Application of RFID automotive supply chain production management system

Industry Background

The automotive parts industry is a vital part of the automotive industry and plays a fundamental role in the long-term and stable development of the automotive industry. In recent years, the scale of the automotive parts supporting market has reached 200 billion yuan, and the maintenance market has reached 60 billion yuan. With the advancement of automobile localization, the automotive parts supporting system has been initially formed, and the quality level of automobiles has also been significantly improved.

With the growth of the automobile market, automobile manufacturers and parts suppliers are facing greater pressure. On the one hand, they need to continuously reduce costs, and on the other hand, they need to ensure that products meet the strict quality standards of the industry. In order to achieve transparency and flexibility in the supply chain, automobile manufacturers have invested a lot of IT budget in the supply chain management system. The application of RFID technology in material and product tracking has a positive impact on automobile supply chain management. By deploying the RFID automobile supply chain production management system, the visual management of the automobile supply chain process and the distributed control of the manufacturing process can be realized.

A typical RFID automobile supply chain production management system consists of a data carrier, a read-write unit and an interface module. The interface module is connected to control units such as PLC and PC through bus or serial communication.

Design principles

Establish a unified central database: Establish a unified central database at the enterprise workshop site as an information platform for the circulation of goods. The database can centrally Store and manage the information of all goods, including identification numbers, production status, inventory status, etc.

Use RFID tags for identification numbering: Give each work-in-progress component a unique identification number, that is, a name in the information network. Through RFID technology, these identification numbers are associated with actual items and their information is mapped to the information network.

Real-time information update: Through RFID technology, information such as production status and inventory status is transmitted to the central database in real time to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of information, which is convenient for managers to monitor and make decisions.

Integrate information system: Integrate the information in the central database with the enterprise's information system (such as ERP, MRP, etc.) to achieve data sharing and communication between different systems and improve the efficiency of information utilization.

RFID automotive supply chain production management solution

RFID technology is widely used in the automotive industry, mainly including body identification and tracking management, tracking management of parts and fixed Assets, and logistics management of complete vehicles.

Vehicle body tracking and identification in vehicle production

The vehicle body identification system (AVI) collects production data and quality monitoring data in real time and transmits them to departments such as material management, production scheduling, and quality assurance to achieve functions such as raw material supply, production scheduling, sales service, and vehicle quality tracking. The traditional barcode recognition method has flexible configuration and low cost, but has high requirements for network communication speed and reliability. After adopting RFID technology, RFID electronic tags can run with the workpiece, forming a data that moves with the vehicle body, and realizing tracking and control of the entire production process.

After adopting the RFID automotive supply chain production management system, the electronic tag is generally placed on a skid carrying the vehicle body, running with the workpiece from beginning to end, forming a data that moves with the vehicle body, and becomes a "smart vehicle body" that carries a database with it throughout the production process. According to the needs of process and production management, ultra-high frequency RFID Readers can be set at the entrance and exit of the paint shop, the bifurcation of the workpiece logistics, and the entrance of important process processes (such as spray paint room, drying room, storage area, etc.). The read/write station is mainly composed of a workpiece position detection switch, a tag read/write device, a communication interface module and a human-machine interface. The basic process is: after the detection switch detects the vehicle body arrival signal, the read/write device starts to automatically read the data stored in the tag installed on the skid, and sends the data to the PLC, and displays it on the human-machine interface; it is uploaded to the workshop production process monitoring system PMC through the PLC for further processing and calculation, thereby realizing the tracking of the entire workshop workpiece logistics and production process control. The use of RFID technology on the production line does not require all read/write devices to communicate with the main database, so the failure of communication with the main database will not cause production to stop. After passing the Library-borrowing-machine-touch-query-intelligent-terminal-all-in-one-machine.html target='_blank'>workstation, data can also be written to the tag, so the application of RFID body identification system is also increasing.

Tracking and management of parts and assets

Tracking is carried out by attaching RFID tags to parts or attaching RFID tags to packaging or transport racks. For example, RFID tags can be used on tires for tracking management to improve the level of logistics and quality management. In addition, soft links or soft tracking can be used to maintain links on the database between containers with RFID tags and parts.

Transparent management of vehicle logistics

By embedding smart RFID electronic tags in cars, the information management of vehicle logistics can be realized, and the problems of vehicle production, inventory management and sales management can be solved. The vehicle identification number (VIN) can be written into the RFID tag to realize the management of automobile electronic digital license plates. By reading the information stored in the vehicle smart RFID electronic tag, the accuracy and work efficiency of vehicle information can be improved, and the problems of after-sales service, product tracking and quality traceability can be solved.

Application in the whole process of automobile supply chain

Establish a system to track the whole process of vehicle supply chain, monitor vehicles in the assembly workshop by using reusable tags, track parts and vehicles with disposable paper RFID tags, and realize vehicle tracking management in the distribution center. RFID technology can also be used as an anti-counterfeiting mark for parts to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Implementation benefits

Error prevention and control

Apply radio frequency technology on the assembly line to meet the needs of users to customize cars. Through the cooperation of RFID tags and RFID readers, the accurate completion of automobile assembly tasks at each work point can be achieved to ensure that there will be no errors in the assembly process.

warehouse management

Establish a system to record the quality and batch information of supplier delivery. By recording the parts entering the enterprise with RFID tags, the model, type, batch, production date and other information can be recorded and managed, which is convenient for the warehouse's inbound and outbound management.

Real-time monitoring of production lines

Through RFID technology, the whole vehicle production process is tracked and managed, and the process and status of the product in the assembly workshop are monitored in real time to ensure the smooth operation and efficient management of the production line.

Cost control

Use modern logistics theory to improve the storage management of automotive parts and whole vehicles, optimize the production process, reduce the waste of production and temporary inventory, and thus achieve cost control and savings.

Product traceability

Through the recording and query of RFID tag information, the product production and manufacturing information can be traced, including production time, operator, inspector, batch, serial number, quality data, process data, test data, etc., as well as information such as rework and processing results. It can also trace product quality information, supporting parts manufacturer information, installation details, etc., to achieve the traceability of product batches and key components and improve the level of product quality management.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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