workshop, feeding back the production process data of each product to managers at each level in real time and accurately, greatly improving production efficiency, saving manpower, and Paper, communication time, improve the company's production efficiency and management decision-making capabilities.

2. System design goals

2.1 Overall goals of the system

The RFID production line management system realizes the accuracy and systematization of the production status of each process of the production line and the data operations during the production process, establishes product production control tracking, realizes monitoring and traceability from raw materials to semi-finished products to products, and improves on-site Management level, improve the first-time off-line qualification rate and production efficiency of finished products, promote refined production organization and management, improve product manufacturing quality, reduce manufacturing resource consumption, and enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.

2.2 System design goals

In view of the current status and existing problems of manufacturing enterprises, to achieve real-time management of production links, improve the enterprise's production efficiency, reduce inventory, respond faster to market demand, and accelerate the turnover of enterprise funds, the system needs to achieve the following design goals:

1) Establish a unified material coding system to ensure the uniqueness from materials to products

The system uses RFID coding for data management and establishes a unified and standardized material coding system to ensure the uniqueness of each unit's materials to products. The source and destination of materials can be accurately traced at any stage of the production process.

2) Establish a real-time data collection system to ensure smooth production operations;

3) Reduce production data loss, ensure the accuracy of original real-time data, and establish a complete data warehouse;

4) Establish a real-time information channel for the production line to ensure the smooth flow of production flow;

5) Improve information transparency, establish a quality inspection traceability system, and strengthen self-supervision and mutual supervision;

6) Establish real-time information for business tracking to ensure timely delivery of finished products;

7) Establish a transparent piece-rate wage system to reflect the actual production status of workers in real time;

8) Strengthen the collection and analysis of production data, and provide accurate basis for decision-making on the basis of achieving refined management.

3 Overall system architecture

3.1 Overall system architecture

The RFID production line management system uses RFID Card swiping in the production process to complete process flow and data collection in the MES project to solve the problem of production process control. At the same time, based on the successful experience of implementing ERP and MES systems in the past, it completes the entire process from procurement, inventory, sales to finance. The entire set of accounting information system planning realizes the organic integration of sales, purchasing, inventory, production, finance, quality, cost, equipment, technology, and personnel management, and realizes the company's comprehensive informatization and paperlessization.

Production process management is the basic requirement for refined management. The RFID production line management system records production process information from the smallest unit and granularity of production. Through refined management of participants and products in the production process, it completes the digitization of the production process, thereby improving the efficiency of production. On the basis of process digitization, data analysis and mining are performed to obtain production capacity analysis, production capacity trends, risk prediction, production quality and efficiency evaluation, etc.

Through process management, the workshop production process can be managed uniformly according to the information of employees, processes, time, equipment and other dimensions. On this basis, very accurate production plans, shift plans, progress tracking, risk predictions, etc. can be obtained. At the same time, through detailed Production process data, product quality traceability, process analysis of in-process products, and reasonable working hours/labor prices.

The first layer is the equipment layer, which mainly includes: RFID readers, RFID handhelds, RFID tags, RFID printers, RFID card Readers and other equipment.

The second layer is the management software layer, including: workshop management system and leadership query system. The workshop management system mainly completes functions such as data collection, data processing, data statistics, and data query. The leadership query system mainly implements the summary query function of various reports.

The third layer is the database management layer, which mainly completes functions such as data storage and data control.

3.2 Network topology

System network design can do:

1) Layered design to ensure system reliability and data security;

2) Choose the most appropriate network structure to ensure the highest cost performance;

3) Distributed computing reduces the load on office networks and computer systems;

4) Standard design to facilitate network monitoring and error location.

4 System process design

4.1 Overall technical route

The RFID production line management system consists of RFID technology combined with computer equipment. RFID readers placed at scanning points obtain on-site data in a timely manner by reading RFID tags. After data cleaning and integration, effective production line information is transmitted to the system. Through statistics and analysis of on-site data, the system can understand the production status in real time and detect and handle abnormalities in a timely manner.

