RFID asset management system makes work more orderly

What are the difficulties in enterprise Asset MANAGEMENT?

Enterprise asset management refers to the effective planning, configuration, operation, maintenance and disposal of various assets owned by an enterprise to achieve the maximum value and best benefits of the assets.

The goal of enterprise asset management is to improve the efficiency of asset use, reduce the operating costs of assets, extend the service life of assets, reduce asset risks and losses, and increase asset income and returns.

There are several difficulties in the process of enterprise asset management:

Asset information is incomplete, inaccurate, and untimely. Enterprises often lack a comprehensive, systematic and dynamic understanding of their assets, leading to duplication, omissions, errors and other problems in asset information, which affects the decision-making and execution of asset management.

Asset allocation is unreasonable, inflexible, and not optimized. Enterprises often fail to reasonably classify, allocate, adjust and optimize their assets based on their strategic goals and business needs, resulting in waste, idleness, inefficiency and other problems in asset allocation, affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of asset management.

Asset operations are irregular, unsafe and unsustainable. Enterprises often fail to establish sound asset operation management systems and processes to effectively monitor, evaluate, improve and innovate their assets, resulting in risks, failures, losses and other problems in asset operations, affecting the quality and level of asset management.

Asset maintenance is untimely, inadequate, and unprofessional. Enterprises often fail to formulate reasonable asset maintenance plans and budgets, and conduct regular inspections, maintenance, repairs and updates of their assets, resulting in problems such as lag, lack, and failure of asset maintenance, which affects the stability and sustainability of asset management.

Asset disposal is unscientific, illegal and opaque. Enterprises often fail to follow relevant laws, regulations and policies and reasonably scrap, transfer, donate or recycle their useless or excess assets, leading to problems such as irregularities, losses and corruption in asset disposal, which affects the fairness and credibility of asset management.

How RFID asset management system makes asset management more orderly

The RFID asset management system is a system that uses radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to manage an enterprise's fixed assets and current assets.

It can realize automated, intelligent, informatized and visual management of assets, improve the efficiency and safety of asset use, reduce asset maintenance costs and loss risks, and optimize the enterprise's asset structure and configuration, thereby making work more efficient. sequence.

The main functions of the RFID asset management system include:

Asset registration: Use RFID tags and readers to quickly, accurately and comprehensively register various assets of the enterprise, generate asset Files, and connect data with the enterprise's financial system and ERP system to achieve consistency and consistency of asset information. Integrity.

Asset inventory: Use RFID tags and readers to conduct regular or irregular inventory of various assets of the enterprise, check the quantity, status, location and other information of assets, promptly discover and handle abnormal situations of assets, and improve the efficiency of asset inventory. and accuracy.

Asset tracking: Use RFID tags and readers to track various assets of the enterprise in real time or historically, monitor the flow, use, maintenance, scrapping and other processes of assets, analyze the usage and benefits of assets, and prevent the loss of assets. Damage, abuse, etc.

Asset analysis: Through RFID tags and readers, collect and summarize relevant data on various assets of the enterprise, and use technologies such as data mining, statistical analysis, and visual display to conduct multi-dimensional, multi-angle, and multi-level analysis of the enterprise's assets. , providing scientific basis for enterprise asset management and decision-making.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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