RFID Bank Cash Box Intelligent Management Application Solution

1. Industry Background

With the continuous development of financial business, the security of financial logistics has become an increasingly important issue. Bank vaults have a large number of cash boxes entering and leaving the warehouse and delivering them every day. If it is not possible to ensure timely and accurate entry, inventory control and exit, it will bring huge risks to the bank and increase the difficulty and pressure of bank management.

In the traditional cash box management method, the handover and form filling of each link are manual operations, the data is scattered, and it is difficult to achieve automatic transmission. Manual counting of the number and model of cash boxes is prone to errors and takes a long time. The collaboration efficiency between departments is low. The handover, recording and account verification of a large number of cash boxes require a lot of time and energy, and it is impossible to collect and analyze business operation data.

With the centralized thinking of bank back-end management, after the centralized management of equipment, it is urgent to realize the "safe and efficient" "management, control, and operation" integration of cash boxes. The traditional manual cash box management mode and data collection method can no longer meet the fast and accurate requirements of bank management, which seriously affects the overall operation efficiency of the bank.

The cash box management system based on RFID technology introduces RFID technology into the existing cash box management, and automatically collects data from each link of the cash box, such as storage, outbound, transfer, transfer and inventory, to ensure the input speed and accuracy of data in each link of cash box management, ensure that the bank can grasp the real data of inventory in a timely and accurate manner, and reasonably maintain and control the bank's inventory.

2. Technical Application

RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology that automatically identifies the target object and obtains relevant data through radio frequency signals. Compared with traditional automatic identification technologies such as barcodes, RFID has obvious advantages in bank cash box management:

(1) Fast scanning

RFID Readers can identify multiple RFID electronic tags at the same time, and can realize batch acquisition of information on cash boxes entering and leaving the warehouse.

(2) Miniaturization and diversification

RFID tags do not need to have fixed size and printing quality for reading accuracy. They can be miniaturized and diversified according to needs, conveniently embedded or attached to cash boxes, not easily damaged, and safer.

(3) Reusability

The data in the RFID electronic tag can be dynamically updated, recycled and reused. In the cash box management project, one RFID electronic tag is bound to one cash box. During the entire cash box circulation process, even if the business process of the cash box changes, the RFID electronic tag can modify the information in real time to adapt to the new business process, achieving lower implementation costs and more efficient management.

(4) Penetration and barrier-free reading

RFID can penetrate non-metallic materials such as paper, wood and plastic to achieve batch reading of cash boxes.

RFID also has the characteristics of long distance and uniqueness. The application of these characteristics in the cash box management system can achieve more accurate control of entry, exit and storage, improve work efficiency, reduce management costs and human errors, and achieve efficient and intelligent cash box management.

III. System Solution

The main tasks of the cash box management system include warehousing, outbound, transfer and inventory. In order to realize the intelligent management of cash boxes, an RFID electronic tag is installed on each cash box, and an RFID reader is installed at the key node. The RFID reader collects and identifies the RFID electronic tag information.

3.1 System Architecture

The cash box management system adopts a three-layer architecture: collection layer, network layer and application layer. The collection layer mainly collects data through RFID devices and other automatic identification devices, including RFID electronic tags and RFID readers. The network layer transmits the collected data to the central database through wireless communication technology, including wireless access devices and related network devices. The application layer manages the collected data, including database servers, application servers and cash box management system software.

In the cash box management system, the RFID electronic tag is initialized through the card issuing device, and the RFID electronic tag is bound to the cash box as the unique identification of the cash box. The channel RFID reader is installed at the vault door. When the cash box enters and leaves the warehouse, the RFID reader can read the RFID electronic tag data, realize the identification of the cash box information, and quickly obtain the in and out data.

When the cash box flows to each branch and business center, the configured RFID handheld terminal is used to accurately obtain and check the handover cash box data, so as to achieve fast and accurate handover. The RFID handheld terminal can also be used for daily inventory and transfer operations.

3.2 Process Design

3.2.1 In and Out of Warehouse

During the in and out process, when the cash box passes through the channel RFID reader, the RFID reader reads the cash box information in batches and uploads the read information to the background system. The system automatically records the in and out log information, generates in and out reports, and automatically compares with the original task details. For abnormal situations in the in and out process, such as cash box data errors or illegal in and out of the warehouse, the system automatically warns and links the monitoring system to send an alarm signal.

3.2.2 Handover

After the cash box arrives at each branch and business center, the RFID handheld terminal is used to quickly read the cash box information, and the data is uploaded to the background system through the wireless network for verification and confirmation, so as to achieve efficient and accurate cash box handover.

3.2.3 Transfer

Every time the position of the cash box in the vault changes, its specific location can be tracked and confirmed through the RFID electronic tag, and the system will automatically update the position change data.

3.2.4 Inventory

After the inventory plan is initiated on the system side, the RFID handheld terminal obtains the inventory task. The staff moves along the established route and speed, and reads the RFID electronic tag information of the cash box during the movement. If the information does not match, the system will issue an early warning to prompt the staff to perform manual operations. The staff walks along the designated route, and the real-time inventory is checked with the inventory recorded by the system to complete the inventory operation.

3.3 System Value

Improve work efficiency: By batch entry and exit and RFID handheld terminals to quickly read cash box information, work efficiency is improved, avoiding the traditional method of confirmation and statistics one by one.

Improve accuracy and reduce error rate: By scanning RFID electronic tag information for confirmation and statistics, possible human errors are avoided, greatly improving accuracy.

Improve security and reduce risks: Through the application of RFID technology, the flow information of cash box data is more transparent and real-time, and the system can monitor and warn to improve security.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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