Jewelry Management

RFID Jewelry Management Solution

Jewelry management is an important part of jewelers' daily work. For jewelers, how to manage these expensive Assets and maximize profits is particularly important. Introduce RFID radio frequency identification technology into jewelry management, affix RFID electronic tags to precious jewelry products, and use jewelry inventory equipment installed on the counter to monitor, control and track jewelry with RFID electronic tags to achieve rapid inventory and real-time Intelligent tracking and sales management. In order to track and record the entry and exit and sales process of jewelry products in an all-round way, the cumbersome and inefficient manual management and barcode scanning mode are replaced by automated, accurate and efficient new methods. Jewelry tags are RFID electronic tags. Each RFID electronic tag has a unique ID number. The weight, purity, grade, warehouse, cargo area, shelf and other jewelry information on the national inspection certificate are recorded on the label. RFID technology is introduced into jewelry management, and RFID tags are affixed to precious jewelry products, combined with jewelry inventory equipment installed on the counter to monitor, control and track the labeled jewelry, to achieve rapid inventory, real-time tracking and intelligent sales management.

RFID Jewelry Management Solution 3

The main application links of the RFID smart Store jewelry management system:

1. Jewelry booth supervision. In the jewelry sales process, the safety management of precious jewelry has always been the top priority. RFID electronic tags are added to the jewelry, and RFID Readers and antennas are built in the booth. The jewelry can be read in real time when it is in the booth. , the jewelry can be known by the backstage as soon as it is picked up, and the jewelry is always on the booth at all times. In addition, the salesperson can wear an RFID Wristband, which will be sensed when the hand is stretched out above the booth. Combined with the jewelry that has been taken away, it can be achieved that the jewelry that leaves the booth is in charge of a special person. In addition, the complicated inventory work is reduced when shifts are handed over.

2. Jewelry anti-counterfeiting, use RFID electronic tags to have the unique ID number in the world as the only identity certificate of jewelry, and associate various attributes of jewelry with ID numbers to achieve anti-counterfeiting and anti-smuggling management of jewelry.

3. Incoming and outgoing management, including delivery from the warehouse to a single store and transfer of goods between single stores, can be quickly and automatically identified on the operating table equipped with an RFID reader to complete the handover.

4. Warehouse inventory. For high-value jewellery, daily inventory is a basic and very important task. With the addition of RFID electronic tags, the entire inventory can be quickly checked, which greatly reduces the work pressure of employees.

RFID Jewelry Management Solution 2

RFID Jewelry Management Solution 3

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