4.2 System process design

Taking a complete clothing production line as an example, the design process is as follows:

1) The cutting department collects materials, spreads cloth, cuts according to the production plan sheet, and fills in the cutting sheet;

2) After cutting, bundle the multiple layers of garment pieces of the same parts according to rules such as size, fabric layer, color, etc., and bind the binding sheet entered and printed out according to the cutting sheet to each bundle of garment pieces. The binding sheet records the information. The attributes of the garment pieces, such as style number, size, color, batch, cutting bed number, as well as process number, order number, number of pieces and other information;

The function of the binding sheet is to mark the attributes of the garment pieces, the cutting batch, indicate the processing steps that need to be performed for the bundled garment pieces and the number of products in this batch, and record the workload information of each station.

3) The sewing workshop goes to the cutting department to receive the bundled garment pieces, bundle the garment pieces with the same binding order number together according to the production process, and deliver them to the corresponding workstation by hand;

After the fabric is cut, workers completely rely on the information on the binding sheet to carry out production operations to ensure that each piece of clothing is sewn from pieces with the same attributes in accordance with the planned process.

4) After receiving the garment pieces, the workers at the work station perform the specified process operations. After the operation is completed, they sign the work number on the binding slip stub and cut off a strip (called a flying piece) on the binding slip to use for piece calculation purposes. Proof of salary;

5) The binding worker collects the semi-finished products completed in the previous process, bundles them with other parts of the garment with the same binding number, and manually transfers them to the next process;

6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all processes are completed and the finished product is packaged and put into storage.

5 system design plan

The RFID production line management system is an information supervision platform built to standardize product identification and tracking. Based on unified material coding specifications, the system uses advanced RFID identification technology combined with computer database management and query to automatically identify product information, realize "one item, one code" for materials in each process link, and truly achieve real-time tracking of the entire process. and monitoring, and provides real-time and accurate report analysis for management. Management can understand front-line production dynamics in real time, discover production bottlenecks, optimize processes, and shorten production cycles.

5.1 Unified and standardized coding system

Because information conversion and connection are required between different production links and different materials, it is necessary to

In order to be able to monitor the entire production line process, a unified and standardized material coding system must be established so that the location and status of materials can be accurately tracked at any link.

Developing a statistically standardized coding system can provide reliable management of the production line; at the same time, it also facilitates real-time tracking and management of materials. The unified coding system follows three major specifications:

1) Uniqueness

The RFID production line management system can identify and track each material and belongs to item-level management. Therefore, it must ensure that the codes used in different links are unique. This system adopts a multi-level coding management mechanism, which not only allows coding conversion between different links, but also ensures unique characteristics in the entire production line.

2) Confidentiality

The encoding content does not contain specific product information. The reason is: on the one hand, it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of reading during identification, and on the other hand, the content managed and recorded is important information for enterprises and relevant government departments.

3) Reliability

The generation and reading of codes are relatively simple and practical, taking into account not only the length and reading rate, but also the error correctability to avoid misreading and misreading.

5.2 Basic information platform

The basic information platform is the basic platform of the entire system. Through the system platform, various data generated in the production workshop can be centrally stored, analyzed and processed. It is the basic platform of other subsystems.

The basic information platform is responsible for the storage and processing of static basic data and dynamic records of the entire system, statistical reports, real-time data adjustment and verification, and other functions. The establishment of the center depends on the successful construction of other subsystems, and the work of the platform must be gradually structured and improved over a relatively long period of time.

5.3 Production line RFID equipment configuration plan

Install RFID equipment on the assembly line in the production workshop. RFID equipment includes RFID readers and RFID tags. The RFID reader is connected to the computer system through Ethernet. Install RFID tags on the semi-finished products on the production line. When the production line workers complete the processing of the semi-finished products, they will read the information on the semi-finished products on the production line through the RFID reader and transmit the information to the system database.

The system configures RFID equipment according to the production line stations. Each production station is equipped with a set of RFID reading and writing equipment. The settings of the production stations are as follows:

1) Generate production stations according to the assembly requirements of the work-in-progress;

2) Bind the work-in-progress code in the RFID tag to the production station, and then bind the tag to the work-in-progress;

3) When the WIP undergoes multi-path selection, the reader reads the WIP code in the tag and determines the next station based on the information about the station on the production line.

