RFID Smart Toolbox Portable Toolbox Intelligent Management of Tools

Industry applications: Mainly used in aerospace, electric power, railways, prisons, firefighting and other industries to realize automatic and fast tool borrowing, return, positioning, search, maintenance and other functions

The RFID smart Tool box is one of the RFID smart tool management system solutions. The tool box uses RFID technology and uses software to allow the storage cabinet to automatically manage the tools with RFID tags Stored in the cabinet drawer. The scientific and automatic management of tools can be realized, which can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of tool management, and realize the information management of tools by enterprises and the refined control of FOD in the aviation industry. The main operating modes include tool box initialization, tool lending, tool return, daily/monthly inspection, transportation status lock, etc.

RFID Smart Toolbox Portable Toolbox Intelligent Management of Tools One-click Management of Maintenance Tools


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