RFID Fire Equipment Management System Solution

Background of the plan

With the development of modern firefighting technology, new firefighting equipment and materials are constantly entering the army, playing an increasingly important role in firefighting and rescue operations. The Ministry of Public Security's "Notice on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Combat Support System of the Public Security Fire Force" pointed out: "Relying on the emergency equipment and material reserve warehouse of the department, combining the actual situation to strengthen the emergency equipment and material reserves in the region to scientifically and reasonably determine the structure, category, and quantity, and gradually implement a modular reserve method to fully meet the needs of firefighting and rescue equipment and material support. Use advanced information technology, strengthen information management capabilities, strengthen the supervision of equipment inspection processes, improve the management level of firefighting equipment, and eliminate safety hazards. It is urgent.

At present, the management of firefighting equipment still has manual inspection and manual recording management methods. Inspection records are archived in paper form. Unexpected situations found during the inspection, such as the fire extinguisher has been opened, the weight is insufficient, the air pressure is insufficient, etc., are all filled in separately. Fill in the form for recording, and it is still easy to confuse fire extinguishers and other equipment after recording, and it is impossible to Accurately identify at the first time, and there will be many problems in emergency situations.

Project goal

Improve the timeliness and accuracy of fire equipment data

Collect and manage the data of the transportation and use process of fire equipment through computers and mobile phones, and provide administrators with more timely and accurate first-hand information. Compared with traditional management, many links use manual registration, which is easy to make mistakes. Due to the lack of timely registration, the data of the ERP system is not accurate enough.

Real-time monitoring (optional)

Active products can be used to monitor the storage and entry and exit of fire equipment in real time. Among them, RFID electronic tags have the function of disassembly and peeling signal upload, which can Discover equipment abnormalities as soon as possible.

Inspection plan sheet

Automatically generate inspection plans on schedule, inspectors use RFID handheld devices to inspect fire equipment, and inspection data is automatically uploaded to the system for traceability and summary.

Through account authority configuration, each department or personnel manages their own fire equipment.

Information warning, expired fire equipment automatically pops up alarms.

System introduction

RFID fire equipment management system is a combination of software and hardware system dedicated to managing fire equipment. It uses automatic identification technology (RFID) to collect data, uses RFID electronic tags as equipment identification, and RFID handheld terminals The technical product of long-distance and batch inspection on the end greatly improves the work efficiency of the equipment management department, gets rid of heavy manual labor, and realizes the operation management of the entire life cycle of fire equipment.

It realizes the approval of the use of fire equipment, regular inspection, maintenance, scrapping, unauthorized warehouse alarm, equipment information tracking management, and quick query, statistics, and generation of analysis reports, so that the daily circulation of fire equipment is effectively managed and supervised. At the same time, the supervisor can grasp the use of fire equipment in the warehouse more timely and accurately, and provide data support for leadership decision-making. It is a set of RFID intelligent material management system that is very suitable for upgrading the management method of fire equipment.

Application Organization Diagram

The system application architecture is divided into three logical levels: collection layer, application layer, and presentation layer.

Collection layer: RFID handheld terminal, RIFD access sensor, RFID channel door collect electronic tag data and transmit it to the RFID system through the network and other methods.

Application layer: Build fire material management, maintenance, query and other applications based on the software system.

Presentation layer: Users can log in to the system through ERP system, computer, tablet, etc.

Functional structure diagram

Function introduction

1. Tag information binding

Edit the name, RFID number, purchase time, validity period, storage time, person in charge, number of inspections and other information of the fire equipment in the Excel table, and import the system to complete the online binding operation between the fire equipment and the RFID tag number. Finally, affix the corresponding RFID tag to all fire equipment.

2. Fire equipment inspection

The user selects the fire equipment to be inspected in the fire equipment management system according to the management requirements and generates an inspection plan; then logs in to the fire equipment management APP with an RFID handheld device and automatically downloads the inspection task.

The user scans the electronic tag of the fire equipment with an RFID handheld device and inspects the fire equipment. The fire equipment management APP prompts the scanned fire equipment information, the inspected fire equipment, the uninspected fire equipment and other information. After completion, upload the inspection results of the fire equipment to the RFID fire equipment management system with one click.

3. Unauthorized exit alarm for fire equipment (optional)

RFID access sensors/RFID channel doors are deployed in warehouses or main entrances and exits to automatically identify and sound and light alarm unauthorized fire equipment, and record information such as alarm location, equipment name and date.

4. Daily management of fire equipment

Includes functional processes such as equipment collection, borrowing, return, repair, scrapping, and alarm.

5. Fire equipment statistical report

Includes statistics on the classification and proportion of fire equipment, statistics on borrowing time, statistics on equipment repair, statistics on equipment scrapping, and statistics on new equipment. Provide decision-making data for administrators.

Application benefits

1. Centrally present the information of each fire equipment and understand the status of fire equipment anytime and anywhere

When setting the basic information, you can determine the location of the fire equipment, and then the system will display the location and status of the equipment according to the changes in the equipment circulation. Whether it is intact, faulty or expired, the system will mark it with different colors, so that the manager can see it at a glance.

2. Real-time analysis of the operation information of the inspectors and effective supervision of the inspectors

The system can set up multiple plans, such as full equipment inspection and random inspection plans; feedback on the implementation of each inspector (random inspection) according to the inspection records and random inspection records, so as to effectively supervise the inspectors, prevent laziness and cheating, and better ensure that the inspection is in place and the fire-fighting equipment can be used safely.

3. RFID handheld terminals can scan and inspect at a long distance, which significantly improves the inspection efficiency of fire-fighting equipment

The convenient RFID handheld terminal has an identification distance of 0-6 meters and can scan 200 pieces of fire-fighting equipment in 1 second; cooperate with the APP to present the number of inspected and uninspected equipment on site, and view the detailed information. It can reduce the time and energy spent on equipment inspection for inspectors, and can conduct more frequent random inspections of equipment status, providing a better way for leaders of inspection departments to grasp equipment information more timely and accurately.

4. Unauthorized equipment out of warehouse alarm

RFID access sensors/RFID channel doors are deployed in warehouses or main entrances and exits to automatically identify and alarm unauthorized firefighting equipment, while recording the alarm location, equipment name and date. The software actively prompts management users to alarm information. Reduce the situation where equipment is used in a disorderly manner and cannot be identified.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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