5.4 Implementation plan for automatic identification of production lines

The requirement for production process control is to dynamically determine the assembly route and assembly method of WIP based on WIP information, so that enterprise management can discover the WIP production and production line operating status in real time. The system mainly consists of assembly lines, RFID data collection systems, work-in-progress and workstations.

When the work-in-progress moves on the assembly line, the status information of the work-in-progress is detected in real time. After arriving at the work station, the workers will remove it and assemble the spare parts. After completion, it will be put back into the assembly line until all processes are completed. And it can generate path selection instructions and assembly prompts according to the assembly route and assembly method set by the control system.

The implementation plan for automatic identification of production lines is:

1) When the materials for each process are issued, they are equipped with a smart card;

2) Each worker is equipped with a work card;

3) Install an RFID reader at each workstation;

4) Workers first read their work cards during processing. After each process is completed, the smart card on the material is read once on the RFID reader. The system exchanges data with the management background in real time, and after completing one work order, the next one is replaced. The material card of the work order.

The RFID data collection system mainly includes an RFID reader with dual antennas, and each work-in-progress is bound to an RFID tag.

When the work-in-progress bound with RFID tags passes through antenna 1 and antenna 2 in sequence, 2 RFID tag read and write events will be triggered. The RFID tag read and write events with the reader code and work station code as keywords are passed through Record and process relevant data generated by events to determine the completion of work in progress and the operation of each work station.

The functions of using RFID automatic identification technology to realize production line management are:

1) The system automatically records which work orders each worker is working on at which time and how long it takes

2) Each process on the production line uses a station reader to automatically complete the quantity acquisition of subsequent processes;

3) Employees can check their production records throughout the day through the self-service card swiping terminal;

4) The system counts and calculates the production progress of each group, each station, and each process in real time, providing managers with the best and most accurate production data for worker deployment, improving work efficiency and reducing waste of human resources.

6 Software system functions

The system software adopts a working mode that combines C/S and B/S. All data is stored on the server side of the monitoring center, and local data is stored on local servers in various places. It supports remote and multi-end point login, and authorized users can log in in real time. Monitor system operation, view and process related data records.

RFID production line management includes two parts: management application and production site application. The system application division design is shown in the figure below:

6.1 Production line management system

1) Production process control

  ① Batch execution status of work dispatch orders: Master the execution progress of the batch production plan and the distribution of each batch on the production line;

  ② Production line status: WIP information in different areas of the production line;

  ③ Work-in-progress status: the status of each work-in-progress on the production line;

  ④ Production rhythm: Master the production rhythm of each key station and the entire production line.

2) Production process quality information management

  ① Statistics on the pass rate of finished vehicles off the production line: The pass rate of the production line off the production line can be counted by day, month, year and customized time period;

  ② Statistics of quality fault information by batch, model, series, component, fault type, etc.;

  ③ Query the qualification rate and information of primary and secondary repairs of finished vehicles;

  ④ Workload statistics: Workload and efficiency statistics of quality inspectors and rework workers;

  ⑤ Data export: According to needs, data can be exported to Excel tables.

3) Work dispatch plan execution management

Work dispatch plans are directly released to the production site

  ① Automatically download the ERP dispatch plan to the MES system every day;

  ② Send the work dispatch plan and vehicle status configuration information to the on-site workstation;

  ③ Replace the original paper work dispatch order.

Production notification notice is issued

  Workshop instructions can be issued based on the workshop production status.

4) Work station production coordination

  ① The production plan progress is shared in real time in the workshop, and workers coordinate ingredients and assembly: the plan execution progress of the production line starting point and online station is shared throughout the enterprise, effectively coordinating ingredients and production at the assembly, ingredient and other stations;

  ② After the order of the work dispatch plan is adjusted, timely notification will be given throughout the enterprise: the online work stations will adjust the order of execution of the work dispatch plan, and all control stations on the production line will be notified promptly and automatically, replacing the previous notification from the team leader.

5) Ingredients and assembly management

  ① Electronic signage visual guidance: Each work station is equipped with electronic signage, which mainly displays the current car model status, process and various operation prompts to assist workers in knowing changes in production status in a timely manner and guide workers in their operations to avoid mistakes.

  ② Engine batching counting: Provide the engine batching station workers with the engine lowering counting function, replacing the original counting that relies on workers' memory, reducing manual counting errors and improving worker efficiency.

6.2 Information query module

Statistical analysis and report management are the centralized organization and feedback of container data, and are also important functions for Weidong Shipping to monitor the location and status of containers in all circulation chains.

(1) Report management

Report management should include fixed reports and dynamic reports.

Fixed reports: Fixed reports are certain reports that are generated periodically by the system. After the report is generated, it is stored on the server and user requests are returned directly to the user. The system needs to pre-define a set of fixed reports.

Dynamic reports: Reports generated in real time upon user request. When each application generates different dynamic reports at the same time, the system can respond quickly and return the required report information.

The generated reports can be exported and printed.

7 System characteristics and system benefits

7.1 System features

1) It has good controllability and can accurately plan the range of allowed data collection;

2) The label content can be read, written and reused, saving costs;

3) Provide automated means for information systems to obtain real-time data;

4) Achieve lean production and just-in-time production;

5) Optimize the production process and improve production and management efficiency;

6) Cost savings;

7) Production bottleneck analysis and alarm;

8) High real-time, safe and stable;

9) Achieve product quality traceability.

7.2 System benefits

1) Production data can be collected accurately and in real time

Real-time feedback of production data is the basis for ensuring smooth production operations. The system collects real-time production data in the production workshop by workers inserting and removing cards or swiping cards during the production process. The RFID reader reads the specific information contained in the RFID card and feeds it back to the system in real time. Through this This operating mode system can provide real-time production data for collection and data analysis.

2) Productivity is improved on the original basis

The real-time production data of the production workshop is fed back to the system. Through system monitoring, the reasons that hinder the smooth flow of the production line can be discovered in real time, and the production bottlenecks can be discovered in a timely manner. The system monitors the production status of each workshop, each group, each parking space and workers in real time through real-time data collection, so that it can detect abnormal conditions in any production link and promptly solve bottlenecks that hinder production flow. It ensures the smooth flow of the assembly line as a whole and improves productivity.

3) Able to monitor the working status of production line lathes in real time

The system can monitor the status of workers on the production line in real time. By observing the different statuses of employees in each parking space, it can achieve transparent management of the entire factory and improve the efficiency of factory management. Management companies can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees by matching effective performance appraisal systems, advanced appraisals and other strategies to improve overall output. The system itself provides customized settings for observation status, usually including out-of-service, working, idle, maintenance and other status displays, which facilitates managers' timely deployment of manpower and statistics of effective production time.

4) Real-time tracking of order progress to ensure timely delivery

If the order cannot be delivered in time, it means that the company will not only fail to make profits but will also suffer losses, and it will also affect the company's credibility. The future development of the company will be greatly affected and hindered. In particular, export companies are even more important for timely delivery of orders. The system starts with customer orders and tracks the real-time progress of the entire production process from the beginning of cutting to the end of the back-end process. Track the progress of the order in the production line in real time, when the entire order starts to be cut, and how much has been cut so far; when it reaches the sewing line, how much is completed at the sewing line; when it arrives at the back line, how much is completed in the back line, and how much is the final product . The system not only starts with the progress of the entire order, but also understands the completed quantity of color and size of each order style in detail. In this way, we can accurately grasp the production progress of each order and achieve the purpose of timely delivery.

5) Strict quality control and reduce repair rate

Quality is the cornerstone of a manufacturing company's sustainable operations, and it is also the company's brand guarantee for customers, and the highest goal is to achieve a zero return rate due to quality problems. In many cases, it is necessary to focus on both output and quality. When both are involved, companies have to give up one of them. In the case of strict quality management in the system, the responsibility is traced to the individual, and the products with quality problems are recorded one by one at what time, what color and size of the order, while increasing production. Quality work was also focused on, which reduced the repair rate and increased productivity.

6) Statistics of production capacity and piece rate wages through RFID system

Traditional output statistics and the calculation of workers' piece-rate wages consume a lot of labor and time. Data lag and data distortion have caused adverse consequences. However, after the system is fully used, the system can use the system to count workers' production capacity and piece-rate wages, which can replace the original manual statistics method and improve the statistical efficiency and accuracy of production data. The system can provide real-time workers' real output statistics and real-time salary reports, which facilitates salary calculation and improves the efficiency of the company's production operations.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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